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We’re going to have an exciting time in the study of God’s Word. You know, the entrance of His Word gives light and it gives understanding to the simple. As you come before the Word of God with the simplicity of your heart, ready to be equipped, ready to be empowered, ready to grow, and ready to align with the thoughts of God, the plan and the intent of God for your life.

Get ready, it’s going to be an exciting time together today. Call a friend, call a family member, help me share the video, let’s get the Word around the world. You know, as a ministry, there’s a mandate of God on our lives to reintroduce Jesus to this generation, equipping the believer to know who you are in Christ, what you have in Christ, and what Christ can do through you.

That’s the mandate that is driving us to get this Word to you, every opportunity we have. Now, listen, I have an instruction clearly to set up a global discipleship academy where I’m able to disciple as many of you as are following our teachings, as many of you as have been Christians, but nobody has discipled you. Discipleship is an opportunity where somebody that is being discipled is given an opportunity to learn the fundamentals, the basics, the things that enables you to live out your true realities in Christ, so that you’re able to know who you are in Christ, what you have in Christ, and what Christ can do through you.

You know, when Jesus rose from the dead in Matthew chapter 28, verse 18 to 20, he said all power is given to me, and then he said you go into all the Word and make disciples of all nations, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you. Discipleship is that opportunity where we’re able to teach you all the things that Jesus commanded and help you align with the plan, the purpose, and the will of God for your life. We’ve pushed out the adverts and I just want you not to be left out, so if you have not been discipled, you want me to disciple you, there’s an email on the screen right now.

If you shoot an email to that email address, we’ll respond to you quickly because we’re getting ready to start the classes. It’s going to be online, it’s global and online. We’re going to give you all the details that gets you enlisted into the class, and you say free discipleship, so you’re not paying any fees.

Secondly, those of you that are not able to send emails, we have a WhatsApp number from anywhere in the world. If you shoot us a WhatsApp message, we will send you all the info so you can be a part of the discipleship classes so we’re able to disciple you, equip you, and power you to fulfill the plan and the purpose of God for your life. That’s how we start 2022.

And thirdly, I have just come out with three books of mine and I want to encourage you to get copies of it. This one is Spirit Life. It’s powerful material that helps you right from Genesis.

The work of the over, over the waters, and God spoke. The Scriptures are replete with the work of the Spirit. So in this book, you’ll learn about the leading of the Spirit.

You’ll learn about knowing how the Father leads His children. You will know about the inward witness, impressions of the Holy Spirit. Powerful book.

It will change your life. The second book I just wrote is The Gift and Calling of God. There’s a call of God in your life how to locate that gifting and calling, how to straight up and walk in the fullness of His reality.

The third book is How to Win in Life, Walking in Love, the love of God that never fails. This book will equip you to walk above bitterness, strife. It will equip you to walk above all the things that the devil can offer anybody and it will help you never to give room to the devil.

These are three powerful materials that will change your life. Finally, remember, I also have a book. It’s called A Christocentric Meal.

It’s a daily devotional and they are similar notes that a pastor can preach in his church for three years. They are Christ-centered messages, very sound exegesis. It’s called A Christocentric Meal.

It’s on the screen. If you call our office or email our office to order for any of these books or all of it, I’m telling your office will get back to you quickly and make sure these materials get to where you are. Don’t forget that our mission as a church is to equip and empower you to live out your realities in Christ Jesus.

Glory to God. Alright, I’m expecting to hear from you today on Discipleship Academy because classes are starting any moment from now, so don’t procrastinate, don’t delay. Looking forward to hear from you.

Now first thing, your seat belts as I take you on a gospel adventure into the service where the spirit of our God is already moving. Happy fellowship. We have established that the Bible is one book that carries one message and has only one character.

Everybody else you see in the Bible is a pointer to the character, the pressing of the Christ. Can somebody shout hallelujah? That’s why Jesus himself in John 5.39 says such the scriptures for in them you think you have eternal life but they are they which testify of me the scriptures are my testimony. In Luke chapter 24 verse 27 and beginning from Moses he expanded unto them in all the scriptures, all of the scriptures, the things concerning himself.

So the scriptures therefore talk about one pressing and that is the pressing of the Christ. Second Corinthians 3 3 for as much as you are manifestly declared to be the epistle of Christ ministered by us written not with ink but with the spirit of the living God. So the New Testament is written with the spirit of the living God.

The Old Testament is written with ink but the New Testament is written with the spirit of the living God. Now we say that the difference between the Old Testament and the New Testament is not in books. The Old Testament is a relationship that is based on human effort, what man can do to satisfy God’s justice, what man can do to please God, what man, what efforts man can make to meet up God’s standard which never worked.

The New Testament is a relationship that is based on what Christ has done, what Christ has done on our behalf that has met God’s standard. So I do nothing but believe in what Christ has done then Christ takes up residence on my inside and begins to walk out through me what he has already done on my behalf on the cross. That’s what the New Testament constitutes of.

Can somebody shout a powerful amen? And then we begin to look at a number of things here in the book of Second Corinthians chapter 3 verse number 12. Seeing then that we have such hope we use great plainness of speech and what we mean by great plainness of speech is we use great boldness. We speak with boldness.

All right and this boldness is in our approach towards God. We no more approach God as cowards, we no more approach God as fragile people, we no more approach God as inferiors, we no more approach God as sinners that are not sure of what’s gonna happen. That plainness of speech means we approach God with boldness because our standard is not based on what we can do but based on what Christ has done that has been accepted by God.

Number two, the word great plainness of speech also means in our communication with God, how we relate and how we relate with God. We do not relate with God as if we’re not sure whether God wants to bless us, as if we’re not sure whether God wants to answer our prayers. We relate with God with such boldness and such confidence knowing that he has our interests and knowing that he lives in us and walks through us to establish his purpose on the earth.

Now we establish that in the Old Testament there’s a veil on the symbols, there’s a veil on the symbols. That’s why the Bible says even now when Moses is read there is a veil. What it means is that all the symbols that were point us to Christ are a veil.

So as long as you are still walking in the symbols you are veiled from Christ because you can’t be looking at the symbol and looking at Christ. The symbol is not Christ, the symbol is a pointer to Christ. The bread and the wine is a pointer to Christ.

What a baptism is a pointer to Christ. The animal sacrifices were a pointer to Christ. So as long as you’re still sacrificing animals you can see Christ because those symbols become a veil on you.

So when it says up till now when Moses is read there is a veil. That is when you continue to do the practices of the types and the shadows they say veil on you and you cannot see Christ. But when your heart shall turn from the practices to the Lord that veil will be taken.

I don’t know if I’m communicating. The veil will be taken. Then you now say now that Lord that your heart shall turn to is that spirit and where the spirit of the Lord is there is liberty.

I didn’t hear somebody shouting powerful amen. All right follow this, follow this. The epistles written by the Apostles in the New Testament it takes away the veil.

Amen. So when we study the epistles we see the liberty that Christ has made available to us. Every parable, every symbol is replaced by the passing of the Christ.

Every symbol, every parable that you find in the scriptures has been replaced because they were all pointers to the pressing of the Christ. Can somebody shout hallelujah. We know that parables are for unbelievers because Jesus spoke to them in parables and they ask him why do you speak to them in parables and he says I speak to them in parables because they are without.

They are without. So parables are for unbelievers. Parables are not for believers.

God does not speak to you in parables. He speaks to you in clear terms because you are not an unbeliever. You are not a part of him.

So because you and him are one he can speak to you cleanly. But unbelievers are not connected to him so they can handle what he will speak. They don’t have the capacity.

So they have to water down. Jesus have to water down whatever he spoke to unbelievers because they lack the capacity for spiritual understanding. So parables therefore are for unbelievers.

You don’t speak to born-again people with types and shadows. You speak to born-again people with plainness of speech because you see unbelievers don’t have the capacity to handle spiritual things. I can prove it to you.

John 16 verse 12. I have yet many things to say unto you but you cannot bear them now. What I want to say to you, you don’t have the capacity to handle it.

So I’m not going to speak to you what I want to say. That’s what Jesus was saying here. But when he the spirit of truth is come he will guide you into all the truth.

So right now what I’m saying that’s what Jesus implied. It’s not what I want to say. But because you lack the capacity to take what I want to say when he the spirit of truth is come.

Meaning when people become born again. Because born again is birthed by the spirit. You are born by the spirit.

That which is born of flesh is flesh. That which is born of spirit is spirit. So when he says when he the spirit of truth is come.

What you are saying is when you get born again you will have the capacity to receive of the things of the spirit. Because by that time you are born of the spirit. But before then I have many things to say that I cannot say because you cannot bear it.

But when he the spirit comes. That’s why the Bible says when you got born again the Holy Spirit came inside you as a well. As a well.

It is not the day you receive the Holy Ghost baptism that the spirit came in you. No. It is the Holy Ghost that came on your inside that we call born again.

You know some people say well if you don’t speak in tongues you don’t have the spirit of God. That’s not correct. Once you got born again you were born of the spirit.

The spirit entered you to born you again. So you already have the spirit inside you. It’s just that the spirit has not been allowed to express itself.

Now baptism of the Holy Ghost means you are now soaked in the spirit. That the spirit has saturated you to express himself. But that you’re born again you have the Holy Ghost.

Because if you don’t have the Holy Ghost what born you again? Born again the Holy Ghost is called a well. Baptism is called reverse. In John chapter 4 it shall be in him a well.

Everyone born again has the Holy Ghost inside. The Holy Ghost is living inside you. That’s why when you’re born again you are called the temple.

Exactly. And why I’m emphasizing this is because there’s been a lot of teachings you know in the body of Christ that except somebody speaking tongues he doesn’t have the spirit of God. That’s not true.

No man can say Jesus is Lord but by the Holy Ghost. So the day you confess Jesus as Lord it was the Holy Ghost in you that brought that confession out. That means you are born again by the Holy Ghost.

Are we clear? So once you got born again you are born of the spirit. Somebody say I’m born of the spirit. I’m born of the world.

Yeah you’re born of the spirit. But why you must get baptized with the Holy Spirit is because you are limited in your spiritual experience and your work with God and in your capacity to operate supernaturally if you don’t yield yourself and allow the Holy Spirit express himself. When he expresses himself he will now lead you into all truth.

He will now direct your steps. He will now communicate with God on your behalf in a language that is greater than English using the immortal language. He will now you know open you up to visions and dreams and revelations.

So if you don’t have that experience you are limited even though you are born again you are born of the spirit but the spirit is boxed inside you. It’s caged baptism releases the spirit to do what only the spirit can do in your life and take you to dimensions that your physical capacity cannot take you. You know that’s why when you get baptized with the Holy Ghost and you limit yourself you don’t pray in the spirit you don’t pray in tongues you just got baptized that first day and you finish and you stop there you are still like somebody that didn’t receive the baptism because the full the full maximizing of the baptism of the Holy Spirit is as you begin to speak in tongues.

That’s why Paul said that thank God that I speak in tongues more than all of you put together. No wonder he had visions and revelations more than everybody put together because when you begin to speak in tongues you unlock the realm of the supernatural. Am I communicating here? Yeah the end-time church is going to be a holy holistic church a church of men that are totally immersed saturated with the Holy Spirit because the days ahead are not days of natural men they are days of supernatural men the society is becoming too complicated you need the Holy Ghost to dismantle the complication of the days ahead.

Am I talking to somebody here? Yeah the times are becoming very complicated you need the help of the Holy Spirit can somebody shout hallelujah so it is in the epistles you will discover that the blood of Jesus has been shed you will not see that in the Gospels you will not see that in the shadows in the epistles the full import of the shedding of the blood is revealed Ephesians 1 17 to 20 that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ the Father of glory may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him the eyes of your understanding being enlightened that you may know what is the hope of his calling and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the sins and what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us what who believe according to the walking of his mighty power there is a walking there is a walking of his mighty power which he wrote in Christ when he raised him from the dead and set him at his own right hand in the heavenlies as we begin to study the book of Ephesians you will begin to see me knock out some things that are not in the original text for example places are not in the original text that’s why it’s in italics or is bracketed because it was added by the translators advantage but remember translators are not interpreters so we can correct the translators because they are not the ones interpreting their job was to translate from a language to another language but as they were translating I don’t know what came over them they started adding things trying to make it have natural meaning because when they talked heavenly they felt like heavenly is not correct English so they added places but how can be heavenly how can the heavenlies be plural heavenly places plural now by revelation places is out of place are we together here they translated without revelation we interpret with revelation so by revelation we can figure out we are the translators when beyond their boundary that is why we rightly divide the word of truth is the realm of the spirit praise the Lord so number one that you may know the hope of your calling that’s why the epistles are written the essence was to enlighten them the more these are people that Paul had ordained elders over to look after them so this letter was written to them by Paul Paul was not there physically he wrote to them to enlighten them it’s like somebody said why will I go to church if some of the time I go to church all they do is play video for me to watch why will I go to church just to watch Papa on video you don’t need to see Papa physically because whether you see me physically or not it is words that you will hear we’ve not seen Paul but we’re reading his books we’ve not seen Peter but we’re reading their books because we don’t need to see them what we need from them is what they have written am I communicating yes you don’t need to see me physically because even when you see me physically you’re not holding my leg you’re only hearing words God himself you don’t see him physically the only thing you get from God is what word so as long as you are hearing words and the words are ministering to your spirit that’s what you need then somebody said but I was there to my watch it no you can’t stay at home and watch it because beyond the words coming together produces an atmosphere of fellowship so we need to watch together and fellowship together does it say I hear you I’m not hearing you at all we need to gather together Bible said do not dismiss the assembling of yourselves together as the manner of some it’s much more as we see the day approach David said I wonder at the prosperity of the weekend I couldn’t understand until I came to the sanctuary then I understood so when we gather like this there is a level of revelation that is brought down in our fellowship together that you alone cannot bring down am I complicated at all so that’s why we are simple that’s why we assemble in Zion that’s why we’re simple to get any place of fellowship to listen now that doesn’t mean I’ll be writing you latest I would be here bodily yeah see me I’ll see you somebody shouting powerful amen but I’m just trying to make you see things you know in perspective from the scriptures now look at the book of Ephesians chapter 1 verse 1 Paul and a postal of Jesus Christ by the will of God to the saints to know that it is a letter this church listen this church in Ephesus was established by Paul he pastored them for three years after three years he left now he was in prison for a short while and while he was in prison they were seen beaten as a church so from prison he wrote them later to be read in the churches grace be to you and please from God our father and from the Lord Jesus Christ blessed the God and father of a Lord Jesus Christ who has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly in Christ with all somebody shot I am blessed with all I’m not hearing you I am blessed with all can I hear you louder I am blessed with all look you are not carrying passion blessing you are carrying the totality of blessings there is no more blessing that you that is waiting in front all the blessings that you will ever need in this life and in the light of come is already on your inside say with me I am blessed with all spiritual blessings I didn’t hear your amen blessed with all spiritual blessings in the because from the introduction of the subject of Ephesians you can see that the context says what you’re about to read is all the blessings that are yours blessed with all so the book of Ephesians is the book of all it means everything look at Ephesians chapter 4 verse 1 idea for the prisoner of the Lord beseech you that you walk worthy of the vocation wherewith you are called he was writing them later to remind them of things he taught them when he was physically with them to walk worthy of the vocation wherewith they are called now I love the book of Ephesians because it is a complete book and it is very systematic in his presentation Paul was so systematic in his geology that if you follow the Pauline theology spiritual maturity will not be a prayer point he wasn’t confused in his in his thoughts and presentation he was well organized he was very articulated in his speech and in his writings and in his books so this book is systematic in that chapter 1 chapter 2 chapter 3 of Ephesians tells you your position in Christ chapter 4 chapter 5 chapter 6 of Ephesians tells you your responsibilities in Christ so first of all he establishes your position in the first three chapters then in the other three chapters the last three chapters he now shows you your responsibilities I mean complete book a Christian can survive on it with the book of Ephesians just that one book because it shows you who you are and it shows you what to do and if you know who you are you know what to do what else are we together here is a that’s why it took time for us to study that book because I have looked at the book critically and I have seen that that book has so much to help you grow and be who God wants you to be I didn’t hear a powerful amen all right so Paul now begins to deal with your position and then he now begins to deal with your responsibilities look at Ephesians chapter 3 verse 20 now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we act or think according to the power that worketh in us what Paul is saying is there’s nothing you need anymore everything you need is at work inside you all blessings now that’s how he completes he started with telling you of all blessings he completes it chapter 3 by telling you this power that is working in you that can take you beyond any imagination able to do exceeding abundantly above all that you acts or think according to the power that worketh in you next verse unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages world without end amen can I hear a powerful amen thus a complete later chapter 1 to 3 is a complete letter he has concluded the letter with even a benediction that has a full stop in an amen chapter 4 is the beginning of another letter in a letter when he completed that by saying amen look at the way started chapter 4 chapter 4 verse 1 idea for idea for the prisoner is the beginning of a new thoughts are we together here so the book of Ephesians is divided into two segments into two segments chapter 1 to 3 what Christ has done in you who you are in Christ what you have in Christ chapter 4 walk walk wordy walk wordy you have a calling walk wordy you have a calling responsibility are we together here look at it walk wordy of the vocation we are with you accord it is a God will walk wordy for you he now says because of all that Christ has done in you what Christ has deposited in you idea for charge you to work you are the one to walk wordy of the vocation we are you are called you already have a calling leave out the reality of that calling so that’s the way chapter 4 starts it starts with unveiling to you the responsibilities that are yours because of who you are in Christ he didn’t start by saying walk wordy because there’s nothing to walk wordy off he first of all establish who you are in Christ and establish the capacity you have in Christ and the ability you have in Christ based on that walk word are we together here I was somewhere and some people were asking me a question but the Bible say walk out yourself with fear and I don’t know why people you know illiteracy is very big in the body of Christ people just pick scriptures and just cut them out of context is in Philippians chapter 2 verse 12 we are for my beloved brethren as you have always obey it not as in my presence only but now much more in my absence walk out your own salvation he didn’t say work for your own salvation he didn’t say work for your salvation don’t you understand English language the tenses are not put in there for nothing they are put in there for understanding work out that means is inside you already have it so bring it out are we understanding here it is a work for us you can work how can you offer did you were you there when it happened while you were yet seen us Christ died you were not there you were not even born again 2,000 years ago when he died he died for your future sins now that you woke up to realize that he has died for you and you have received what is that has provided he now is in you Jesus is in you based on that knowledge let that Jesus in you find expression am I teaching here work out your salvation not work for your salvation you work it out how do you work it out next verse it now shows you for it is God which work it in you but to be willing to work it out and to do his good pleasure you cannot do his good pleasure by yourself he is still the one that will produce it in you when you allow him so your responsibility is to allow him how you allow him number one by sitting down for us to teach you who you are what you have because the moment you know who you are and what you have and what you’re capable of doing that is step one once you understand that you allow him to walk through you it is a walk for your salvation he’s a walk out your salvation then even in the working out of your salvation he still tells you it is still God that is the one that work it out he’s the one at work so just let him express himself I’m teaching good here let him express himself efficient chapter 1 chapter 2 chapter 3 he speaks about the work of Christ in us where we are seated in Christ who we are in him chapter 4 chapter 5 chapter 6 picks about the lifestyle of the believer the work of the believer the stand of the believer and he tells you we rescue believers we rescue he doesn’t say because of what Christ has done everything is finished no no no he said after what Christ has done now you walk you stand you wrestle am I teaching based on what Christ has done you walk you stand you wrestle you will say well Christ has done it let me relax no you have responsibilities that’s why the book of Ephesians is a perfect book for discipleship it’s a perfect book for discipleship because he shows you who you are and he shows you what is expected of you teaching good from chapter 1 chapter 2 chapter 3 of Ephesians there is nothing for you to do there in chapter 1 chapter 2 chapter 3 there is nothing you can offer it is only what he has done he has done he had he had he had them from chapter 4 what you are to do sit walk stand sit walk stand he has made us sit together with him he has raised us up with him having done all to stand stand walk wordy sit stand walk responsibilities sit stand walk but before you sit stand walk you must know who you are what you have what he has done based on that sit stand walk teaching good that’s a book of Ephesians that’s a summary of what that book carries and we shall go into the details of it are you excited I’m already excited all right now so chapter four to six of Ephesians chapter four chapter five chapter six you will see the ongoing walk you know how many of you remember I told you that there is the finished work there is the ongoing walk and there is the unfinished walk did I say that there is the finished work of Christ there is the ongoing walk of Christ in our lives today and there is the unfinished work of Christ which is evangelism which is prayer Christ didn’t finish prayer and Christ didn’t finish evangelism. Those are unfinished work. Giving is unfinished work.

Christ didn’t finish giving. Alright? We give because that is part of the work. Christ did not finish.

We are to finish. Why do we give? Because evangelism and the kingdom requires money. Money is the machinery of evangelism and kingdom building.

Plenty of it. Not meager change. Not collection.

Plenty of money. That is the unfinished work. You know when Jesus was from the dead, the Jewish people brought big money and paid the soldiers to advertise that he was stolen, that he didn’t rise.

And the Bible says they went everywhere and it was established all over Israel that Jesus didn’t rise from the dead. Do you know till today that lie that was sponsored by money is still persisting in Israel? Jewish people are still waiting for Jesus to come because they were told that he was stolen. He didn’t rise.

Till today they are waiting for the Messiah. That’s the power of money. Money can be used to cover truth for millenniums.

I mean for decades. Money. So the same way money can be used to cover truth, money can be used to market truth everywhere.

Am I talking to somebody here? Yeah. That’s what the Bible say. Cry it saying your city is through prosperity.

It shall spread abroad. Through what? As your enemy will come like thunder, you will have this money. Because the reason why some of you are not responding is because you don’t have it.

Whatever looks like luck in your life is terminated. Receive supply. Receive supply.

Somebody said I have all blessings and I will flourish in the pursuit of my destiny for the advancement of the kingdom. I didn’t hear that even in the thunder. So the unfinished work of Christ is prayer, evangelism, and finances given for the work of God.

The ongoing work of Christ is what God is doing in us today through teaching, through our spiritual growth in this house. The finished work of Christ is what Christ has done and you will see all of this properly represented in the book of Ephesians. Hallelujah.

The position of the believer and the responsibilities of the believer. Acts 91. And it came to pass that while Apollos was at Corinth, Paul having passed through the upper coast came to Ephesus and finding certain disciples.

This was the beginning of the church at Ephesus because we’re studying the book of Ephesians. He said unto them, have you received the Holy Ghost since you believed? And they said unto him, we have not so much as heard whether there be any Holy Ghost. And he said unto them, unto what then were you baptized? And they said unto John’s baptism.

Then said Paul, John verily baptized with the baptism of repentance, saying unto the people that they should believe on him what should come after him. That is on Christ. Next verse.

When they had laid his hands upon them, the Holy Ghost came on them and they specked with tongues and prophesied. That was the beginning of the church at Ephesus. It began with these men.

Paul met them. They were disciples of John. These people were disciples of John and they were learning something because if you are a disciple, you must be learning something.

Okay. So what were they learning? Well, they told Paul that they know the baptism of John. And Paul said unto them, haven’t you heard of Jesus? They said we have not even heard of the Holy Ghost.

We have not heard of the Holy Ghost. All we know is the baptism of John. Now we need to quickly establish what is the baptism of John.

Because all they knew, that was the beginning of the church at Ephesus. All the disciples knew was the baptism of John. That means that the baptism of John was written from Old Testament books.

Old Testament, because they were always taught in the scriptures. So the baptism of John must have been drawn from the Old Testament books. So what is the baptism of John? And I’m going to get that in a second, but look at this.

This was not the first time Paul came to Ephesus. Before Acts 19, Paul came to Ephesus before, but he didn’t stay. He just entered Ephesus and went out.

Acts 18, verse 2 to 4. And found a certain Jew named Aquila, born in Pontus, let it come from Italy with his wife Priscilla, because that Cladios had commanded all Jews to depart from Rome and came unto them. Next verse. And because he was of the same craft, he abode with them and wrought for by their occupation, they were tentmakers.

So Paul was a tentmaker. Aquila and Priscilla were tentmakers. All right, next verse.

And he resumed in the synagogue every Sabbath and persuaded the Jews and the Greeks. Paul came into Ephesus and met with these people. He met with Aquila and Priscilla because their profession was the same.

Acts 18, 19, and he came to Ephesus and left them there. But he himself entered into the synagogue and listened with the Jews. When they desired him to tarry longer with them, he consented not.

So he briskened into Ephesus and went out. In chapter 19 was the first time he now came in properly into Ephesus to do any form of ministerial work. Look at that Acts chapter 18, verse 24.

And a certain Jew named Apollos, born of Alexandra, an eloquent man, mighty in the Scriptures, came to Ephesus. This Apollos was mighty in the Scriptures. He also came to Ephesus after Paul had left Ephesus.

Apollos did not meet Paul in Ephesus. Paul had left. Verse 25.

This man was instructed in the way of the Lord, and being fathomed in the Spirit, he specked and taught diligently the things of the Lord, knowing only the baptism of John. Apollos was mighty in Scripture. But he knew only the baptism of John.

Again, what is the baptism of John? Stand on your feet. Listen to me, people. You are light be ours to this generation.

You are the light of this generation. Can somebody shout, hallelujah. The Holy Ghost lives on your inside.

Right where you are standing, hearing the sound of my voice, the spirit of revelation is on your inside. As your Amen will come like thunder, every veil is taking off your eyes. The spirit of revelation is at work on your inside.

Somebody say with me, I am born of God. I am born of the spirit. I am born of the world.

I am regenerated by the Holy Ghost. I house God. He lives in me.

I live in him. Therefore, all blessings are on my inside. Right now, I am blessed with all spiritual blessings.

I didn’t hear your Amen. Listen to this. I want to pray for you, but listen carefully.

Some people, for lack of thorough understanding, will tell you all the blessings are in the Spirit. But when you pray well, you transfer them to the physical. There’s nothing like that.

There’s nothing like that. There is nothing like that. So in case you’ve been praying hard to transfer the blessings from the Spirit to the physical, you’ve been on a wrong assignment.

So stop that assignment. Nobody gives you work. Stop it.

Look at it. Efficient one, three. Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Who will bless us? Then if he has blessed you, there is no need transferring it from anywhere. Because if he has already blessed you, it means you already have it. Some say, but I want to see.

Don’t worry. You will understand now. Who has blessed us? Somebody Okay.

Now, who has blessed us with how many? All what? Spiritual blessings. We are in heavenlies. Where are the blessings in heavenlies? Where are the heavenlies in Christ? So where are the spiritual blessings in Christ? Where is Christ in you? See, so all the spiritual blessings are in you.

Now, when we talk of blessing, you think of car. You think of money. You think of house.

You think of job. That is why you think you have to transfer it. But when the Bible talks of blessing, it’s not talking of material stuff.

Because you don’t need Christ to buy car. How many of you know you don’t need Jesus to build a house? Most people that have houses don’t know Jesus. So you don’t need Jesus to have a house.

So when the scripture is talking of blessings, divorce materialities from your mind. That’s why he qualified it. He said, these blessings are spiritual.

These blessings are spiritual. They are not physical. Because physical things can be gotten by anybody.

And you can get them anyhow. You can steal it. As long as you’re not caught, it has become your property.

And nobody can collect it. I don’t know if we’re together here. You didn’t hear what I said.

Look at the way you’re looking at it. I said, you can steal it. And as long as nobody caught you, it has become your property.

True or false. So when the Bible is talking of spiritual blessings, it’s not talking about material stuff. Pia Patuna.

Peter helps us to understand. He says, you are called to an inheritance. Undefiled.

Undefiled. Number one. Okay.

Undefiled. Number two. Incorruptible.

Cars can be corrupted. Houses can be corrupted. I feel like I’m talking now.

Yeah. Cars, houses, money can be corrupted. But the blessings that you have in Christ are incorruptible.

Then he says, that fed not away. Hebo Latana. That fed not away.

Am I talking to somebody here? Reserve for you in heaven. Where is the reserve in heaven? Where is heaven? In Christ. In Christ.

In Christ. So somebody now says to me, but these blessings, can you itemize them? Yes, I can itemize them. Number one.

Forgiveness of sins. What is that? David also described that the blessedness of the man unto whom God imputed no sin. That’s a blessing.

I feel like I’m talking here. See, the problem with the church is we are carnal in our minds. So that’s why people come to church for cars.

They come to church for miracles. You should come to church to know Jesus because nothing can compare to the knowledge of Christ. Let me tell you.

That’s why you see, when you know Christ, you have joy that no material thing can collect. It is called joy, the past, all understanding. That is, your car had a problem.

Instead of driving your car to church and taking a pep. And you don’t mind the fact that people are looking at you, that a man like you is taking a pep. The joy of coming to fellowship with Christ is bigger than the dignity of car and can a pep.

It is that joy that makes you in spite of circumstances, you are still happy. Your joy is not tied to things. Your joy is tied to him.

Am I teaching here? Yes. Whether you have a job or you don’t have a job, it doesn’t stop your joy. When your joy is tied to things, you are far from Christ.

Your joy should be tied to Christ. When Christ, who is our life? If Christ is your life, the memory of Christ should make you happy. Look, when you think of Christ, you should just be happy.

Money, no money. Whether things are working or things are not working. Because I don’t need Christ for things to work.

Because there are people without Christ that things are working for. Am I talking to somebody here? But having Christ is having everything. It’s having everything.

And because I have Christ, it’s a matter of time. Things will answer to me. Because Christ cannot be in a place and things don’t work.

If they are not working, they will work. It just means that there are a few things I need to do. And as I work with Christ, the Holy Ghost will give me ideas and he will direct my thoughts as to what to touch to make it work.

I mean authority in Christ. So if there is a thing I need to rebuke, I will rebuke it. Natural men cannot rebuke, but I will rebuke.

Haven’t you seen more time millennials with cancer? Cancer. With all their money, the cancer cannot go. Yet a man of God, a child of God with Christ will live us on that cancer.

Bam! And it is out. That is the blessing. I feel like dancing.

I said that is the blessing. The blessing is Christ. Forgiveness of sins in whom we have redemption.

Even the forgiveness of sins by the riches of his grace. That’s why it is called on such a bull. It is no riches you can lay hand on.

It is riches you cannot steal. See, nobody can steal it. They can take your car, but they can’t take Christ.

And with Christ, you can become a car manufacturer. Instead of one car, you are the one selling cars. You become unbeatable.

A man that cannot be limited, and a woman that cannot be stopped. That revelation makes you keep your shoulders high. No matter what happens, I mean, how can a man be in prison and be writing letters? How can a man be in prison and be writing letters to church? And they are reading it all over the place.

Only a man that knows the joy of the Lord, that no matter the circumstances, your head can never go down. I prophesied to the first 1,000 of you, whose human will come like thunder. You will see the end of every storm.

You will see the end of every trial. You will see the end of every situation. You will see the end of every persecution.

Aye, I prophesied. Listen carefully. They can only run you down for so long.

They can run you down forever. You are blessed with every blessing. You are preserved by the power of God.

Now be confirmed against you shall prosper. Everywhere they have gathered against you, I command them to collapse for your sake. They that gather against you, they shall fall for your sake.

I declare every tongue speaking against you as your enemy will come like thunder. I condemn that tongue. He has said before you are open door.

No man can shut that door. No man can shut that door. No man can shut that door.

As your enemy will come like thunder, enter your open door. Enter your place of relevance. Enter your place of prominence.

Enter your place of authority. Enter your place of dominion. You are kept by the power of God.

You are preserved by the holy gods in the name of Jesus. Can that human slap the devil? Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome back.

I believe you’ve been affected and impacted by the Word of God. Now I decree and I declare that the word you receive today, revelation knowledge keeps increasing in your heart. You will walk in these realities and you will live an overcommerce life in Jesus name.

Amen. Now remember there’s a global discipleship academy and registration is going on right now. It’s a free online academy where I equip you and train you on the basics, the fundamentals that helps you to live out the riches of redemption.

If you have never been discipled before, even if you’re in a church somewhere, you’ve never been discipled before, you’ve been a Christian, nobody has discipled you before. Oh my goodness, this is your opportunity. You know discipleship doesn’t mean you’re a new Christian.

It just means that we’re able to take you through certain rudiments that also empowers you to disciple other people in the knowledge of Christ. Second Timothy, two policies to Timothy, the things you have heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit to faithful men who shall in turn commit to others. So if you want to join the academy today, don’t procrastinate.

There’s an email address on the screen. You can shoot an email to us right now. And also there’s a WhatsApp request and we’re willing to quickly make sure you’re enlisted in the global discipleship academy.

It’s an opportunity you don’t want to miss at all. Tell other people about it because this is very, very critical and crucial because the foundation of your Christian life is very critical. It determines everything that you do as a child of God.

Secondly, my books are available. I want to encourage you to order for them. There’s a phone number and there’s an email.

These are my new books, How to Win in Life, Walking in Love. The second one is the Gifts and Calling of God. The third one is Spirit Life.

These are new. They just came out. They will empower and equip you to work in victory.

Also, there’s a Christocentric meal, our daily devotional material. And you can also use it as a pastor for seven notes in your church for three good years without repeating any message. It’s a tool that empowers and equips you to fulfill your ministry effectively.

We love you guys. Always a joy to serve you the grace of God. Till I come back to you again on this same platform.

Enjoy the grace of God and be blessed. Amen. We are so victory station.

Things such as brotherhood has been marching to the promised land. Yes, that’s victory station.

Which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. That the mission of the scriptures is to bring a man to a place of wisdom in the subject of salvation. Now, we began to say that the word Holy Scriptures is the word Hagios Grafe, sacred writings.

And we said that the whole Bible is not the Holy Scriptures. Because when Paul was telling Timothy that from a child that was known the Holy Scriptures, there was no book of Timothy. In John 5.39, where Jesus said, search the scriptures, for in them you think you have eternal life, and they are they which testify of me.

There was no book of John. In Matthew, where Jesus said, you do err, because you know not the scriptures, nor the power of God. There was no book of Matthew.

So that means there were no gospels, and there was no epistle when the scriptures were made reference to. In Mark 4.11, Jesus said to them, unto you is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom. So, the mysteries of the kingdom, therefore, was what was contained in the scriptures.

So where is the scriptures? Then we said the scriptures would refer to Genesis, to Malachi. Then what is Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John? Well, your Bible has it as New Testament, but that’s not the New Testament. Because Matthew 26.28, we saw it in the first service, that Jesus said, this is the New Testament in my blood.

So until the blood was shed, there was no New Testament. So the New Testament came out of the shedding of his blood. Hebrews 9.15, and for this cause, he is the mediator of the New Testament.

The mediator of what? The New Testament. How did the New Testament come forth? That by means of death. So the New Testament came out of death, by means of death, for the redemption of the transgressions that were under the first testament, that they which are called might receive the promise of eternal inheritance.

So the New Testament came by means of death. A little further, verse 16. For where a testament is, there must also of necessity be the death of the testator.

Next verse. For a testament is of force after men are dead. Otherwise, it is of no strength at all while the testator live it.

So it was after Jesus died that the New Testament was brought in. So where is the New Testament? Acts 2 Revelation. So how do we know that Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John are not New Testament books? Very easy.

Galatians chapter 4, verse 4. But when the fullness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law. So Jesus was born where? So Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John are what? They are books of the law. It’s clear.

That’s why I say for us to subject ourselves in the last service to the translators will be lazy work. Because we only interpret the scriptures in Christ. All scriptures are interpreted where? In Christ.

So until you see Christ, you can’t interpret the scriptures. So Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John are transition books or eyewitness accounts recording the humanity of Christ. Then Acts 2 Revelation is a New Testament.

And then we also said that Genesis to Malachi is not the Old Testament because it didn’t start in Genesis. How do we know that? Hebrews chapter 8, verse 8. For finding fault with them is said, Behold the days come, saith the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah, not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day when I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt, because they continue not in my covenant, and I regarded them not, saith the Lord. So the old covenant started in the day when he took them by the hand.

It is called Exodus or the movement of the people. So what is Genesis? The beginning. How do we know that? Matthew 19, 3. The Pharisees also came out to him, tempting him and said unto him, Is it lawful for a man to put away his wife for every cause? Next verse.

And he answered and said unto them, Have you not read, where was Jesus quoting from? Genesis. Yes, he was quoting from Genesis. Have you not read that he which made them at the beginning made them male and when did he make them? At the beginning.

So what is Genesis? At the beginning. So Genesis, beginning. Exodus to Malachi, Old Testament or mystery or scriptures or Jesus concealed.

Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Eyewitness accounts of the humanity of Christ or transitional books from the law to the New Testament. Acts to revelation, New Testament or Jesus revealed or it is called the revelation of the scriptures.

Romans 16, 25. Put it up. Now to him that is of power to establish you according to my gospel and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery.

The revelation of the mystery. The Old Testament mystery. The New Testament, the revelation of the mystery, which is Jesus revealed.

The Old Testament, Jesus concealed. Are we in the house? So Genesis, beginning. Exodus to Malachi, scriptures, Jesus concealed or mystery.

Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Transitional books, eyewitness account or historical accounts of the humanity of the Christ. Acts to revelation, New Testament or Jesus revealed or the revelation of the mystery.

Is it clear? Now that’s the way to understand the scriptures in the light of Christ. You see the scriptures in the light of Christ. Not based on what the translators has apportioned.

Because the translators themselves didn’t have revelation. The fact that it translated didn’t mean they had the revelation of what they were translating. So we say there is one message that binds all of the Bible together.

What is that message? The sufferings of Christ and the glory that will follow. That’s the message. That’s the entire message of the book called the scriptures.

That’s the entire message of the Old Testament and the entire message of the New Testament. Because Jesus called them fools and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken. Okay.

And what was the message of the prophets but not Christ who have suffered these things and to enter into his glory. And beginning at Moses and all the prophets he expounded to them in all the scriptures. The things concerning himself.

He’s the message of the scriptures. Are we together here? Look once you catch what I’m sharing here now. You are good to go.

Where revelation knowledge is concerned. So what was Paul’s dealing with the book of Acts? What was the heart of Paul’s messages? Let’s look at one of Paul’s messages and see what was the text or the context of his message. Acts chapter 13.

How did Paul preach? Did he just preach from his head or how did he preach? Acts 13 14. But when they departed from Pega they came to Antioch and Pisidia and went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day and sat down. Next verse.

And after the reading of the law, the reading of what? And the prophets. The rulers of the synagogue sent unto them, saying, Ye men and brethren, if you have any word of exhortation for the people, say on. Okay.

They have read the law. They have read the prophets. Then the elders of the synagogue now said, Men and brethren, if anybody has a word of exhortation for the brethren, stand up and say on.

Are we together here? All right. Next verse. Then Paul stood up and beckoning with his hand said, Men of Israel, and ye that fear God, give audience.

Because there was a lot of people are talking, you know, synagogue. Synagogue was a noisy place. So you had to call the attention together.

All right. Next verse. The God of these people of Israel chose our fathers and exalted the people when they built as strangers in the land of Egypt.

Where is he quoting from now? Exodus. He has started his journey. He has gone to Exodus.

And with an high arm brought them out of it. Where is that? Exodus. Still talking about how God brought Israel out of Egypt.

But this quote is from Psalms. He brought them out by a mighty hand. It’s David that gives that account.

So he’s quoting from Exodus and Psalms already in his message. Are you catching this now? Next verse. And about the time of 40 years suffered he their manners in the wilderness.

Where is he quoting from? Exodus again. Next verse. And when he had destroyed seven nations in the land of Canaan, he divided their land to them by law.

Where is he quoting from? Deuteronomy. He has entered Deuteronomy. Can you see that the message of Paul was not created by Paul? He drew it out of the scriptures of the prophets from the law.

Because that’s the way to preach. What makes your message authentic is that it has reference to the body of truth called the scriptures. Next, next, next.

And after that, he gave unto them judges about the space of 450 years until Samuel the prophet. Now he’s quoting from the book of Samuel. See that? Next verse.

And afterward, they desired a king, and God gave unto them Saul, the son of Kis, a man of the tribe of Benjamin, by the space of 40 years. Next verse. And when he had removed him, he raised up unto them David to be their king, to whom also he gave testimony and said, I have found David, the son of Jesse, a man after my own heart, which shall fulfill all my will.

He’s teaching, he’s preaching now. Next verse. Of this man’s seed had God, according to his promise, raised unto Israel a savior.

See the way he traveled with them, traveled with them, and arrived at the message of Jesus. Because that’s the message. But because he’s dealing with Jewish people, he’s dealing with their mind, he has to take them from the known to bring them to the message.

Am I communicating at all? All right, look at the next thing he will say to them. When John had first preached before his coming the baptism of repentance to all the people of Israel, where is he caught in from? The gospels. See? Law, prophets, law, prophets, gospels.

Next verse. And as John fulfilled his cause, he said, Whom think ye that I am? I am not he, but behold, there cometh one after me whose shoes of his feet I am not worthy to lose. Next verse.

Men and brethren, children of the stock of Abraham, and whosoever among you feareth God, to you is the word of this salvation sent. Next verse. For they that dwell at Jerusalem and their rulers, because they knew him not, nor yet the voices of the prophets, which I read every Sabbath day, they have fulfilled them in condemning him.

Now he’s entering the sufferings of Christ. That’s the message. Next verse.

And though they found no cause of death in him, yet desired the Pilate that he should be slain. And when they had fulfilled all that was written of him, they took him down from the tree and laid him in a sepulchre. He has entered the cross.

He has entered barrier. Teaching good. Next verse.

But God raised him from the dead. Resurrection. Next verse.

And he was seen many days of them which came up with him from Galilee to Jerusalem, who are his witnesses unto the people. Next verse. And we declare unto you glad tidings, how that the promise which was made unto the fathers, God hath fulfilled the same unto us, their children.

In that he has raised up Jesus again, as it is also written in the second Psalm. He has gone to Psalm. Thou art my son.

This day have I begotten thee. See the way they preach? That is how to preach. Your message is incomplete without the message of the Christ.

The death, the burial, the resurrection. Are we together here? All right. Next verse.

And as concerning that he raised him up from the dead, now no more to return to corruption. He said on this wise, I will give you the sure basis of David. Next verse.

Wherefore he said also in another Psalm, thou shalt not suffer the holy one to see corruption. Next verse. For David, after he had served his own generation by the will of God, fell on sleep and was laid unto his fathers and saw corruption.

But he whom God raised again saw no corruption. Next verse. Be it known unto you, therefore, men and brethren, that through this man is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins.

And by him all that believe are justified from all things from which you could not be justified by the law of Moses. Now he has carried the law, put it down and exalted Christ. That’s the message.

Are you following? So that is the mess all through the scriptures. If you are a good student, that’s how you will keep seeing the scriptures unveiling themselves. Because all of scripture is tied in the message of the Christ.

Is tied where? In the message of the Christ. He quoted from Old Testament. He quoted from the four gospels.

Paul didn’t just preach. He quoted from inspired writings. Look at Acts 17 verse 10.

And the brethren immediately sent away Paul and Silas Barnight unto Berea. Who coming thither went into the synagogue of the Jews. Always going to the synagogue of the Jews.

Why? Because in the synagogue the Old Testament was read. Okay. And the brethren immediately sent away Paul and Silas Barnight unto Berea.

And coming thither went into the synagogue of the Jews. Next verse. These were more noble than those in Thessalonica.

In that they received the word with readiness of mind and searched the scriptures daily whether these things were so. It is from here many churches called their church Berean church. People called themselves Berean Christians.

Because they said the Bereans were noble. They thought noble means the Bereans were Christians. They were believers.

The Bereans were not Christians. The word noble there means they were educated. They were educated.

They were intelligent. That’s the meaning of noble. It’s not a virtue.

It’s just one of their qualifications. How do we know? Because some people say they search the scriptures daily. They were not searching because they believed.

They were searching to see if what they were telling them was true. Now next verse. Therefore many of them believed after they searched.

So the Bereans were not Christians. They believed also of honorable women which were Greeks and of men not a few. Honorable means they were educated.

They were enlightened and they were highly placed in society. That’s why they were noble. They were not noble because they were students of the Bible.

They were noble because that is how educated they were in society. Am I communicating? Alright. Next verse.

But when the Jews of Thessalonica had knowledge that the word of God was preached of Paul at Berea, they came thither also and steered up the people. They did what? They steered up the people. So it was when they had the message that they believed.

When they had the message that they believed. That is why you see the writings of Paul were always around the message of the Christ because that’s what makes it authentic. That’s what makes it, you know, scripture.

Can somebody shout hallelujah? Can somebody shout hallelujah? So is there contradictions in the Bible? No. Can we have contradiction in accounts? Yes. Why? Because men wrote.

You could find contradictions in accounts because men wrote. But the Bible itself does not contradict itself because it is one message. So no contradiction.

And these things were written progressively. They were written how? Progressively. So what is the Old Testament? You know, we talked about it in the last service.

The Old Testament, therefore, reveals man’s state of helplessness. It shows that man is helpless. What is the New Testament? The New Testament reveals God’s help to man.

Old Testament, man is helpless. New Testament, God’s help to man. Are we together here? Yeah.

In Romans 5, 8, while we were yet without Christ, he died for the ungodly. So he didn’t die for us because we were good. He died for us because we couldn’t help ourselves.

That is why the death of Christ is grace. It’s God reaching out to us in favor and giving us what we don’t deserve. That’s why it’s love.

For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son. We never deserved him. And that’s why all that we’re required to do is to believe.

Because there’s nothing we can offer that is good enough. If we could offer, there would be no need for Christ. He came because there’s nothing we could do.

So our job is to receive what he has brought and be contented with it. Are we together here? In the book of Romans 8, 32, he that spared not his son but gave him up for us, how shall he not also with him freely give us all this? So God has already punished sin by punishing Jesus. Can I hear you say that? Say it again.

God has already punished sin by punishing Jesus. Can I hear it louder? So that means it will be unjust for God to punish you for sin. It will be unjust for God to punish you for sin.

Because that punishment that he will have put on you, he put it on Jesus. So when you believe in Jesus, what Jesus took, you begin to benefit from it. It is called righteousness.

Is it clear? That’s the message. That’s the message of Christ. That’s the message of the grace of God.

That’s the message of what Christ has done for mankind. The prophets prophesied of the sufferings of Christ. And Paul to the Ephesians church taught them the whole counsel of God.

What did he teach them? He taught them the whole counsel of God. In Acts 20 from 17, you will see that. Where did he get the whole counsel of God from? He got it from the Old Testament.

He taught them from Genesis to Malachi. He taught them from the four gospels. And he taught them the whole counsel of God.

So all of the teachings from Genesis to Malachi to the gospels, what is it called? The whole counsel of God. And how is this summarized? Grace. It is summarized as what? As the grace of God.

The whole counsel of God is summarized as the grace of God. Romans 16, 25, look at it. Now to him that is of power to establish according to my gospel and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery which was kept secret since the world began.

So there’s a mystery that was kept secret. But now it is revealed. Next verse.

But now it’s made manifest. And by the scriptures of the prophets. Scriptures of what? The prophets.

According to the commandment of the everlasting God, made known to all nations for the obedience of the faith. See that? It is called the scriptures of the prophets. So what makes the writings of Paul authenticated, especially the book of Ephesians? Why must we study it? Because first of all, Paul was an apostle who wrote Ephesians.

And his apostleship was authenticated by other apostles. We saw that in Acts 11, Acts 12, Acts 9, Acts 13, Acts 15. How that Paul’s apostleship was authenticated by other apostles.

Peter writing about Paul in 2 Peter said, We know our brother Paul, how that he spake things that are hard to be understood. And he admitted that the writings of Paul are the same with other scriptures. Did we see that? Number two, we must read the book of Ephesians because Paul spoke from the Old Testament.

He kept quoting everything from the Old Testament. Number three, we must read from the book of Ephesians because Paul spoke of the sufferings of Christ and the glory that will follow, which is the thread that ties the whole scriptures together. Can somebody say Amen? So based on these three things I have said, we can safely study the book of Ephesians.

Let’s see the Old Testament. You know, let’s see the Old Testament a bit. The Old Testament is not just a book, but the Old Testament is a covenant.

A covenant is a relationship, not just a historical time. A covenant is what? A relationship. The Old Testament started when God took Israel from Egypt to the promised land.

Now, if you read the book of Hebrews chapter 11, are you sure you are ready for this? If you read the book of Hebrews chapter 11 very carefully, you will see people in the book of Hebrews who lived by faith, who lived by faith under the Old Testament. That means they were under the law but they didn’t live by the law. They lived by faith because the law is not of faith.

They were under the law but didn’t live by the law. They lived by faith because the law is not of faith. Am I teaching? How many of you know that Moses gave them the law but didn’t keep the law? Are you aware? Moses didn’t keep the law.

He gave them. He didn’t keep. Why did he give them? He explained.

He said, there are children in whom there is no faith. He said, even if I give them grace, they will not collect it. They are hardened.

The only thing they will understand is law. So he gave them. Jesus said, Moses, because of the hardness of your heart, gave you the law.

And to show you that Moses didn’t keep the law with them, Moses kept saying to them, the Egyptians you will see. Not the one we see, the one you see. You will see no more.

Not we, you. Are we together here? Under the law, you don’t marry outside of Israel. If you marry outside of Israel under the law, you will be stoned.

Moses went to Ethiopia in Africa and married an African princess and took her to him, to wife, to him, to wife. That’s in James English. He took her to him, to wife.

And Miriam and Aaron, who were elders of Moses by age, called him and scolded him. And were rebuking him for doing that. God separated the meeting.

And said to Miriam and Aaron, where are you guys talking? I talked to Moses. How dare you guys rebuke Moses? Miriam, take leprosy. Aaron, get out of here.

Moses, have a nice time. He broke the law. And after breaking the law, he didn’t even repent.

God defended him. Why? He was not under the law. They were under the law.

He was under faith. That’s why Hebrews 11, Moses by faith. So all through the Old Testament, under the law, you will see people that didn’t live by the law, but they functioned by faith.

So that means the Old Testament is not books, it’s a relationship. The New Testament also is not books. It’s a relationship because there were people in the New Testament who were under the law.

Acts 15. They were still circumcising people. They were still eating meat.

They were still staying away from meat sacrifice to idols. Because to them, they were idols. But we know that there is no idol.

I’m teaching here. Praise God. Look at Romans chapter 4 verse 6 so you understand what I’m saying very clearly.

Even as David also described the blessedness of the man unto whom God imputed righteousness without works. Saying, blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven and whose sins are covered. Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin.

So under the Old Testament, where sin was being punished, there were people that sinned and God didn’t impute it on them. Why? They were living in the New Testament under the Old Testament. Why? Because the New Testament is not a dispensation of time.

Neither is it books. It’s a relationship. We’re in this house.

It’s not books. It’s a relationship. Same thing with the New Testament.

Genesis 15.6. Look at this. That’s New Testament in the beginning. And he believed in the Lord and he counted it to him for what? That’s a New Testament reality.

That is the spirit of the New Testament. That he that walketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness. Abraham enjoyed New Testament grace.

Why? Because the New Testament is older than the Old Testament. The New Testament is older than the Old Testament. Have I taught that before? Yeah.

That’s why I was enjoying New Testament grace. People live by faith. That means under the Old Testament, the people were functioning in New Testament.

Amen. I said, amen. In 2 Corinthians 3, 3, where we read, we saw that the New Covenant is not written in a book, but it’s written in the tables of the heart.

Written where? In the tables of the heart. Look at that 2 Corinthians 3, 3. For as much as you are manifestly declared to be the pistol of Christ, ministered by us, written not with ink, but with the spirit of the living God, not in tables of stone, but in fleshly tables of the heart. Next verse.

And such trust have we through Christ to God’s word. Next verse. Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think anything else of ourselves, but our sufficiency is of God.

Can I hear you shout it very loud? My sufficiency is of God. Let’s say it two more times. One more time.

That’s the spirit of the New Testament. Next verse. We who also have made us able ministers of the New Testament, not of the later, but of the spirit.

For the later kill it, but the spirit give it life. But if the ministration of death written and engraved in stones was glorious, so that the children of Israel could not steadfastly behold the face of Moses for the glory of his countenance, which glory was to be done away, how shall not the ministration of the spirit be rather glorious? Next verse. For if the ministration of condemnation be glory, much more does the ministration of righteousness exceed in glory.

For even that which was made glorious had no glory in this respect, by reason of that which excelled. For if that which is done away was glorious, much more that which remaineth is glorious. Seeing then that we have such hope, we use great plainness of speech.

What do we use? We use great plainness of speech. Now, when he said great plainness of speech, what he’s saying is we have greater boldness. We have greater boldness.

Number one, in our approach towards God, we are very explicit, we are bold, and we have the liberty of communication. Number two, in our communication with God, we use plainness, boldness to communicate. How do we know that that’s what he’s saying in verse 12? Look at verse 13.

And not as Moses, who put a veil over his face, that the children of Israel could not steadfastly look to the end of that which is abolished. There was a veil. Next verse.

But their minds were blind. For until this day remained the same veil untaken away in the reading of the Old Testament. Which veil is done away? Where? In Christ.

You know what he means? In the Old Testament, there’s a veil. What is the veil? Symbols. The symbols are the veil.

As long as you keep looking at bread and ribena, you won’t see Christ. As long as you keep looking at Goya oil, you won’t see Christ. As long as you’re looking at all those things are a veil.

And those things describe Moses. The writings of Moses. But when your heart will leave the elements and turn to Christ, you see Christ.

Are we teaching here? Yeah. Up to now, there’s a veil in their hearts. As long as they keep reading the Old Testament and practicing the practices.

As long as they keep going with shadows and types. Instead of Holy Ghost baptism, they’re still looking for evil. To go and soak into.

You know? Instead of eating the world and confessing the world, they’re still looking for bread and wine. They won’t see Christ. They will stay under the shadows.

They will be dabbling around with the veil. But when the heart shall leave the veil and all the elements. And all the rituals and types.

And face Christ. Christ is revealed. Praise the Lord.

I’m teaching here. If that veil is not taken, you can’t see Christ clearly. So, in the New Testament, we don’t call physical elements the body of Christ.

Wine, blood of Christ. Water, newness of life. Temple, physical building.

That was Old Testament. In the Old Testament, the temple was a physical building. In the New Testament, your body is a temple of the Holy Ghost.

In the Old Testament, bread and wine was the body of Christ. In the New Testament, the Word of God preached by the Spirit is the body of Christ. Are you understanding? You know, somebody asked me this.

People need to read their Bible. Somebody asked me, but Jesus said, do this in remembrance of me. What Jesus was saying is not memorial service.

In remembrance means do this with me in your mind. Because this is supposed to point you to me. Do this with me in your mind.

Then somebody said to me, but the Bible said, you keep doing it till the Lord comes. That till he comes in the original is till he dies. You do this till Jesus dies.

Because this will serve purpose to help you till he dies. But when he dies and rises from the dead, you don’t need that again. Because now he will live inside you.

I don’t know if I’m teaching here. You see, you do this till he comes. That coming in the original means till he dies.

Till he dies. Till he comes because he had not come. That was the first coming, not the second coming.

It’s not like keep doing it till the trumpet sound. Keep doing these things as Old Testament elements till he comes. Now when he came, that coming was the coming to die.

So till he comes means till he dies. So after he died, you don’t need the elements. Because now he is no more a physical person.

He is now a spirit living inside you. Am I teaching? Hallelujah. You are catching the revelation, eh? Yeah.

There’s somebody confronting. He said, look, Dr. Abel, you are destroying communion. It’s not a good thing.

I said, oh, I’m sorry. I’m sorry you feel bad. But what’s the matter? You see, even Jesus said and Paul quoted.

You do this till he comes. Jesus hasn’t come. The church is supposed to be doing it till the trumpet sound.

I said, hey, let’s do exegesis. Let’s do what? On it. The word till he comes means till he dies.

He said, really? I said, check it. Oh. His eyes.

See, when scriptures are interpreted properly, people’s eyes open. Once you interpret it properly, their eyes open. He said, oh, oh.

Okay, I’ll go and check it. I said, you better check it very carefully. And if you’re still confused, call me.

We’ll keep clearing it. Our mission is to make all men see. You show the Lord’s death till he dies.

Now he has died. You don’t show his death anymore. Because he’s no more dead.

He’s now alive. We are no more showing his death. We are now enjoying the benefits of his death because he’s now alive.

He’s no more living in mortal flesh. He lives now as a spirit in our hearts. Praise the Lord.

Praise the Lord. Somebody shout beyond the shadows. Can I hear you shout it again? So the epistles take away the veil.

When you read Moses outside the New Testament, you will read with the veil. You will start seeing Goya oil. You will start seeing feet washing.

You will start seeing handkerchief as mantle. You will start seeing anointing oil as anointing. You will start seeing bread and ribena as communion.

You will start seeing water baptism as baptism. But once you read the scriptures outside of the Old Testament, you look at it in Christ. Instead of seeing elements, you will see a person.

Hallelujah. Instead of seeing elements, you will see a person. When you read with the understanding of Christ, look at it in verse 16 of that Corinthians.

Nevertheless, when it shall turn to the Lord. The moment you leave those things and you face Christ, the veil shall be taken away. Next verse.

Now the Lord is that spirit. And where the spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. Verse 18.

We all with open face. With what? No more veil. No more water baptism.

No more eating of things. No more oil. With open face.

Teaching good. No more veil. Beholding.

Once the veil goes, what do you see? You behold the very glory of God as in a mirror. We are changed into that same image as by the spirit of God from glory to glory. Can’t you see the glory is increasing? It’s increasing because we are no more under the veil.

The scriptures are becoming clear. The intent of God. The thought.

The mindset of God is being revealed to us. Because the veil is no more there. The veil is taken away.

Because our hearts have turned to the Lord. Somebody say the veil is taken away. Our hearts have turned to the Lord.

Unveiled faces. That’s what we have. Praise the Lord.

I say praise the Lord. Jesus said do this in remembrance of me. What was that remembrance? He said do this with me in mind.

Now today you don’t need to do it with him in mind. It’s no more in your mind. It’s in your heart.

As revealed in the scriptures. Praise the Lord. Oh, I say praise the Lord.

Oh, I say praise the Lord. The minute I confess Jesus, I have eaten bread and I have drank his blood. The moment I confess.

Look at me, everybody. The New Testament is not things. The New Testament is spiritual.

The Old Testament is physical. The New Testament is spiritual. How do we know that? Ephesians 1.3 put it up.

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath what? Blessed us with all what? The New Testament is spiritual blessings. See, in the Old Testament they went to physical battle. They did what? They went to physical battle.

They fought and conquered cities. But in the New Testament, the weapons of our warfare. But they are mighty to the pulling down of strong.

For though we walk in the flesh, we do not walk after the flesh. You see that? In the Old Testament, a land was called promised land. A city, a town.

In the New Testament, we are come to Zion. Zion is not a place. Zion is a realm.

Are you watching that? Is it getting clear? In the Old Testament, it was physical things. In the New Testament, it’s spiritual. Because after Jesus died and rose, it’s no more physical.

It’s now spiritual. We are no more dealing with types and shadows. We are dealing with the substance.

Somebody say, I have the substance. In the person of Christ, he lives in me. I didn’t hear your amen.

So in the Old Testament, they had physical things. In the New Testament, we have spiritual realities. Because the man of the New Testament is born of the spirit.

That which is born of the spirit. That which is born of flesh. So the man in the New Testament is born of the spirit.

So what does he transact with? He transacts with spiritual things. That’s why you don’t carry koboko to church. To go and flog Satan.

Satan is not a physical body. Satan is a spirit. You don’t carry catapult to go and be shooting Satan.

He’s not a physical being. Satan is a spirit. And stone from catapult cannot hit a spirit.

You are thinking like a carnal man. Koboko cannot beat a spirit. You are thinking as a carnal man.

So many churches are in carnality. Yes. Many churches are in carnality.

See. You tell, yeah, yeah, yeah. The Lord just showed me that you are being annoyed.

Kneel down. They carry guya oil. They baptize you.

Those are natural. It’s in the spirit. Our blessings are in the spirit.

He has blessed us with all spiritual. Yeah. Spiritual blessings.

Because you are a spirit. You are born of the spirit. So, you are a spirit.

So, what do you transact with? Spiritual things. And what are spiritual things? Words. The words I speak to you.

So, when you say, it cannot happen. I am blessed. I am lifted.

What are you doing? You are transacting with spiritual things. That is your realm. That’s why you mind what you say.

You don’t just talk anyhow. You speak what God speaks. Yeah.

He says, I’m blessed. He says, I’m righteous. He says, I’m holy.

I’m glorious. That’s what he says. I am what he says I am.

I am where he says I am at. And I have what he says I have. That’s who I am.

Amen. And I declare by the power of the Holy Spirit, by the spirit of truth, you will not be limited. You will not be limited.

You will not be limited. Can somebody shout hallelujah? Eternal life was a symbol in the New Testament. Eternal life lives in.

In the Old Testament, it was a symbol. In the New Testament, it is a reality that resides inside you. You have eternal life.

Somebody say, I have eternal life. Put it for me. 1 John 5, verse 12.

Ooh, I’m getting blessed. He that has the son hath life. Somebody say, I have son.

I have the son. Say, I have life. And he that hath not the son of God hath not life.

Take note of the next verse. These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the son of God. That you may know.

Somebody say, I now know. That you have eternal life. And that you may believe on the name of the son of God.

Verse 14. This is the confidence. Because you have eternal life.

Eh? Because you have eternal life. This is the confidence that we have in him. That if we ask anything according to his will, He hearth us.

The life of God is in me. The same life in God. So there’s no way I will talk and you will not hear me.

Because it’s the same life flowing. It’s the same life flowing. Give me the next verse.

And if we know he hearth us, Whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desire of him. What he hath, I have. Where he’s at, I’m at.

What he cannot do, I cannot do. He’s blessed, I’m blessed. He’s in me, I’m in him.

I’m bone of his bones, he’s flesh of my flesh. Where he’s seated, I’m seated. All authority is his, all authority.

All authority is mine. That’s what the book of Ephesians is about to unlock. It’s about to unlock your position in Christ.

And it’s about to unlock the capacity that you have in Christ. And the ability that is made available to you in Christ. Somebody’s not shouting hallelujah.

That’s what the book of Ephesians is about to unlock to you. That’s why in that Ephesians chapter 1, put it up for me. Ephesians chapter 1, verse 3. Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places. In Christ Jesus. Somebody shout I am already blessed.

In Christ Jesus. Alright, next verse. According as he hath chosen us.

See it, pastors. He has already. He has already.

It’s too late for anybody to say God is changing his mind on you. He has already chosen you in him. Where? In him.

Say in him. I am chosen. He has chosen us in him.

Before the foundation of the world. That we should be holy and without blame. Before him in love.

Next verse. Having predestinated us. He has prepared your destiny.

Ahead of time. Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children. By Jesus Christ to himself.

According to the good pleasure of his will. Next verse. To the praise of the glory of his grace.

Wherein he hath made us accepted. Everything is in past tense. He has made us accepted.

In the beloved. Next verse. In whom we have redemption.

Through his blood. The forgiveness of sins. According to the riches of his grace.

Wherein he hath abounded towards us in all wisdom and prudence. Next verse. Having made known.

Everything is in past tense. Having made known unto us the mystery of his will. According to his good pleasure.

Which he had proposed in himself. That in the dispensation of the fullness of times. He might gather together in one.

All things were in Christ. Both which are in heaven and which are on earth. Even in him.

Next verse. In whom also we have obtained. We will obtain.

Huh? So everything you are seeing there is what he has done for you. The book of Ephesians will show you who you are. What you have.

And what you can do. Are you already getting excited? Yeah, that’s the whole book of Ephesians. It opens up for you.

Chapter 1, 2, 3. Your position. Chapter 3, 4, and 5. Your work. Your lifestyle.

Now that you are this. This is how you function. That’s what the book of Ephesians does.

So friends. We are just starting the book of Ephesians. And it’s going to be an exciting adventure.

Are you looking forward to a wonderful time? Yeah. Blessed. Accepted.

Amen. Accepted. Obtained.

Obtained. Redemption. Obtained.

The forgiveness. Obtained. An inheritance.

It’s all in the past tense. Put it up for me. I’m not through with it.

Verse 12. That we should be. All of us should be to the praise of his glory.

Who first trusted in Christ. Did we trust in Christ? So he has made all of us a package that will manifest and demonstrate his glory. Now, so an understanding, an overview of the understanding of the entire document of scriptures.

Equips you now to begin to dismantle the books one by one. Knowing what the message of each book is, is the sufferings of Christ and the glory that will follow. Now, once you know that, as you begin to read, all of that begins to come alive.

Then the reality of the scriptures begins to envelop your heart. You begin to function in light. The eyes of your understanding becomes enlightened.

Now you begin to know what was wrought in Christ when he raised him from the dead. And set him at the right hand of majesty on high. You are seated with him.

Can I hear somebody shout a powerful amen? Stand on your feet and say, I am blessed. I am accepted. In the beloved.

Somebody say with me, that is who I am. The reality of who I am. In Christ.

I am not a minus. I am a plus. All the blessings, I already have them.

In the spirit. Amen. You know, some people will tell you, well, you know, you are blessed in the spirit, but you have to transfer it to the physical.

That’s a fallacy. There’s no transfer anywhere. There’s no transfer anywhere.

Peter say, you are begotten to an inheritance. Undefiled. Incorrupted.

That faded not away. Reserved for you in heaven. He didn’t say transfer.

That is just a man trying to make the Bible say what the Bible is not saying. All your blessings are spiritual. Because you yourself, you are a spirit.

So you transact in the spirit. And because you are a spiritual entity, you judge all things. And you are judged by no man.

You reign in this life. When they say you cannot cross there, you tell them you don’t know who you are talking to. You don’t know who you are talking about.

When they say you are limited, you tell them you have no idea who you are dealing with. Amen. The entire power that created the universe resides inside me.

I’m an embodiment of deity in humanity. I carry immortality in my mortality. There are no impossibilities where I’m concerned.

If anything doesn’t work in the natural, I switch over to the immortal. And I use my immortal realm to control the natural. It’s called miracles.

I decree over you this will be a week of miracles. Floodgates of open doors. Barriers are broken.

Obstacles are broken. Limitations are terminated. In the mighty name of Jesus.

And I decree by the power of the Holy Spirit throughout this week, favor will be smiling at you. Floodgates will be open for you. In the name of Jesus.

He said I have set before you an open door. No man can shut that door. He said the gate that is before you shall be open day and night.

Nobody can shut that door. That man may bring unto you the forces of the Gentiles. So I decree that man will bring to you the forces of the Gentiles.

Man will bring to you the forces of the Gentiles. You will harvest the dromedaries of Egypt. The blessing is upon your life.

Everything you touch this week will produce. It will flourish. It will prosper.

Everything you touch this week will work for you. The power that raised Christ from the dead dwells in your mortal body. Therefore whatever was dead in your body, I command it to come alive.

Body be healed. Organs be healed. In the name of Jesus.

I break barriers and obstacles. I dismantle opposition. I bring down every body in a yoke.

And I command you liberated to enjoy the liberty wherewith Christ has set you free. And I decree you shall no more be entangled with the yoke of bondage. It is your time.

You are blessed and lifted. In Jesus precious name. And every believer in this service shout a powerful amen.

Clap and celebrate your inheritance. Celebrate your blessings. Celebrate your blessings.

Celebrate the grace of God. Welcome back ladies and gentlemen. Welcome back.

I know you’ve been, I know you’ve been blessed. Now, you don’t want to go away. You want to hear this.

Wherever you’re watching, I’d like you to invite more people to this platform. Deliberately and intentionally. The more people we impact with the word of his grace, the better it is.

That’s why Jesus himself in John 539 says, search the scriptures for in them you think you have eternal life, but they are they which testify of me. The scriptures are my testimony. In Luke chapter 24 verse 27, and beginning from Moses, he expounded unto them in all the scriptures, all of the scriptures, the things concerning himself.

So the scriptures therefore talk about one person, and that is the person of the Christ. Second Corinthians three three, for as much as you are manifestly declared to be the epistle of Christ, ministered by us, written not with ink, but with the spirit of the living God. So the New Testament is written with the spirit of the living God.

The Old Testament is written with ink, but the New Testament is written with the spirit of the living God. Now we said that the difference between the Old Testament and the New Testament is not in books. The Old Testament is a relationship that is based on human effort, what man can do to satisfy God’s justice, what man can do to please God, what man, what efforts man can make to meet up God’s standard, which never worked.

The New Testament is a relationship that is based on what Christ has done, what Christ has done on our behalf that has met God’s standard. So I do nothing but believe in what Christ has done, then Christ takes up residence on my inside and begins to walk out through me what he has already done on my behalf on the cross. That’s what the New Testament constitutes of.

Can somebody shout a powerful amen? And then we began to look at a number of things here in the book of Second Corinthians chapter three verse number twelve. Seeing then that we have such hope, we use great plainness of speech. And what we mean by great plainness of speech is we use great boldness.

We we speak with boldness. All right. And this boldness is in our approach towards God.

We no more approach God as cowards. We no more approach God as fragile people. We no more approach God as inferiors.

We no more approach God as sinners that are not sure of what is going to happen. That plainness of speech means we approach God with boldness because our standard is not based on what we can do but based on what Christ has done that has been accepted by God. Number two, the word great plainness of speech also means in our communication with God, how we relate and how we relate with God.

We do not relate with God as if we are not sure whether God wants to bless us, as if we are not sure whether God wants to answer our prayers. We relate to God with such boldness and such confidence knowing that he has our interest and knowing that he lives in us and walks through us to establish his purpose on the earth. Now, we establish that in the Old Testament there’s a veil on the symbols.

There’s a veil on the symbols. That’s why the Bible says even now when Moses is read, there is a veil. What it means is that all the symbols that were pointers to Christ are a veil.

So as long as you are still walking in the symbols, you are veiled from Christ. Because you can’t be looking at the symbol and looking at Christ. The symbol is not Christ.

The symbol is a pointer to Christ. The bread and the wine is a pointer to Christ. Water baptism is a pointer to Christ.

The animal sacrifices were a pointer to Christ. So as long as you’re still sacrificing animals, you can see Christ because those symbols become a veil on you. So when it says up till now when Moses is read, there is a veil.

That is when continue to do the practices of the types and the shadows. There’s a veil on you and you cannot see Christ. But when your heart shall turn from the practices to the Lord, that veil will be taken.

I don’t know if I’m communicating. The veil will be taken. Then you now see now that Lord that your heart shall turn to is that spirit.

And where the spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. I didn’t hear somebody shout it powerfully, amen. Alright, follow this, follow this.

The epistles written by the apostles in the New Testament, it takes away the veil. Amen. So when we study the epistles, we see the liberty that Christ has made available to us.

Every parable, every symbol is replaced by the person of the Christ. Every symbol, every parable that you find in the scriptures has been replaced because they were all pointers to the person of the Christ. Can somebody shout hallelujah? We know that parables are for unbelievers because Jesus spoke to them in parables and they asked him, why do you speak to them in parables? And he says, I speak to them in parables because they are without.

They are without. So parables are for unbelievers. Parables are not for believers.

God does not speak to you in parables. He speaks to you in clear terms because you are not an unbeliever. You are now a part of him.

So because you and him are one, he can speak to you clearly. But unbelievers are not connected to him so they can’t handle what he will speak. They don’t have the capacity.

So they have to water down. Jesus had to water down whatever he spoke to unbelievers because they lack the capacity for spiritual understanding. So parables therefore are for unbelievers.

You don’t speak to born again people with types and shadows. You speak to born again people with plainness of speech because you see unbelievers don’t have the capacity to handle spiritual things. I can prove it to you.

John 16 verse 12. I have yet many things to say unto you but you cannot bear them now. What I want to say to you, you don’t have the capacity to handle it.

So I’m not going to speak to you what I want to say. That’s what Jesus was saying here. But when he the spirit of truth is come, he will guide you into all the truth.

So right now what I’m saying, that’s what Jesus implied, is not what I want to say. But because you lack the capacity to take what I want to say, when he the spirit of truth is come, meaning when people become born again. Because born again is birthed by the spirit.

You are born by the spirit. That which is born of flesh, is flesh. That which is born of spirit, is spirit.

So when he says when he the spirit of truth is come, what he was saying is when you get born again, you will have the capacity to receive of the things of the spirit. Because by that time you are born of the spirit. But before then, I have many things to say that I cannot say because you cannot bear it.

But when he the spirit comes, that’s what the Bible says, when you got born again, the Holy Spirit came inside you as a well. As a well. It is not the day you received the Holy Ghost baptism that the spirit came in you.

No. It is the Holy Ghost that came on your inside that we call born again. You know some people say, well if you don’t speak in tongues, you don’t have the spirit of God.

That’s not correct. Once you got born again, you were born of the spirit. The spirit entered you to born you again.

So you already have the spirit inside you. It’s just that the spirit has not been allowed to express itself. Now baptism of the Holy Ghost means you are now soaked in the spirit that the spirit has saturated you to express himself.

But that you’re born again, you have the Holy Ghost. Because if you don’t have the Holy Ghost, what born you again? Born again is Holy Ghost is called a well. Baptism is called reverse.

In John chapter four, it shall be in him a well. Everyone born again has the Holy Ghost inside. The Holy Ghost is living inside you.

That’s the way you’re born again. You are called the temple. Exactly.

And why I’m emphasizing this is because there’s been a lot of teachings, you know, in the body of Christ that except somebody speak in tongues, he doesn’t have the spirit of God. That’s not true. No man can say Jesus is Lord but by the Holy Ghost.

So the day you confess Jesus as Lord, it was the Holy Ghost in you that brought that confession out. That means you are born again by the Holy Ghost. Are we clear? So once you got born again, you are born of the spirit.

Somebody say I’m born of the spirit. I’m born of the word. Yeah, you’re born of the spirit.

But why you must get baptized with the Holy Spirit is because you are limited in your spiritual experience and your work with God and in your capacity to operate supernaturally if you don’t yield yourself and allow the Holy Spirit express himself. When he expresses himself, he will now lead you into all true. He will now direct your steps.

He will now communicate with God on your behalf in a language that is greater than English using the immortal language. He will now, you know, open you up to visions and dreams and revelations. So if you don’t have that experience, you are limited even though you are born again.

You are born of the spirit but the spirit is boxed inside you. It’s caged. Baptism releases the spirit to do what only the spirit can do in your life and take you to dimensions that your physical capacity cannot take you.

You know, that’s why when you get baptized with the Holy Ghost and you limit yourself, you don’t pray in the spirit, you don’t pray in tongues, you just got baptized that first day and you finish and you stop there. You are still like somebody that didn’t receive the baptism because the full maximizing of the baptism of the Holy Spirit is as you begin to speak in tongues. That’s why Paul said that thank God that I speak in tongues more than all of you put together.

No wonder he had visions and revelations more than everybody put together because when you begin to speak in tongues, you unlock the realm of the supernatural. Am I communicating here? Yeah. The end-time church is going to be a holigolistic church.

A church of men that are totally immersed, saturated with the Holy Spirit because the days ahead are not days of natural men. They are days of supernatural men. The society is becoming too complicated.

You need the Holy Ghost to to dismantle the complication of the days ahead. Am I talking to somebody here? Yeah. The times are becoming very complicated.

You need the help of the Holy Spirit. Can somebody shout hallelujah? So, it is in the epistles, you will discover that the blood of Jesus has been shed. You will not see that in the gospels.

You will not see that in the shadows. In the epistles, the full import of the shedding of the blood is revealed. Ephesians one seventeen to twenty that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him.

The eyes of your understanding being enlightened that you may know what is the hope of his calling. And what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the sins. And what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us world who believe according to the walking of his mighty power.

There is a walking, there is a walking of his mighty power which he wrought in Christ when he raised him from the dead and set him at his own right hand in the heavenlies. As we begin to study the book of Ephesians, you will begin to see me knock out some things that are not in the original text. For example, places are not in the original text.

That’s why it’s in italics or is bracketed because it was added by the translator’s advantage. But remember, translators are not interpreters. So, we can correct the translators.

Because they are not the ones interpreting. Their job was to translate from a language to another language. But as they were translating, I don’t know what came over them.

They started adding things. Trying to make it have natural meaning. Because when they talked heavenly, they felt like heavenly is not correct English.

So, they added places. But how can be heavenly, how can the heavenlies be plural? Heavenly places, plural. Now, by revelation, places is out of place.

Are we together here? They translated without revelation. We interpret with revelation. So, by revelation, we can figure out where the translators went beyond their boundary.

That is why we rightly divide the word of truth. It’s the realm of the spirit. Praise the lord.

So, number one, that you may know the hope of your calling. That’s why the epistles are written. The essence was to enlighten them the more.

These are people that Paul had ordained elders over to look after them. So, this letter was written to them by Paul. Paul was not there physically.

He wrote to them to enlighten them. It’s like somebody said, why will I go to church if some of the time I go to church, all they do is play video for me to watch? Why will I go to church or just to watch papa on video? You don’t need to see papa physically. Because whether you see me physically or not, it is words that you will hear.

We’ve not seen Paul, but we’re reading his books. We’ve not seen Peter, but we’re reading their books. Because we don’t need to see them.

What we need from them is what they have written. Am I communicating here? Yeah. You don’t need to see me physically because even when you see me physically, you’re not holding my leg.

You’re only hearing words. God himself, you don’t see him physically. The only thing you get from God is what? Words.

So as long as you are hearing words and the words are ministering to your spirit, that’s what you need. Then somebody said, but I will stay at home and watch it. No, you can’t stay at home and watch it because beyond the world, coming together produces an atmosphere of fellowship.

So we need to watch together and fellowship together. That’s the essence. Say, I hear you.

I’m not hearing you at all. We need to gather together. Bible said, do not dismiss the assembling of yourselves together as the manner of some.

It’s much more as we see the day approach. David said, I wondered at the prosperity of the wicked. I couldn’t understand until I came to the sanctuary.

Then I understood that. So when we gather like this, there is a level of revelation that is brought down in our fellowship together that you alone cannot bring down. Am I communicating at all? So that’s why we assemble.

That’s why we assemble in Zio. That’s why we assemble together in the place of fellowship. To listen.

Now that doesn’t mean I’ll be writing you letters. I will be here bodily. You are seeing me, I will see you.

Somebody shout a powerful amen. But I’m just trying to make you see things, you know, in perspective from the scriptures. Now look at the book of Ephesians chapter 1 verse 1. Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ, by the will of God, to the saints, to know that it is a letter.

This church, listen, this church in Ephesus was established by Paul. He pastored them for three years. After three years, he left.

Now he was in prison for a short while. And while he was in prison, they were seen as a church. So from prison, he wrote them letters to be read in the churches.

Grace be to you and peace from God our father and from the Lord Jesus Christ. Blessed the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ who has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly in Christ. With all.

Somebody shout I am blessed. With all. I’m not hearing you.

I am blessed. With all. Can I hear you louder? I am blessed.

With all. Look, you are not carrying partial blessing. You are carrying the totality of blessings.

There is no more blessing that you, that is waiting in front. All the blessings that you will ever need in this life and in the life to come is already on your inside. Say with me, I am blessed with all spiritual blessings.

I didn’t hear your amen. Blessed with all spiritual blessings in the heavenlies in Christ. So the book of Ephesians is a book of all.

Because from the introduction of the subject of Ephesians, you can see that the context says what you’re about to read is all the blessings that are yours. Blessed with all. So the book of Ephesians is a book of all.

It means everything. Look at Ephesians chapter four verse one. I therefore the prisoner of the Lord beseech you that you work worthy of the vocation wherewith you are called.

He was writing them letters to remind them of things he taught them when he was physically with them. To work worthy of the vocation wherewith they are called. Now I love the book of Ephesians because it is a complete book and it is very systematic in his presentation.

Paul was so systematic in his theology that if you follow the polite theology, spiritual maturity will not be a prayer point. He wasn’t confused in his in his thoughts and presentation. He was well organized.

He was very articulated in his speech and in his writings and in his books. So this book is systematic in that chapter one, chapter two, chapter three of Ephesians tells you your position in Christ. Chapter four, chapter five, chapter six of Ephesians tells you your responsibilities in Christ.

So first of all, he establishes your position in the first three chapters. Then in the other three chapters, the last three chapters, he now shows you your responsibilities. I mean complete book.

A Christian can survive on earth with the book of Ephesians. Just that one book. Because it shows you who you are and it shows you what to do.

And if you know who you are, you know what to do. What else? Are we together here? It’s a complete. That’s why it took time for us to study that book because I have looked at the book critically and I have seen that that book has so much to help you grow and be who God wants you to be.

I didn’t hear a powerful amen. Alright, so Paul now begins to deal with your position and then he now begins to deal with your responsibilities. Look at Ephesians chapter three verse twenty.

Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think according to the power that worketh in us. What Paul is saying is there’s nothing you need anymore. Everything you need is at work inside you.

All blessings. Now that’s how he completes. He started with telling you of all blessings.

He completes the chapter three by telling you there’s power that is working in you that can take you beyond any imagination. Able to do exceeding abundantly above all that you ask or think according to the power that worketh in you. Next verse.

Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages world without end. Amen. Can I hear a powerful amen? That’s a complete letter.

Chapter one to three is a complete letter. He has concluded the letter with even a benediction that has a full stop in an amen. Chapter four is the beginning of another letter.

In a letter. When he completed that by saying amen. Look at the way he started chapter four.

Chapter four verse one. I therefore I therefore the prisoner is the beginning of a new thought. Are we together here? So the book of Ephesians is divided into two segments.

Into two segments. Chapter one to three. What Christ has done in you.

Who you are in Christ. What you have in Christ. Chapter four.

Walk. Walk worthy. Walk worthy.

You have a calling. Walk worthy. You have a calling.

Responsibility. Are we together here? Look at it. Walk worthy of the vocation.

We are with you God will walk worthy for you. He now says because of all that Christ has done in you, what Christ has deposited in you, I therefore charge you to walk. You are the one to walk worthy of the vocation where you are called.

You already have a calling. Live out the reality of that calling. So that’s the way chapter four starts.

It starts with unveiling to you the responsibilities that are yours because of who you are in Christ. He didn’t start by saying walk worthy because there’s nothing to walk worthy of. He first of all establish who you are in Christ and establish the capacity you have in Christ and the ability you have in Christ based on that walk worthy.

Are we together here? I was somewhere and some people were asking me a question but the Bible said walk out your salvation with fear and I don’t know why people you know illiteracy is very big in the body of Christ. People just pick scriptures and just quote them out of context. It’s in Philippians chapter two verse twelve.

We are for my beloved brethren as you have always obeyed not as in my presence only but now much more in my absence. Walk out your own salvation. He didn’t say walk for your own salvation.

He didn’t say walk for your salvation. Don’t you understand English language? The tenses are not put in there for nothing. They are put in there for understanding.

Walk out. That means it’s inside. You already have it.

So bring it out. Are we understanding here? He didn’t say walk for yours. You can’t walk.

How can you walk for did you? Were you there when it happened? While you were yet sinners, Christ died. You were not there. You were not even born again two thousand years ago when he died.

He died for your future sins. Now that you woke up to realize that he has died for you and you have received what his death has provided. He now is in you.

Jesus is in you based on that knowledge. Let that Jesus in you find expression. Am I teaching here? Walk out your salvation.

Not walk for your salvation. You walk it out. How do you walk it out? Next verse.

He now shows you. For it is God which walketh in you but to be willing to walk it out and to do his good pleasure. You cannot do his good pleasure by yourself.

He is still the one that will produce it in you when you allow him. So your responsibility is to allow him how? You allow him number one by sitting down for us to teach you who you are, what you have. Because the moment you know who you are and what you have and what you are capable of doing, that is step one.

Once you understand that, you allow him to walk through you. They don’t say walk for your salvation. They say walk out your salvation.

Then even in the walking out of your salvation, he still tells you it is still God that is the one that will walk it out. He’s the one that walk. So just let him express himself.

I’m teaching good here. Let him express himself. Ephesians chapter one, chapter two, chapter three.

He speaks about the walk of Christ in us where we are seated in Christ who we are in him. Chapter four, chapter five, chapter six speaks about the lifestyle of the believer, the walk of the believer, the stand of the believer and he tells you we rest you. Believe us, we rest you.

He doesn’t say because of what Christ has done, everything is finished. No, no, no. He say after what Christ has done.

Now, you walk, you stand, you wrestle. Am I teaching? Based on what Christ has done, you walk, you stand, you wrestle. You won’t say, well, Christ has done it.

Let me relax. No, you have responsibilities. That’s why the book of Ephesians is a perfect book for discipleship.

It’s a perfect book for discipleship. Because he shows you who you are and he shows you what is expected of you. Teaching good.

From chapter one, chapter two, chapter three of Ephesians, there is nothing for you to do there. In chapter one, chapter two, chapter three, there is nothing you can offer. It is only what he has done.

He has done, he has, he had, he had, he had. Then from chapter four, what you are to do. Sit, walk, stand.

Sit, walk, stand. He has made us sit together with him. He has raised us up with him.

Having done all to stand, stand. Sit, stand, walk. Responsibilities.

Sit, stand, walk. But before you sit, stand, walk, you must know who you are, what you have, what he has done. Based on that, sit, stand, walk.

Teaching good? And that’s a book of Ephesians. That’s a summary of what that book carries. And we shall go into the details of it.

Are you excited? I’m already excited. Alright? Now, so, chapter four to six of Ephesians. Chapter four, chapter five, chapter six, you will see the ongoing walk.

You know, how many of you remember, I told you that there is a finished walk, there is the ongoing walk, and there is the unfinished walk. Did I say that? There is the finished walk of Christ, there is the ongoing walk of Christ in our lives today, and there is the unfinished walk of Christ which is evangelism. Which is prayer.

Christ didn’t finish prayer. And Christ didn’t finish evangelism. Those are unfinished walk.

Giving is unfinished walk. Christ didn’t finish giving. Alright? We give because that is part of the walk Christ did not finish.

We are to finish. Why do we give? Because evangelism and the kingdom requires money. Money is the machinery of evangelism and kingdom building.

Plenty of it. Not meager change. Not collection.

Plenty of money. That is the unfinished walk. You know when Jesus was from the dead, the Jewish people brought big money and paid the soldiers to advertise that he was stolen, that he didn’t rise.

And the Bible says they went everywhere and it was established all over Israel that Jesus didn’t rise from the dead. Do you know till today that lie that was sponsored by money is still persisting in Israel. Jewish people are still waiting for Jesus to come because they were told that he was stolen, he didn’t rise.

Till today they are waiting for the Messiah. That’s the power of money. Money can be used to cover truth for millenniums.

I mean for decades. Money. So the same way money can be used to cover truth, money can be used to market truth everywhere.

Am I talking to somebody here? Yeah. That’s what the Bible say. Cry it saying your cities through prosperity shall spread abroad.

Through what? As your amen will come like thunder, you will have this money. Because the reason why some of you are not responding is because you don’t have it. Whatever looks like luck in your life is terminated.

Receive supply. Receive supply. Somebody shout I have all blessings and I will flourish in the pursuit of my destiny for the advancement of the kingdom.

I didn’t hear thunder. So the unfinished work of Christ is prayer, evangelism, and finances. Giving for the work of God.

The ongoing work of Christ is what God is doing in us today through teaching, through our spiritual growth in this house. The finished work of Christ is what Christ has done. And you will see all of this properly represented in the book of Ephesians.

Hallelujah. The position of the believer and the responsibilities of the believer. Acts 91.

And it came to pass that while Apollos was at Corinth, Paul having passed through the upper coast came to Ephesus and finding certain disciples. This was the beginning of the church at Ephesus because we’re studying the book of Ephesians. He said unto them, have you received the Holy Ghost since you believed? And they said unto him, we have not so much as heard whether there be any Holy Ghost.

And he said unto them, unto what then were you baptized? And they said unto John’s baptism. Then said Paul, John verily baptized with the baptism of repentance saying unto the people that they should believe on him which should come after him. That is on Christ.

Next verse. When they had this, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. Next verse.

And when Paul had laid his hands upon them, the Holy Ghost came on them and they spoke with tongues and prophesied. That was the beginning of the church at Ephesus. It began with this man.

Paul met them. They were disciples of John. These people were disciples of John.

And they were learning something because if you’re a you must be learning something. Okay? So, what were they learning? Well, they told Paul that they know the baptism of John. And Paul he said to them, haven’t you heard of Jesus? They said, we have not even heard of the Holy Ghost.

We have not heard of the Holy Ghost. All we know is the baptism of John. Now, we need to quickly establish what is the baptism of John.

Because all they knew, that was the beginning of the church at Ephesus. All the disciples knew was the baptism of John. That means that the baptism of John was written from Old Testament books.

Old test because they were always studying the scriptures. So the baptism of John must have been drawn from the Old Testament books. So what is the baptism of John? And I’m going to get that in a second.

But look at this. This was not the first time Paul came to Ephesus. Before Acts 19, Paul came to Ephesus before.

But he didn’t stay. He just entered Ephesus and went out. Acts 18 verse two to four.

And found a certain Jew named Aquila born in Pontus. Lately come from Italy with his wife Priscilla because that Claudius had commanded all Jews to depart from Rome and came unto them. Next verse.

And because he was of the same craft, he abode with them and wrought for by their occupation they were tent makers. So Paul was a tent maker. Aquila and Priscilla were tent makers.

Alright? Next verse. And he reasoned in the synagogue every Sabbath and persuaded the Jews and the Greeks. Paul came into Ephesus and met with these people.

He met with Aquila and Priscilla because their profession was the same. Acts 18 19. And he came to Ephesus and left them there.

But he himself entered into the synagogue and reasoned with the Jews. When they desired him to tarry longer with them, he consented not. So he brisked into Ephesus and went out.

In chapter 19 was the first time he now came in properly into Ephesus to do any form of ministerial work. Look at that Acts chapter 18 verse 24. And a certain Jew named Apollos, born of Alexandra, an eloquent man, mighty in the scriptures, came to Ephesus.

This Apollos was mighty in the scriptures. He also came to Ephesus. After Paul had left Ephesus, Apollos did not meet Paul in Ephesus.

Paul had left. Verse 25. This man was instructed in the way of the Lord.

And being fervent in the spirit, he spake and taught diligently the things of the Lord, knowing only the baptism of John. Apollos was mighty in scripture. But he knew only the baptism of John.

Again, what is the baptism of John? Stand on your feet. Stand on your feet. Yeah, we will do some thorough exegesis in the next service on what is the baptism of John.

Because many people are confused about the baptism of John. So we need to do thorough exegesis on what is. Because look at the everything is baptism of John.

These people knew the baptism of John. Apollos was mighty in scripture, knowing only the baptism of John. So we’re going to examine is the baptism of John what a baptism? Is the baptism of John a teaching? Is the baptism of John a doctrine? What is the baptism of John? And we’re going to have scriptures for it.

Because there are a number of people you will meet out there that will exalt what a baptism above Christ. You must be grounded in this truth to be able to take the rug from under their feet. Somebody say, I hear you.

I hear you. Listen to me people. You are light bearers to this generation.

You are the light of this generation. Can somebody shout hallelujah? The Holy Ghost lives on your inside. Right where you’re standing, hearing the sound of my voice, the spirit of revelation is on your inside.

As your amen will come like thunder, every veil is taking off your eyes. The spirit of revelation is at work on your inside. Somebody say with me, I am born of God.

I am born of the spirit. I am born of the word. I am regenerated by the Holy Ghost.

I house God. He lives in me. I live in him.

Therefore, all blessings are on my inside. Right now, I am blessed with all spiritual blessings. I didn’t hear your amen.

Listen to this. I want to pray for you but listen carefully. Some people for lack of thorough understanding will tell you, all the blessings are in the spirit.

But when you pray well, you transfer them to the physical. There’s nothing like that. There’s nothing like that.

There is nothing like that. So in case you’ve been praying hard to transfer the blessings from the spirit to the physical, you’ve been on a wrong assignment. You’ve been on a wrong assignment.

So stop that assignment. Okay, nobody gave you work. Stop it.

Okay, look at it. Ephesians one three. Blessed be the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Who will bless us? Eh? Eh? Then if he has blessed you, there is no need transferring it from anywhere. Because if he has already blessed you, it means you already have it. Some say but I want to see, don’t worry, you, you will understand now.

Who have blessed us? Somebody shout, I am blessed. Say it very loud right now. Standing here.

I am blessed. Okay, now, who has blessed us? With how many? All. All what? Spiritual blessings.

Where? In heavenlies. Where are the blessings? In heavenlies. Where are the heavenlies? In Christ.

So where are the spiritual blessings? In Christ. Where is Christ? In you. See, so all the spiritual blessings are in you.

Now, when we talk of blessing, you think of car, you think of money, you think of house, you think of That is why you think you have to transfer it. But when the Bible talks of blessing, it’s not talking of material stuff. Because you don’t need Christ to buy car.

How many of you know you don’t need Jesus to build a house? Most people that have houses don’t know Jesus. So you don’t need Jesus to have a house. So when the scripture is talking of blessings, divorce material things from your mind.

That’s why he qualified it. He said these blessings are spiritual. These blessings are spiritual.

They are not physical. Because physical things can be gotten by anybody. And you can get them anyhow.

You can steal it. As long as you are not caught, it has become your property. And nobody can collect it.

I don’t know if we are together here. You didn’t hear what I said. Look at the way you’re looking at me.

I said you can steal it. And as long as nobody caught you, it has become your property, true or false. So when the Bible is talking of spiritual blessings, it’s not talking about material stuff.

Peter helps us to understand. He says you are called to an inheritance. Undefiled.

Undefiled. Number one. Okay.

Undefiled. Number two. Incorruptible.

Cars can be corrupted. Houses can be corrupted. I feel like I’m talking now.

Yeah. Cars, houses, money can be corrupted. But the blessings that you have in Christ are incorruptible.

Then he says, that faded not away. That faded not away. Am I talking to somebody here? Reserved for you in heaven.

Where is it reserved? In heaven. Where is heaven? In Christ. And Christ.

So somebody now says to me, but these blessings, can you itemize them? Yes, I can itemize them. Number one, forgiveness of sins. What is that? David also described it, the blessedness of the man unto whom God imputed no sin.

That’s a blessing. I feel like I’m talking here. You see, the problem with the church is we are carnal in our minds.

So that’s why people come to church for car. They come to church for miracles. You should come to church to know Jesus.

Because nothing can compare to the knowledge of Christ. And let me tell you, that’s why I see when you you have joy that no material thing can collect. It is called joy that passes all understanding.

That is, your car had a problem. Instead of driving your car to church, you enter Kekenapepe. And you don’t mind the fact that people are looking at you.

That a man like you is in Kekenapepe. The joy of coming to fellowship with Christ is bigger than the dignity of car and Kekenapepe. It is that joy that makes you, in spite of circumstances, you are still happy.

Your joy is not tied to things. Your joy is tied to him. Am I teaching here? Yes.

Whether you have a job or you don’t have a job, it doesn’t stop your joy. When your joy is tied to things, you are far from Christ. Your joy should be tied to Christ.

When Christ who is our life, if Christ is your life, the memory of Christ should make you happy. Look, when you think of Christ, you should just be happy. Money? No money.

Whether things are working or things are not working. Because I don’t need Christ for things to work. Because there are people without Christ that things are working for.

Am I talking to somebody here? But having Christ is everything. It’s having everything. And because I have Christ, it’s a matter of time.

Things will answer to me. Because Christ cannot be in a place and things don’t work. If they are not working, they will work.

It just means that there are a few things I need to do. And as I work with Christ, the Holy Ghost will give me ideas and he will direct my thoughts as to what to touch to make it work. I’m an authority in Christ.

So if there is a thing I need to rebuke, I will rebuke it. Natural man cannot rebuke but I will rebuke. Haven’t you seen multi-millionaires with cancer? Cancer.

With all their money, the cancer cannot go. Yet a man of God, a child of God with Christ will lay hands on that cancer. Bam! And it is out.

That is the blessing. I feel like dancing. I feel like dancing.

I feel like dancing. I say that is the blessing. The blessing is Christ.

Amen. Forgiveness of sins in whom we have redemption. Even the forgiveness of sins by the riches of his grace.

That’s why it is called unsearchable. It is not riches you can lay hand on. It is riches you cannot steal.

See nobody can steal it. They can take your car but they can’t take Christ. And with Christ, you can become a car manufacturer.

Instead of one car, you are the one selling cars. You become unbeatable. A man that cannot be limited and a woman that cannot be stopped.

That revelation makes you keep your shoulders high. No matter what happens. I mean how can a man be in prison and be writing letters? How can a man be in prison and be writing letters to church and they are reading it all over the place? Only a man that knows the joy of the Lord.

That no matter the circumstances, your head can never go down. I prophesy to the first 1,000 of you whose amen will come like thunder. You will see the end of every storm.

You will see the end of every trial. You will see the end of every situation. You will see the end of every persecution.

I prophesy. Listen carefully. They can only run you down for so long.

They can’t run you down forever. You are blessed with every blessing. You are preserved by the power of God.

No weapon formed against you shall prosper. Everywhere they have gathered against you, I command them to collapse for your sake. They that gather against you, they shall fall for your sake.

I declare every tongue speaking against you as your amen will come like thunder, I condemn that tongue. He has said before you an open door. No man can shut that door.

No man can shut that door. No man can shut that door. As your amen will come like thunder, enter your open door.

Enter your place of relevance. Enter your place of prominence. Enter your place of authority.

Enter your place of dominion. You are kept by the power of God. You are preserved by the Holy Ghost.

In the name of Jesus. Can that amen slap the devil? Oh my goodness. What a word.

What a word. What a word. When you grow in the knowledge of who God is, doctrinally, your relationship with God becomes more effective.

That’s why Jesus himself in John 539 says, search the scriptures for in them you think you have eternal life, but they are they which testify of me. The scriptures are my testimony. In Luke chapter 24 verse 27, and beginning from Moses, he expounded unto them in all the scriptures, all of the scriptures, the things concerning himself.
So the scriptures therefore talk about one person, and that is the person of the Christ. Second Corinthians three three, for as much as you are manifestly declared to be the epistle of Christ, ministered by us, written not with ink, but with the spirit of the living God. So the New Testament is written with the spirit of the living God.

The Old Testament is written with ink, but the New Testament is written with the spirit of the living God. Now we said that the difference between the Old Testament and the New Testament is not in books. The Old Testament is a relationship that is based on human effort, what man can do to satisfy God’s justice, what man can do to please God, what man, what efforts man can make to meet up God’s standard, which never worked.

The New Testament is a relationship that is based on what Christ has done, what Christ has done on our behalf that has met God’s standard. So I do nothing but believe in what Christ has done, then Christ takes up residence on my inside and begins to walk out through me what he has already done on my behalf on the cross. That’s what the New Testament constitutes of.

Can somebody shout a powerful amen? And then we began to look at a number of things here in the book of Second Corinthians chapter three verse number twelve. Seeing then that we have such hope, we use great plainness of speech. And what we mean by great plainness of speech is we use great boldness.

We we speak with boldness. All right. And this boldness is in our approach towards God.

We no more approach God as cowards. We no more approach God as fragile people. We no more approach God as inferiors.

We no more approach God as sinners that are not sure of what is going to happen. That plainness of speech means we approach God with boldness because our standard is not based on what we can do but based on what Christ has done that has been accepted by God. Number two, the word great plainness of speech also means in our communication with God, how we relate and how we relate with God.

We do not relate with God as if we are not sure whether God wants to bless us, as if we are not sure whether God wants to answer our prayers. We relate to God with such boldness and such confidence knowing that he has our interest and knowing that he lives in us and walks through us to establish his purpose on the earth. Now, we establish that in the Old Testament there’s a veil on the symbols.

There’s a veil on the symbols. That’s why the Bible says even now when Moses is read, there is a veil. What it means is that all the symbols that were pointers to Christ are a veil.

So as long as you are still walking in the symbols, you are veiled from Christ. Because you can’t be looking at the symbol and looking at Christ. The symbol is not Christ.

The symbol is a pointer to Christ. The bread and the wine is a pointer to Christ. Water baptism is a pointer to Christ.

The animal sacrifices were a pointer to Christ. So as long as you’re still sacrificing animals, you can see Christ because those symbols become a veil on you. So when it says up till now when Moses is read, there is a veil.

That is when continue to do the practices of the types and the shadows. There’s a veil on you and you cannot see Christ. But when your heart shall turn from the practices to the Lord, that veil will be taken.

I don’t know if I’m communicating. The veil will be taken. Then you now see now that Lord that your heart shall turn to is that spirit.

And where the spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. I didn’t hear somebody shout it powerfully, amen. Alright, follow this, follow this.

The epistles written by the apostles in the New Testament, it takes away the veil. Amen. So when we study the epistles, we see the liberty that Christ has made available to us.

Every parable, every symbol is replaced by the person of the Christ. Every symbol, every parable that you find in the scriptures has been replaced because they were all pointers to the person of the Christ. Can somebody shout hallelujah? We know that parables are for unbelievers because Jesus spoke to them in parables and they asked him, why do you speak to them in parables? And he says, I speak to them in parables because they are without.

They are without. So parables are for unbelievers. Parables are not for believers.

God does not speak to you in parables. He speaks to you in clear terms because you are not an unbeliever. You are now a part of him.

So because you and him are one, he can speak to you clearly. But unbelievers are not connected to him so they can’t handle what he will speak. They don’t have the capacity.

So they have to water down. Jesus had to water down whatever he spoke to unbelievers because they lack the capacity for spiritual understanding. So parables therefore are for unbelievers.

You don’t speak to born again people with types and shadows. You speak to born again people with plainness of speech because you see unbelievers don’t have the capacity to handle spiritual things. I can prove it to you.

John 16 verse 12. I have yet many things to say unto you but you cannot bear them now. What I want to say to you, you don’t have the capacity to handle it.

So I’m not going to speak to you what I want to say. That’s what Jesus was saying here. But when he the spirit of truth is come, he will guide you into all the truth.

So right now what I’m saying, that’s what Jesus implied, is not what I want to say. But because you lack the capacity to take what I want to say, when he the spirit of truth is come, meaning when people become born again. Because born again is birthed by the spirit.

You are born by the spirit. That which is born of flesh, is flesh. That which is born of spirit, is spirit.

So when he says when he the spirit of truth is come, what he was saying is when you get born again, you will have the capacity to receive of the things of the spirit. Because by that time you are born of the spirit. But before then, I have many things to say that I cannot say because you cannot bear it.

But when he the spirit comes, that’s what the Bible says, when you got born again, the Holy Spirit came inside you as a well. As a well. It is not the day you received the Holy Ghost baptism that the spirit came in you.

No. It is the Holy Ghost that came on your inside that we call born again. You know some people say, well if you don’t speak in tongues, you don’t have the spirit of God.

That’s not correct. Once you got born again, you were born of the spirit. The spirit entered you to born you again.

So you already have the spirit inside you. It’s just that the spirit has not been allowed to express itself. Now baptism of the Holy Ghost means you are now soaked in the spirit that the spirit has saturated you to express himself.

But that you’re born again, you have the Holy Ghost. Because if you don’t have the Holy Ghost, what born you again? Born again is Holy Ghost is called a well. Baptism is called reverse.

In John chapter four, it shall be in him a well. Everyone born again has the Holy Ghost inside. The Holy Ghost is living inside you.

That’s the way you’re born again. You are called the temple. Exactly.

And why I’m emphasizing this is because there’s been a lot of teachings, you know, in the body of Christ that except somebody speak in tongues, he doesn’t have the spirit of God. That’s not true. No man can say Jesus is Lord but by the Holy Ghost.

So the day you confess Jesus as Lord, it was the Holy Ghost in you that brought that confession out. That means you are born again by the Holy Ghost. Are we clear? So once you got born again, you are born of the spirit.

Somebody say I’m born of the spirit. I’m born of the word. Yeah, you’re born of the spirit.

But why you must get baptized with the Holy Spirit is because you are limited in your spiritual experience and your work with God and in your capacity to operate supernaturally if you don’t yield yourself and allow the Holy Spirit express himself. When he expresses himself, he will now lead you into all true. He will now direct your steps.

He will now communicate with God on your behalf in a language that is greater than English using the immortal language. He will now, you know, open you up to visions and dreams and revelations. So if you don’t have that experience, you are limited even though you are born again.

You are born of the spirit but the spirit is boxed inside you. It’s caged. Baptism releases the spirit to do what only the spirit can do in your life and take you to dimensions that your physical capacity cannot take you.

You know, that’s why when you get baptized with the Holy Ghost and you limit yourself, you don’t pray in the spirit, you don’t pray in tongues, you just got baptized that first day and you finish and you stop there. You are still like somebody that didn’t receive the baptism because the full maximizing of the baptism of the Holy Spirit is as you begin to speak in tongues. That’s why Paul said that thank God that I speak in tongues more than all of you put together.

No wonder he had visions and revelations more than everybody put together because when you begin to speak in tongues, you unlock the realm of the supernatural. Am I communicating here? Yeah. The end-time church is going to be a holigolistic church.

A church of men that are totally immersed, saturated with the Holy Spirit because the days ahead are not days of natural men. They are days of supernatural men. The society is becoming too complicated.

You need the Holy Ghost to to dismantle the complication of the days ahead. Am I talking to somebody here? Yeah. The times are becoming very complicated.

You need the help of the Holy Spirit. Can somebody shout hallelujah? So, it is in the epistles, you will discover that the blood of Jesus has been shed. You will not see that in the gospels.

You will not see that in the shadows. In the epistles, the full import of the shedding of the blood is revealed. Ephesians one seventeen to twenty that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him.

The eyes of your understanding being enlightened that you may know what is the hope of his calling. And what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the sins. And what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us world who believe according to the walking of his mighty power.

There is a walking, there is a walking of his mighty power which he wrought in Christ when he raised him from the dead and set him at his own right hand in the heavenlies. As we begin to study the book of Ephesians, you will begin to see me knock out some things that are not in the original text. For example, places are not in the original text.

That’s why it’s in italics or is bracketed because it was added by the translator’s advantage. But remember, translators are not interpreters. So, we can correct the translators.

Because they are not the ones interpreting. Their job was to translate from a language to another language. But as they were translating, I don’t know what came over them.

They started adding things. Trying to make it have natural meaning. Because when they talked heavenly, they felt like heavenly is not correct English.

So, they added places. But how can be heavenly, how can the heavenlies be plural? Heavenly places, plural. Now, by revelation, places is out of place.

Are we together here? They translated without revelation. We interpret with revelation. So, by revelation, we can figure out where the translators went beyond their boundary.

That is why we rightly divide the word of truth. It’s the realm of the spirit. Praise the lord.

So, number one, that you may know the hope of your calling. That’s why the epistles are written. The essence was to enlighten them the more.

These are people that Paul had ordained elders over to look after them. So, this letter was written to them by Paul. Paul was not there physically.

He wrote to them to enlighten them. It’s like somebody said, why will I go to church if some of the time I go to church, all they do is play video for me to watch? Why will I go to church or just to watch papa on video? You don’t need to see papa physically. Because whether you see me physically or not, it is words that you will hear.

We’ve not seen Paul, but we’re reading his books. We’ve not seen Peter, but we’re reading their books. Because we don’t need to see them.

What we need from them is what they have written. Am I communicating here? Yeah. You don’t need to see me physically because even when you see me physically, you’re not holding my leg.

You’re only hearing words. God himself, you don’t see him physically. The only thing you get from God is what? Words.

So as long as you are hearing words and the words are ministering to your spirit, that’s what you need. Then somebody said, but I will stay at home and watch it. No, you can’t stay at home and watch it because beyond the world, coming together produces an atmosphere of fellowship.

So we need to watch together and fellowship together. That’s the essence. Say, I hear you.

I’m not hearing you at all. We need to gather together. Bible said, do not dismiss the assembling of yourselves together as the manner of some.

It’s much more as we see the day approach. David said, I wondered at the prosperity of the wicked. I couldn’t understand until I came to the sanctuary.

Then I understood that. So when we gather like this, there is a level of revelation that is brought down in our fellowship together that you alone cannot bring down. Am I communicating at all? So that’s why we assemble.

That’s why we assemble in Zio. That’s why we assemble together in the place of fellowship. To listen.

Now that doesn’t mean I’ll be writing you letters. I will be here bodily. You are seeing me, I will see you.

Somebody shout a powerful amen. But I’m just trying to make you see things, you know, in perspective from the scriptures. Now look at the book of Ephesians chapter 1 verse 1. Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ, by the will of God, to the saints, to know that it is a letter.

This church, listen, this church in Ephesus was established by Paul. He pastored them for three years. After three years, he left.

Now he was in prison for a short while. And while he was in prison, they were seen as a church. So from prison, he wrote them letters to be read in the churches.

Grace be to you and peace from God our father and from the Lord Jesus Christ. Blessed the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ who has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly in Christ. With all.

Somebody shout I am blessed. With all. I’m not hearing you.

I am blessed. With all. Can I hear you louder? I am blessed.

With all. Look, you are not carrying partial blessing. You are carrying the totality of blessings.

There is no more blessing that you, that is waiting in front. All the blessings that you will ever need in this life and in the life to come is already on your inside. Say with me, I am blessed with all spiritual blessings.

I didn’t hear your amen. Blessed with all spiritual blessings in the heavenlies in Christ. So the book of Ephesians is a book of all.

Because from the introduction of the subject of Ephesians, you can see that the context says what you’re about to read is all the blessings that are yours. Blessed with all. So the book of Ephesians is a book of all.

It means everything. Look at Ephesians chapter four verse one. I therefore the prisoner of the Lord beseech you that you work worthy of the vocation wherewith you are called.

He was writing them letters to remind them of things he taught them when he was physically with them. To work worthy of the vocation wherewith they are called. Now I love the book of Ephesians because it is a complete book and it is very systematic in his presentation.

Paul was so systematic in his theology that if you follow the polite theology, spiritual maturity will not be a prayer point. He wasn’t confused in his in his thoughts and presentation. He was well organized.

He was very articulated in his speech and in his writings and in his books. So this book is systematic in that chapter one, chapter two, chapter three of Ephesians tells you your position in Christ. Chapter four, chapter five, chapter six of Ephesians tells you your responsibilities in Christ.

So first of all, he establishes your position in the first three chapters. Then in the other three chapters, the last three chapters, he now shows you your responsibilities. I mean complete book.

A Christian can survive on earth with the book of Ephesians. Just that one book. Because it shows you who you are and it shows you what to do.

And if you know who you are, you know what to do. What else? Are we together here? It’s a complete. That’s why it took time for us to study that book because I have looked at the book critically and I have seen that that book has so much to help you grow and be who God wants you to be.

I didn’t hear a powerful amen. Alright, so Paul now begins to deal with your position and then he now begins to deal with your responsibilities. Look at Ephesians chapter three verse twenty.

Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think according to the power that worketh in us. What Paul is saying is there’s nothing you need anymore. Everything you need is at work inside you.

All blessings. Now that’s how he completes. He started with telling you of all blessings.

He completes the chapter three by telling you there’s power that is working in you that can take you beyond any imagination. Able to do exceeding abundantly above all that you ask or think according to the power that worketh in you. Next verse.

Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages world without end. Amen. Can I hear a powerful amen? That’s a complete letter.

Chapter one to three is a complete letter. He has concluded the letter with even a benediction that has a full stop in an amen. Chapter four is the beginning of another letter.

In a letter. When he completed that by saying amen. Look at the way he started chapter four.

Chapter four verse one. I therefore I therefore the prisoner is the beginning of a new thought. Are we together here? So the book of Ephesians is divided into two segments.

Into two segments. Chapter one to three. What Christ has done in you.

Who you are in Christ. What you have in Christ. Chapter four.

Walk. Walk worthy. Walk worthy.

You have a calling. Walk worthy. You have a calling.

Responsibility. Are we together here? Look at it. Walk worthy of the vocation.

We are with you God will walk worthy for you. He now says because of all that Christ has done in you, what Christ has deposited in you, I therefore charge you to walk. You are the one to walk worthy of the vocation where you are called.

You already have a calling. Live out the reality of that calling. So that’s the way chapter four starts.

It starts with unveiling to you the responsibilities that are yours because of who you are in Christ. He didn’t start by saying walk worthy because there’s nothing to walk worthy of. He first of all establish who you are in Christ and establish the capacity you have in Christ and the ability you have in Christ based on that walk worthy.

Are we together here? I was somewhere and some people were asking me a question but the Bible said walk out your salvation with fear and I don’t know why people you know illiteracy is very big in the body of Christ. People just pick scriptures and just quote them out of context. It’s in Philippians chapter two verse twelve.

We are for my beloved brethren as you have always obeyed not as in my presence only but now much more in my absence. Walk out your own salvation. He didn’t say walk for your own salvation.

He didn’t say walk for your salvation. Don’t you understand English language? The tenses are not put in there for nothing. They are put in there for understanding.

Walk out. That means it’s inside. You already have it.

So bring it out. Are we understanding here? He didn’t say walk for yours. You can’t walk.

How can you walk for did you? Were you there when it happened? While you were yet sinners, Christ died. You were not there. You were not even born again two thousand years ago when he died.

He died for your future sins. Now that you woke up to realize that he has died for you and you have received what his death has provided. He now is in you.

Jesus is in you based on that knowledge. Let that Jesus in you find expression. Am I teaching here? Walk out your salvation.

Not walk for your salvation. You walk it out. How do you walk it out? Next verse.

He now shows you. For it is God which walketh in you but to be willing to walk it out and to do his good pleasure. You cannot do his good pleasure by yourself.

He is still the one that will produce it in you when you allow him. So your responsibility is to allow him how? You allow him number one by sitting down for us to teach you who you are, what you have. Because the moment you know who you are and what you have and what you are capable of doing, that is step one.

Once you understand that, you allow him to walk through you. They don’t say walk for your salvation. They say walk out your salvation.

Then even in the walking out of your salvation, he still tells you it is still God that is the one that will walk it out. He’s the one that walk. So just let him express himself.

I’m teaching good here. Let him express himself. Ephesians chapter one, chapter two, chapter three.

He speaks about the walk of Christ in us where we are seated in Christ who we are in him. Chapter four, chapter five, chapter six speaks about the lifestyle of the believer, the walk of the believer, the stand of the believer and he tells you we rest you. Believe us, we rest you.

He doesn’t say because of what Christ has done, everything is finished. No, no, no. He say after what Christ has done.

Now, you walk, you stand, you wrestle. Am I teaching? Based on what Christ has done, you walk, you stand, you wrestle. You won’t say, well, Christ has done it.

Let me relax. No, you have responsibilities. That’s why the book of Ephesians is a perfect book for discipleship.

It’s a perfect book for discipleship. Because he shows you who you are and he shows you what is expected of you. Teaching good.

From chapter one, chapter two, chapter three of Ephesians, there is nothing for you to do there. In chapter one, chapter two, chapter three, there is nothing you can offer. It is only what he has done.

He has done, he has, he had, he had, he had. Then from chapter four, what you are to do. Sit, walk, stand.

Sit, walk, stand. He has made us sit together with him. He has raised us up with him.

Having done all to stand, stand. Sit, stand, walk. Responsibilities.

Sit, stand, walk. But before you sit, stand, walk, you must know who you are, what you have, what he has done. Based on that, sit, stand, walk.

Teaching good? And that’s a book of Ephesians. That’s a summary of what that book carries. And we shall go into the details of it.

Are you excited? I’m already excited. Alright? Now, so, chapter four to six of Ephesians. Chapter four, chapter five, chapter six, you will see the ongoing walk.

You know, how many of you remember, I told you that there is a finished walk, there is the ongoing walk, and there is the unfinished walk. Did I say that? There is the finished walk of Christ, there is the ongoing walk of Christ in our lives today, and there is the unfinished walk of Christ which is evangelism. Which is prayer.

Christ didn’t finish prayer. And Christ didn’t finish evangelism. Those are unfinished walk.

Giving is unfinished walk. Christ didn’t finish giving. Alright? We give because that is part of the walk Christ did not finish.

We are to finish. Why do we give? Because evangelism and the kingdom requires money. Money is the machinery of evangelism and kingdom building.

Plenty of it. Not meager change. Not collection.

Plenty of money. That is the unfinished walk. You know when Jesus was from the dead, the Jewish people brought big money and paid the soldiers to advertise that he was stolen, that he didn’t rise.

And the Bible says they went everywhere and it was established all over Israel that Jesus didn’t rise from the dead. Do you know till today that lie that was sponsored by money is still persisting in Israel. Jewish people are still waiting for Jesus to come because they were told that he was stolen, he didn’t rise.

Till today they are waiting for the Messiah. That’s the power of money. Money can be used to cover truth for millenniums.

I mean for decades. Money. So the same way money can be used to cover truth, money can be used to market truth everywhere.

Am I talking to somebody here? Yeah. That’s what the Bible say. Cry it saying your cities through prosperity shall spread abroad.

Through what? As your amen will come like thunder, you will have this money. Because the reason why some of you are not responding is because you don’t have it. Whatever looks like luck in your life is terminated.

Receive supply. Receive supply. Somebody shout I have all blessings and I will flourish in the pursuit of my destiny for the advancement of the kingdom.

I didn’t hear thunder. So the unfinished work of Christ is prayer, evangelism, and finances. Giving for the work of God.

The ongoing work of Christ is what God is doing in us today through teaching, through our spiritual growth in this house. The finished work of Christ is what Christ has done. And you will see all of this properly represented in the book of Ephesians.

Hallelujah. The position of the believer and the responsibilities of the believer. Acts 91.

And it came to pass that while Apollos was at Corinth, Paul having passed through the upper coast came to Ephesus and finding certain disciples. This was the beginning of the church at Ephesus because we’re studying the book of Ephesians. He said unto them, have you received the Holy Ghost since you believed? And they said unto him, we have not so much as heard whether there be any Holy Ghost.

And he said unto them, unto what then were you baptized? And they said unto John’s baptism. Then said Paul, John verily baptized with the baptism of repentance saying unto the people that they should believe on him which should come after him. That is on Christ.

Next verse. When they had this, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. Next verse.

And when Paul had laid his hands upon them, the Holy Ghost came on them and they spoke with tongues and prophesied. That was the beginning of the church at Ephesus. It began with this man.

Paul met them. They were disciples of John. These people were disciples of John.

And they were learning something because if you’re a you must be learning something. Okay? So, what were they learning? Well, they told Paul that they know the baptism of John. And Paul he said to them, haven’t you heard of Jesus? They said, we have not even heard of the Holy Ghost.

We have not heard of the Holy Ghost. All we know is the baptism of John. Now, we need to quickly establish what is the baptism of John.

Because all they knew, that was the beginning of the church at Ephesus. All the disciples knew was the baptism of John. That means that the baptism of John was written from Old Testament books.

Old test because they were always studying the scriptures. So the baptism of John must have been drawn from the Old Testament books. So what is the baptism of John? And I’m going to get that in a second.

But look at this. This was not the first time Paul came to Ephesus. Before Acts 19, Paul came to Ephesus before.

But he didn’t stay. He just entered Ephesus and went out. Acts 18 verse two to four.

And found a certain Jew named Aquila born in Pontus. Lately come from Italy with his wife Priscilla because that Claudius had commanded all Jews to depart from Rome and came unto them. Next verse.

And because he was of the same craft, he abode with them and wrought for by their occupation they were tent makers. So Paul was a tent maker. Aquila and Priscilla were tent makers.

Alright? Next verse. And he reasoned in the synagogue every Sabbath and persuaded the Jews and the Greeks. Paul came into Ephesus and met with these people.

He met with Aquila and Priscilla because their profession was the same. Acts 18 19. And he came to Ephesus and left them there.

But he himself entered into the synagogue and reasoned with the Jews. When they desired him to tarry longer with them, he consented not. So he brisked into Ephesus and went out.

In chapter 19 was the first time he now came in properly into Ephesus to do any form of ministerial work. Look at that Acts chapter 18 verse 24. And a certain Jew named Apollos, born of Alexandra, an eloquent man, mighty in the scriptures, came to Ephesus.

This Apollos was mighty in the scriptures. He also came to Ephesus. After Paul had left Ephesus, Apollos did not meet Paul in Ephesus.

Paul had left. Verse 25. This man was instructed in the way of the Lord.

And being fervent in the spirit, he spake and taught diligently the things of the Lord, knowing only the baptism of John. Apollos was mighty in scripture. But he knew only the baptism of John.

Again, what is the baptism of John? Stand on your feet. Stand on your feet. Yeah, we will do some thorough exegesis in the next service on what is the baptism of John.

Because many people are confused about the baptism of John. So we need to do thorough exegesis on what is. Because look at the everything is baptism of John.

These people knew the baptism of John. Apollos was mighty in scripture, knowing only the baptism of John. So we’re going to examine is the baptism of John what a baptism? Is the baptism of John a teaching? Is the baptism of John a doctrine? What is the baptism of John? And we’re going to have scriptures for it.

Because there are a number of people you will meet out there that will exalt what a baptism above Christ. You must be grounded in this truth to be able to take the rug from under their feet. Somebody say, I hear you.

I hear you. Listen to me people. You are light bearers to this generation.

You are the light of this generation. Can somebody shout hallelujah? The Holy Ghost lives on your inside. Right where you’re standing, hearing the sound of my voice, the spirit of revelation is on your inside.

As your amen will come like thunder, every veil is taking off your eyes. The spirit of revelation is at work on your inside. Somebody say with me, I am born of God.

I am born of the spirit. I am born of the word. I am regenerated by the Holy Ghost.

I house God. He lives in me. I live in him.

Therefore, all blessings are on my inside. Right now, I am blessed with all spiritual blessings. I didn’t hear your amen.

Listen to this. I want to pray for you but listen carefully. Some people for lack of thorough understanding will tell you, all the blessings are in the spirit.

But when you pray well, you transfer them to the physical. There’s nothing like that. There’s nothing like that.

There is nothing like that. So in case you’ve been praying hard to transfer the blessings from the spirit to the physical, you’ve been on a wrong assignment. You’ve been on a wrong assignment.

So stop that assignment. Okay, nobody gave you work. Stop it.

Okay, look at it. Ephesians one three. Blessed be the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Who will bless us? Eh? Eh? Then if he has blessed you, there is no need transferring it from anywhere. Because if he has already blessed you, it means you already have it. Some say but I want to see, don’t worry, you, you will understand now.

Who have blessed us? Somebody shout, I am blessed. Say it very loud right now. Standing here.

I am blessed. Okay, now, who has blessed us? With how many? All. All what? Spiritual blessings.

Where? In heavenlies. Where are the blessings? In heavenlies. Where are the heavenlies? In Christ.

So where are the spiritual blessings? In Christ. Where is Christ? In you. See, so all the spiritual blessings are in you.

Now, when we talk of blessing, you think of car, you think of money, you think of house, you think of That is why you think you have to transfer it. But when the Bible talks of blessing, it’s not talking of material stuff. Because you don’t need Christ to buy car.

How many of you know you don’t need Jesus to build a house? Most people that have houses don’t know Jesus. So you don’t need Jesus to have a house. So when the scripture is talking of blessings, divorce material things from your mind.

That’s why he qualified it. He said these blessings are spiritual. These blessings are spiritual.

They are not physical. Because physical things can be gotten by anybody. And you can get them anyhow.

You can steal it. As long as you are not caught, it has become your property. And nobody can collect it.

I don’t know if we are together here. You didn’t hear what I said. Look at the way you’re looking at me.

I said you can steal it. And as long as nobody caught you, it has become your property, true or false. So when the Bible is talking of spiritual blessings, it’s not talking about material stuff.

Peter helps us to understand. He says you are called to an inheritance. Undefiled.

Undefiled. Number one. Okay.

Undefiled. Number two. Incorruptible.

Cars can be corrupted. Houses can be corrupted. I feel like I’m talking now.

Yeah. Cars, houses, money can be corrupted. But the blessings that you have in Christ are incorruptible.

Then he says, that faded not away. That faded not away. Am I talking to somebody here? Reserved for you in heaven.

Where is it reserved? In heaven. Where is heaven? In Christ. And Christ.

So somebody now says to me, but these blessings, can you itemize them? Yes, I can itemize them. Number one, forgiveness of sins. What is that? David also described it, the blessedness of the man unto whom God imputed no sin.

That’s a blessing. I feel like I’m talking here. You see, the problem with the church is we are carnal in our minds.

So that’s why people come to church for car. They come to church for miracles. You should come to church to know Jesus.

Because nothing can compare to the knowledge of Christ. And let me tell you, that’s why I see when you you have joy that no material thing can collect. It is called joy that passes all understanding.

That is, your car had a problem. Instead of driving your car to church, you enter Kekenapepe. And you don’t mind the fact that people are looking at you.

That a man like you is in Kekenapepe. The joy of coming to fellowship with Christ is bigger than the dignity of car and Kekenapepe. It is that joy that makes you, in spite of circumstances, you are still happy.

Your joy is not tied to things. Your joy is tied to him. Am I teaching here? Yes.

Whether you have a job or you don’t have a job, it doesn’t stop your joy. When your joy is tied to things, you are far from Christ. Your joy should be tied to Christ.

When Christ who is our life, if Christ is your life, the memory of Christ should make you happy. Look, when you think of Christ, you should just be happy. Money? No money.

Whether things are working or things are not working. Because I don’t need Christ for things to work. Because there are people without Christ that things are working for.

Am I talking to somebody here? But having Christ is everything. It’s having everything. And because I have Christ, it’s a matter of time.

Things will answer to me. Because Christ cannot be in a place and things don’t work. If they are not working, they will work.

It just means that there are a few things I need to do. And as I work with Christ, the Holy Ghost will give me ideas and he will direct my thoughts as to what to touch to make it work. I’m an authority in Christ.

So if there is a thing I need to rebuke, I will rebuke it. Natural man cannot rebuke but I will rebuke. Haven’t you seen multi-millionaires with cancer? Cancer.

With all their money, the cancer cannot go. Yet a man of God, a child of God with Christ will lay hands on that cancer. Bam! And it is out.

That is the blessing. I feel like dancing. I feel like dancing.

I feel like dancing. I say that is the blessing. The blessing is Christ.

Amen. Forgiveness of sins in whom we have redemption. Even the forgiveness of sins by the riches of his grace.

That’s why it is called unsearchable. It is not riches you can lay hand on. It is riches you cannot steal.

See nobody can steal it. They can take your car but they can’t take Christ. And with Christ, you can become a car manufacturer.

Instead of one car, you are the one selling cars. You become unbeatable. A man that cannot be limited and a woman that cannot be stopped.

That revelation makes you keep your shoulders high. No matter what happens. I mean how can a man be in prison and be writing letters? How can a man be in prison and be writing letters to church and they are reading it all over the place? Only a man that knows the joy of the Lord.

That no matter the circumstances, your head can never go down. I prophesy to the first 1,000 of you whose amen will come like thunder. You will see the end of every storm.

You will see the end of every trial. You will see the end of every situation. You will see the end of every persecution.

I prophesy. Listen carefully. They can only run you down for so long.

They can’t run you down forever. You are blessed with every blessing. You are preserved by the power of God.

No weapon formed against you shall prosper. Everywhere they have gathered against you, I command them to collapse for your sake. They that gather against you, they shall fall for your sake.

I declare every tongue speaking against you as your amen will come like thunder, I condemn that tongue. He has said before you an open door. No man can shut that door.

No man can shut that door. No man can shut that door. As your amen will come like thunder, enter your open door.

Enter your place of relevance. Enter your place of prominence. Enter your place of authority.

Enter your place of dominion. You are kept by the power of God. You are preserved by the Holy Ghost.

In the name of Jesus. Can that amen slap the devil? Oh my goodness. What a word.

What a word. What a word. When you grow in the knowledge of who God is, doctrinally, your relationship with God becomes more effective.

I love you guys and I’m excited. Fasten your seatbelts, get your pen and your paper right now as I take you into a gospel adventure into the service where the Spirit of our God is already moving. Happy viewing.

Now we looked at it earlier, why should we study the book of Ephesians? Why should we study the book of Ephesians? And we said that any book in the Bible is to be studied because of its content. Of its content and of its context. Content and context.

Second Timothy chapter 3 verse 16 says, All scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine. The word doctrine means explanation. That the scriptures are given to us as the basis for our explaining any issue that concerns the Christ.

For explanation in the areas of evidence or reproof. That the scriptures explains to us our reproof evidence or in the area of correction. The word correction there has to do with mindset.

Setting the mind correct or setting the mind right as it regards the doctrine of Christ. Also for instructions in righteousness why that the man of God may be perfect, fully furnished unto every good work. So any material that is taught by the scriptures is worthy to be read.

Any material that is a by-product of the scriptures, you didn’t hear that. Any material that came out of the scriptures is worthy to be read. And I’m going to explain what I mean by that in another few minutes.

Now like Paul said to Timothy in second Timothy 3 15 that from a child thou has known the holy scriptures which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. What you are saying to Timothy is that Timothy you have known the holy scriptures from when you were a child. And those scriptures are able to make you wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.

So we conclude that the entire content and context of the Bible is about faith in Christ. So any book that presents Christ as the center, any book that presents Christ as the center, and any book that presents the redemptive work of Christ is a book worthy to be studied. Any book that presents Christ as the center and any book that presents the redemptive work of Christ is a book worthy to be studied.

And the book of Ephesians that is what it is all about. Because in Luke 24 25 Jesus said to them, O fools and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken, ought not Christ to have suffered these things and to enter into his glory. And beginning from Moses he expanded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself.

He’s the message of the scriptures. So any book that Jesus is the center and it contains the redemptive work of Christ is a worthy book to be studied. John 5 39 he said to them search the scriptures for in them the scriptures you think you have eternal life but the scriptures don’t give eternal life rather they are they which testify of me.

Can I hear a powerful amen. Now we also saw that Apostle Paul the writer of the book of Ephesians was accepted as an apostle by the mainstream apostles. Because once the apostles who were with Jesus accepts you as a mainstream apostle then whatever you say should be accepted.

Let’s see how that happened in second Peter chapter 3 verse 15. Look at Peter’s commentary on the person and the writings of Paul. He said an account the long-suffering of our Lord’s salvation.

Even as our beloved brother Paul. So Peter is running a commentary on the person and the teachings of brother Paul. Even as our beloved brother Paul also according to the wisdom given unto him hath written unto you.

Next verse. As also in all epistles speaking in them of these things. All right.

In which are some things hard to be understood. Peter acknowledged that the things that Paul wrote are very hard to be understood. Peter acknowledged that to be understood so which day that are unlearned and unstable they wrestle with the teachings of Paul.

Anybody struggling with the polite theology is unstable and he is unlearned. That says something very quickly. That you cannot teach the polite theology if you are unlearned and unstable.

Any man of God and I’m not sure many of them are watching me. Any man of God that cannot stay on the polite theology is unstable and unlearned. Because the height of learning and stability is the ability to uncover the polite theology.

Peter acknowledged it. He said which some that are unlearned and unstable they wrestle, they they wrestle. When they read the teachings of Paul they start wrestling.

It’s like people that start arguing what is grace, what is grace, what is grace. And grace is the center, the center hub of the polite theology. Are you with me here? Is the center, is the center of the polite theology.

All apostles spoke about grace. But when you count how many times all the other apostles, Peter, James, John, you know, all the other apostles, including the writer of Hebrews, whoever he was, when you put together all of them, they mentioned grace 22 times. In the entire New Testament, all other apostles, their mention of grace in their books is 22 times.

Paul alone mentioned grace 22 times only in Romans. Only in Romans. So all that all other apostles did concerning grace is Paul’s one book.

And don’t forget he has Galatians, he has first and second Corinthians, he has Thessalonians, he has Ephesians, he has Colossians, all of that, there’s a lot of grace in it. So therefore 67 to 70 percent of the mention of the word grace in the entire Bible is in the polite theology. That means for you to understand the message of grace, you have to rely on the polite theology.

That is why they that are unlearned and unstable, they cannot fathom grace. That’s what Peter was saying. For you to understand grace means you have become learned.

There’s a level of learning, illiterate and lazy people cannot understand grace. They may preach it as a means to an end. Grace for visa, grace to marry, grace to travel, grace for employment as a message.

But the entire message of the scriptures by the revelation of the polite theology, which is the message of Christ, is grace. So they say they’re stable, they struggle with the other scriptures unto their own destruction. They struggle with the scriptures to their own destruction, just like they struggle with the polite theology.

Oh yes, Paul addressed grace as an overall, as a wholesome subject. He dealt with grace from different perspectives. He dealt with grace as it pertains the forgiveness of sins.

He preached grace as righteousness. He preached grace as justification. He preached grace as, as, as, as, as salvation.

He preached grace as the conduct of a believer. And Paul took time to deal with the difference between grace and law. So the polite theology on the subject of grace is all encompassing.

It’s wholesome. So to understand grace, you must be a good student of the polite theology. Am I communicating here? Yeah, you must be a good student.

If you are not a good student of the polite theology, you will wrestle with the scriptures of, of Paul to your own destruction. So Peter was quick to acknowledge and admit that Paul has certain unusual insight that only a learned man and stable man can fathom. See, I hear you.

All right. So, so, so that, that’s, that’s Peter’s commentary concerning the writings of Paul. Now, Peter is aware of Paul’s letters written to the Christians in Asia.

He’s aware of all the letters that Paul wrote to Colossae, Thessalonians, Ephesians, and all the different churches in Asia. Look at it in first Peter one, one. Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ to the strangers scattered throughout Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia.

All of these are the places where Paul sent his epistles to. And Peter wrote to them in acknowledgement that Paul has an unusual insight. Therefore, he’s, he is commending them to the teachings of brother Paul.

That’s why he made that commentary. Ephesus was also among them. Ephesus was also among them.

Amen. And Peter said what Paul wrote is hard to be understood as the other scriptures. So Paul’s letters were identified as inspired of God.

That is why they have been brought in to the Bible. All of Paul’s letters. Look at it now.

Let’s get into this thing. Acts chapter 19 verse 20 gives us a foundation of the church in Ephesus. So mightily grew the word of God and prevailed.

This was at Ephesus. Paul stayed there and taught and taught until the word grew. Remember the foundation of the church at Ephesus.

Paul met some people in Acts 19 one and he said to them, had you received the Holy Ghost since you believed? And they said, we have not even heard if there’s anything like Holy Ghost. And he asked them, unto what baptism were you baptized? And they said unto the baptism of John. All right.

So that is where Paul started the church at Ephesus by getting these people in Acts 19. And then he began to pastor them for three years. At the end of three years, the people that Paul met as disciples who didn’t know their left from right were ordained as elders.

Three years of intensive teaching. That means the minimum required time for anybody that is intelligent and serious with God to be developed as an effective disciple of Christ to a point where he too can disciple others. It’s three years.

Paul ran it. Jesus spent three years and half with 12 men that were unlearned, that didn’t go to school, that were illiterate. At the end of three and half years, Jesus could trust them that he went to heaven and left them to populate the world with the gospel.

And they didn’t fail him. Three and half years. So by the time you stay with a pastor for three and half years and you still don’t know your left from your right, leave that church.

Because you are in the wrong place certainly. And sometimes the church may not be the problem. You may be the problem.

Because I can’t imagine somebody’s in this church and cannot simply explain what grace is. Then there’s no problem with us. There’s only a problem with him.

That means when you listen to me teach, as you are listening to me, you are listening to yourself. And anything I’m saying that does not agree with what was already conditioned inside you, you throw it off. When you behave like that, you cannot grow.

You must come with an open heart, with a ready mind, ready to make adjustments and throw away anything you believed. Once scriptures are shown to you to contradict what you are taught, that’s why the scriptures are given to correct. The word correction there means the adjustment of mindsets.

That is mental shift. The scriptures should bring about a paradigm shift in your mentality. They call it brainwashing sometimes.

But before you met Jesus, your brain was dirty. So when you came to Jesus, you experienced the washing of water by the word. So what is that? Brainwashing.

It’s a good thing to wash your brain so it can see better. You won’t fail. Why are you looking at me like that? I said you won’t fail.

Amen. So the church at Ephesus began from Acts 19. But we also established that that was not Paul’s first time in Ephesus.

He had come in chapter 18, but he didn’t last. He left. Then he came back fully in chapter 19.

I didn’t hear your amen. So look at Acts 18, 18 now. Let’s begin to trace this and then we get into this thing fully.

And Paul after they studied there yet a good while and then took his leave of the brethren and servants into Syria. And with him Priscilla and Aquila having shown head in Cancria for he had a vow. Next verse.

And he came to Ephesus. This was his first time. And left them there.

When he came to Ephesus, he didn’t stay. He left. Immediately.

But in chapter 19, he came back to Ephesus and stayed. That was the genesis of the of Ephesians or the church at Ephesus. I didn’t hear your amen.

All right now. Acts 20, 22. Look at the way Paul puts it for them.

And now behold, I go bound in the spirit unto Jerusalem. This was when he was leaving Ephesus back to Jerusalem. Not knowing the things that shall befall me there.

Save that the Holy Ghost witnessed it in every city saying that bounds and affliction abide me. So now he’s telling them I’m going to Jerusalem. He’s departing from Ephesus to Jerusalem.

Look at verse 24. But none of these things move me, neither can turn my life there unto myself. So that I might finish my course with joy and the ministry which I have received of the Lord Jesus.

What was the ministry that Paul received of the Lord Jesus? To testify the gospel of the grace of God. What was Paul’s ministry? To testify of the gospel of the grace of God. So what is the gospel? The grace of God.

According to the Pauline theology. Are we in the house? Yeah. The gospel of the grace of God.

And then in verse 25, look at what he says to them. And now brethren, I know that ye all among whom I have gone preaching the kingdom of God shall see my face no more. That was his departure.

He has spent three years. He has taught them the word. He has established them.

He has ordained elders. Now he’s leaving them to start another walk. And he’s telling them you won’t see my face again.

As I’m going, nothing will bring me back to you again. Because there’s nothing I’m going to teach you that I have not taught you. That means there’s a level where you teach somebody, even if you don’t see him again, he should be able to stand on his own.

He should be able to stand on his own. There’s a level you are taught, even if you are transferred to where there is no church, you should start a church. You should start a church.

If you are transferred from this church, don’t ask me which church I will attend because I will minister to you a right hand of fellowship. I will speak to you. You should tell me as I’m going, I need your blessing because I’m starting a branch.

And I will pray for you and give you a few guidelines. Because you already have the message. The only other thing is just a few guidelines on administrative for administrative purposes.

You should start a church in your parlor. You should start a church in your parlor. Witness to the people around.

Gather them where two or three churches started. And you begin to share with them what I have taught you. The things I have taught you.

Commit thou to faithful men who shall in turn come. What I’m teaching you, teach others. That’s church.

You don’t have to start a new revelation. There is no monopoly of revelation. No scripture is of any private interpretation.

What I say to one, I say to all. I’m teaching good. And if you didn’t understand anything I taught and you have started a church by the CDC down.

And and that thing you were running from. When I was teaching you. Now you will face it one day.

Because now you will have to listen carefully. Not just for yourself. Bearing in mind that others will hear you and ask questions.

So you must know it. You know the way you listen to something for yourself is different from the way you listen to something if you know you’re going to teach another person. That is how you should be listening to me all the time.

Knowing that you will teach another person. Say with me I’m not a waster of grace. Said very loud.

Listen and hear you. You know what you have just said? Everything you are teaching me I will teach others. That’s what you said without knowing.

Because what what I’m teaching you now is grace. Grace and peace be multiplied through knowledge. As I’m giving you knowledge, I’m giving you grace.

So when you say I’m not a waster of grace, what you have simply said is that what you are giving me, I will be faithful to commit to others. That’s what you have said. And I’m not sure you regret saying it.

So say it louder. I’m not a waster of grace. I’m a utilizer of God’s grace.

And with grace, I will make profit for the kingdom of God. I didn’t hear your amen. Three years.

He said I’m going. And you will see my face no more. You’re not the only ones.

There are other places I need to start work. So everything I’ve taught you, be faithful with it. I love brother Paul.

I say I love brother Paul. Look at verse thirty-eight of the same chapter. Now he begins to speak to them in verse thirty-eight.

Sorrowing most of all for the world which is pecked. They were all sorrowful. They were crying because their pastor was leaving them.

And that they should see his face no more. And they accompanied him onto the ship that he was going to use to travel. They followed him to do bye-bye in the ship.

Next verse. And it came to pass that after we were gotten from them and had lunch we came with a straight course onto onto course. And the day following onto roads and from thence onto Peter So now Paul began to narrate what happened as he traveled.

Are you with me here? Now after Paul left this church he went to prison. Somehow somehow things happen because he said I go to Jerusalem bound not knowing what shall befall me. So as he left them he went to prison.

So the book of Ephesians was Paul writing to them to remind them what he had taught them when he was with them. So the book of Ephesians is a reminder of what has been taught. And he wrote Ephesians to them from prison.

How do we know that? Ephesians four one. Put it up. I therefore instead of saying the prisoner of Caesar because it was Caesar that put him in prison.

He say I therefore the prisoner of the Lord because the reason why I’m in prison is because of the Lord. So I’m not a prisoner of Caesar I’m a prisoner of the Lord beseech you that you walk worthy of the vocation wherewith you are called. Meaning that this letter was written from prison by Apostle Paul to the church at Ephesus.

Are we together here? Are you getting the background to the book of Ephesians? If you are shout a powerful amen. So let’s review why this letter was written. We have established earlier that the apostles did not teach by letters but from the scriptures.

All they had was Genesis to Malachi. They didn’t have letters, they had scripture. Today we have their letters.

So whatever they wrote came from the scriptures which is Genesis to Malachi. But we today we have the letters that they brought out of the scriptures as reminders for the churches that they wrote the Are we together here? They had they had scriptures but we beyond the scriptures we have the revelation of the scriptures by the writing of the apostles. It’s called the epistles.

What is it called? The epistles. Alright? So all of them took their letters from the scriptures from Genesis to Malachi and by reason of history Matthew, Mark, Luke. Matthew, Mark, Luke.

Because John was not written at the same time with Matthew, Mark, Luke. John was written later on with first John, second John, third John. That is why first John, second John, third John are very close to the gospel of John.

Because actually history has it that the gospel of John, first, second, and third John was written by John the same week. He wrote it the same week. That is why the book of John is closer to revelation than the other gospels.

How many of you observe that the other gospels have all the details? And the angel came to Mary and said, Mary, hail thou Mary, thou art highly favored. The Lord is with thee. And Mary said, well I am a virgin.

How can these things be? Seeing I know not a man. And the angel said to Mary, the power of the Holy Ghost shall come upon you. The power of the most high shall overshadow you.

And Mary said, be it unto me according to your word. And Joseph saw Mary pregnant and he wanted to drive her away. And the angel appeared to Joseph and said, Joe, don’t put her away.

All those narrations were histories, stories told. But when John came up, John didn’t have time for angel. He didn’t have time for Virgin Mary.

He didn’t have time for Joe. He didn’t have time for Herod. He didn’t have time for star appearing and disappearing.

He just in the beginning was a word close to revelation. And the word was with God. And the word was God.

Why? No time for stories. Where revelation starts coming, stories disappear. Am I teaching good here? Revelation is not storytelling.

Revelation is substance. Stories are for babies. Revelation is for matured people.

If there was no Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, we would not know how Jesus was born. We will only know that the word became flesh and dwelt among us. And we beheld his glory as the glory of the begotten of the father.

Full of grace and truth and of his fullness have we all received grace for grace. That’s the end of that story. And he began to talk about another thing.

Why? Because John wrote the book of John closer to the epistle of first John. That’s why they are similar. In fact, John three sixteen and first John three sixteen are the same.

They are the same. John three sixteen and first John three sixteen are the same. Because they were written the same week by John.

John had the expo. John cheated the others. Well, they were busy doing story, story, story, story.

John was doing revelation in the gospels. That is why in the book of John, you will see a lot of transitional truth. Somebody say transitional truth? Yeah.

In the book of John, you will see transitional truth. And somebody said to me, what is transitional truth? Truth like I am come that you may have life and have it more abundantly. How many of you know that in the book of John, nobody was having life? Because he had not died.

He couldn’t have given them life in John. So that statement was a transitional truth. Then he gave another transitional truth.

In John chapter ten, I give unto them eternal life and they shall never perish. How many of you know in John, he has not given anybody eternal life. He only gave eternal life after he rose from the dead.

So that statement that sounded like it had happened was a transitional truth that was going to happen. So the book of John carries a lot of transitional truths because it was written closer to revelation. Am I teaching good here? It was written closer to revelation.

So the apostles quoted from the the the the the scriptures and by extension, it included Matthew to Luke. Amen? Now, why was the book of Ephesians written? Number one, it was written to remind the believers at Ephesus of what they have been taught. It was written as a reminder of what Paul had taught them.

Number two, he wrote it to them to answer questions that the disciples in Ephesus raised in his absence. Because when he went, things began to happen in the church that when he was teaching them, he did not foresee. So while he was in prison, they started sending him letters to ask questions on certain issues that arose.

So he now wrote them instructing them on what to do concerning different issues. Husband, wife issues, marriage issues, children, parents, masters, servants in the church, misunderstanding issues. He addressed all those issues in the epistles that he wrote to the church at Ephesus.

So number one, to remind them what he taught them. Number two, to address questions that arose in that church while he was away. That’s the second reason for the book of Ephesians.

And so if you have issues in any local assembly and you’re looking for answers to those issues, one of the books to critically read is the book of Ephesians. Number three, to solve crisis situation. Situations of crisis in the was gone.

To solve crisis situation. Now, major books of Paul were written from prison. The major books of Paul like Ephesians was written from prison.

Philippians was written from prison. Colossians was written from prison and Philemon was written from prison. Cause he couldn’t see them face to face.

So he had to write them in later. So the book of Ephesians is inspired of God because it was drawn out of the inspired scriptures of the Old Testament. Praise the Lord.

I’m sure when Paul wrote that letter, he never knew that 2,000 years later, a church like power city will sit down to study that later. I’m sure he didn’t know. So that’s why you don’t do haphazard things.

They ask you to teach something. You stand there and you are talking things that we cannot find in the Bible. So you know, even the Bible say no condition is permanent.

Whatever you’re going through now, it will not be long. It will not be long. It will not be long.

That’s not a message. That is motivation. For it to be a message, it must be pulled out of the holy scriptures.

Am I communicating? Yeah. So this letters, therefore, we are a follow up later. Everybody say follow up.

Can I hear you louder? Loudest. That means when you preach to somebody and he gets born again, you must of necessity follow him up. Paul stayed with this church for three years.

After he left, he started following them up. You don’t get somebody born again and abandon him. You must follow him up.

Even if you got born again, I was crying. It’s not enough conviction for him to be left alone. He has to be followed up.

Paul had to follow up the church at Ephesus with letters. Even though he had pastored them for three years. How much more his soul you just met for one hour and then you just leave him and you say, well, Jesus will keep him.

Jesus doesn’t keep like that. He keeps through you because he’s in you. So you have to follow up people.

Ephesians 4, 11, look at it. And he gave some apostles and some prophets and some evangelists and some pastors and teachers or the or teaching pastors. He gave men to men.

He gave men to men. Colossians 128. Whom we preach one in every man and teaching every man in all wisdom that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus.

See the same thing he said in Ephesus. He said to the church at Colossae. Even though he used different words but it’s the same content.

For the perfecting of the sins. So now in in Colossians he told them one in every man and teaching every man in all wisdom that we may present every man perfect in Christ. So he’s still saying for the perfecting of the sins.

In different words. Same words to the to these two churches. To Ephesus and to Colossae.

Same words in his letters. To build up. To make sure people are established and refreshed.

That’s the mission of the ministry. Amen. I said amen.

So the book of Ephesians was written to the church at Ephesus. Four years after Paul left them. Four years after he left them.

He now wrote them to remind them what he taught them when he was with them. So these letters are follow-up material to the church. That’s why I said to you already that the book of Ephesians is a perfect book for discipleship.

Chapter one two three teaches you who you are in Christ. What you have in Christ and what Christ can do through you. Chapter four five and six teaches you your responsibility.

How to walk. How to sit. How to stand as a believer.

Perfect book. Balanced. That’s the book of Ephesians.

Amen. Mark 16 15. Going to all the world.

Preach the gospel to every creature. He that believes and is baptized shall be saved. He that believeth not shall be damned.

Then Matthew 28 verse 18. Go and make disciples of all nations. The first one is to preach.

The second one is to make disciples. So when you preach to people and they get born again, you must now follow them up to disciple them. It’s not enough to get somebody born again.

Beyond getting him born again, it is much more imperative to to disciple him. And discipleship is the process of overseeing the growth of a brother or sister whom God use you to bring to the kingdom. That is discipleship.

The process of supervising them to grow from where the new Christ to where they come to the knowledge of the truth. And every one of you here ought to a disciple maker. Everyone here.

You ought to have somebody right now. Everybody here ought to have somebody right now that you are personally supervising. When you come to church, you look for the person.

If it’s not in the service, you take your phone. Where are you? Where are you? Why do you want Chetan to cheat you? Where are you? Meet me now. I’m waiting for you in church.

That is follow up. He comes after the service. How was the service? Okay, what did you learn? Share with me.

That is follow up. Tomorrow you call him. How was your morning prayer today? Hope you had a wonderful fellowship.

Can we meet later to pray for just 30 minutes? He comes to your house. Two of you pray together. That is follow up.

He tells you his problems. You minister to him. That is follow up.

You follow him up like that for some time until he himself becomes established such that he can get somebody born again and follow the person. Every Christian ought to have that responsibility. It is not my responsibility.

My responsibility is all of you. Your responsibility is the new converts that you will bring to the kingdom. Otherwise, you are still a Tata in the kingdom.

Tata is evil way of saying in the bible what it is infant. Say again. You are an infant.

Eating and not growing. Can you imagine a child that is eating and the head is growing? The child is eating. No moving, no crawling, but the head is growing.

It is growth in the wrong direction. Ask your neighbor, are you growing in the wrong direction? Because of a necessity, there is nobody in this church that is not growing, true or false. There is nobody that is not growing.

But now we have to start checking the growth because you can be growing in the wrong direction. As you are eating, you are sitting in one place, your head is growing big because all the food is going to the head. Your neck is enlarging and your stomach is growing to a point where on the ground, they cannot carry you because the stomach has you are growing though.

But it is growth in the wrong direction. Because when you grow in the right direction, you should be able to move. You should be able to walk and you should be able to hold somebody and have the person to walk.

If you cannot hold somebody and have the person to walk and you have been sitting under me for it for some time now, you are certainly growing in the wrong direction. Your nose is enlarging while you are sitting in one position. All your eyes are growing very humongous because all the food is entering the eye.

That’s why you can tell the story of everybody in the church. That one, the day he came, he was wearing one shoe. The other one, the day he came, he was laughing.

You know everybody’s history, but you are sitting in one place because all the food is is going to the wrong direction. Eyeballs are standing like a monster. When children see you, they have bad dream because you have refused to grow in the right direction.

I’m teaching good here. Because certainly if you are growing in the right direction, you should be able by now to be restless such that you want to get somebody born again and have the privilege of watching the person grow. The joy of every spiritual parent is to see children grow.

Your growth is my joy. When I see you doing exploits for the kingdom, I feel fulfilled that I’m not wasting my time. But if you’re not doing anything, you’re just sitting down, your eyeballs are growing big, your head has become oversized, that one person cannot carry you.

A team of brethren have to gather together because of the size of your head. You were eating and it was growing the wrong place. Even cancer is not big like that.

So when we say evangelism and you’re not motivated, you’re growing in the wrong direction. Because a person that is growing spiritually well should be anxious, restless, and excited about getting others saved and watching them grow. See, I hear.

Yeah, spiritual growth. It’s a serious matter. Thank you, Lord.

Even those watching on TV can be growing in the wrong direction. Go and preach to every creature. Number two, make disciples.

I preach, he accepts, then I begin to teach him. I begin to what? Teaching is discipleship. Teaching.

You can’t disciple somebody by preaching. You disciple people by teaching. And teaching is very, very, very difficult.

It’s a hard job. Teaching. Preaching is easy.

Teaching is a very hard job. It’s laborious. Even the process of acquiring the material and organizing them in a system that can develop somebody.

That is a lot of work. Preaching can be haphazard. The important thing is that the people got the point anyhow.

But not teaching. Teaching must be organized. That means the person teaching must have an organized head.

His head must be organized to be able to communicate thoughts in a systematic manner. Am I communicating here? Yeah, that’s labor. That’s labor.

And every believer ought to experience that. Look at the apostles. They did it.

Acts fourteen twenty-one. And when they had preached the gospel to that city and had taught many, they returned again to Lystra and to Iconium and Antioch. Why did they return? For follow up.

After preaching they came back. They didn’t abandon them. They came back to see to the welfare of those people.

Look at verse twenty-two. Confirming the souls of the disciples. They came back to confirm.

The word confirm there is not the confirmation they do in some churches. The word confirm there means strengthening. Strengthening.

They came back to strengthen the souls. To solidify the souls of the disciples. To boost their conviction in the things they were they had received.

Amen? I I said amen. To edify the disciples. Exalting them to continue in the faith.

And that we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God. They also made them aware that the fact that you are born again doesn’t mean things will not go wrong. There will be trials.

There will be tribulation. So don’t let anybody tell you after you give your life to Christ everything will be perfect. It’s a lie.

You will go through tribulation because persecution and trials arise for the world’s sake. God is not breeding a generation of of of of weaklings. That he will he will keep you away from trouble.

No. God is confident of the champion he is not afraid to allow you confront challenges because you have what it takes to defeat challenges. In the world you shall have tribulation but be of good cheer for I have overcome that no matter the trials that come put up a smile because you know when it is all done and finished you will be standing tall.

I feel like I’m talking to somebody here. You are not a weakling. You are not a champion.

You are not, you are not, you are not a sissy. You are a macho. Greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world.

Somebody says since I gave my life to Christ things have been rough. Yes, he allowed things to be rough because he knows you can handle it. So instead of complaining, brace up and take care of it.

Brace up and take care of it. There is no scripture will not try you. There is no scripture that guarantee you butter and bread Christianity.

No, we must do tribulation. Go through life. So tribulations will come.

Trials will come to you as a Christian. And when you’re going through, go through. Don’t stop, just go through it.

For when you go through the water, I’m with you. Through the fire, I’m with you. If fire cannot burn Jesus, he cannot burn you.

If trouble cannot swallow Christ, he cannot swallow you. Am I talking to somebody here? He lives in you. You are not alone.

I will never leave now. I will be with you. Exactly.

Remember there’s a champion in you. So they came back to confirm the souls of the people. Encouraging them that tribulations will come and through tribulations and trials, we shall be saved.

Look at another one in Acts 15 36. And some days after Paul said unto Barnabas, let us go again and visit our brethren in every city where we have preached the word of the Lord and see how they do. That’s called follow up.

Let’s go and follow them up. Let’s go and strengthen the brethren. Let’s not just leave them alone.

Let’s go and follow them up and see to it that their discipleship program is still going on. Let’s go and strengthen them. I didn’t hear your amen.

Look at verse 40 of Acts 15. And Paul chose Silas and departed, being recommended by the brethren unto the grace of God. They recommended them to the grace of God.

Next verse. And they went through Syria and Cilicia, confirming the churches. That word confirm means strengthening the churches.

How do you confirm the churches or strengthen the churches? By teaching, by teaching the word of God. That is the essence of Paul’s letters. Paul wrote as a follow up to strengthen the people that he led to Christ.

So those letters are follow up materials or discipleship materials to strengthen the brethren. After being born again, there are things you need to know. That’s you must be in a church.

The mission of the church is to teach you things that you need to know now that you are born again. To help you live out the Christ life on the earth. I didn’t hear your amen.

As I round up, let me show you quickly this as I round up. There are similarities in what Paul wrote to the church at Ephesus and what Paul wrote to the church at Colossae. Colossians and Ephesians had a lot of similarities.

For example, Colossians chapter 2 verse 15 put it up for me. And at this point, principalities and powers, he made a show of them openly, triumphing over them in it. Ephesians 1 19.

And what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us who do believe, according to the working of his mighty power, which he wrought in Christ when he raised him from the dead and set him at his own right hand in the heavenlies, far above. Same thing he said in Colossae, he said in Ephesus, but using different words to describe the same substance. Are you watching that? Look at another one.

Colossians chapter 2 verse 12. Buried with him in baptism, wherein also you are raising with him through the faith of the oppression of God, who had raised him from the dead. Verse 13.

And you being dead in your sins and uncircumcision of your flesh, had he quickened together with him, having forgiven you all trespasses. Verse 14. Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross.

What Jesus did, it canceled the dictates of the law. That’s what he wrote to the church at Colossae. Verse 15.

And at this point, principalities and powers, he made a show of them. Ephesians 2 11. We are for remember that you’ve been in time past Gentiles in the flesh who are called on circumcision by that which is called a circumcision in the flesh made by hands.

That at that time you were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world. But now in Christ Jesus, you who sometimes were far off and made nigh by the blood of Christ. For he is our peace who had made good one and had broken down the middle wall of partition between us.

Having abolished in his flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances for to make in himself of twin, one new man. So make him peace. Same thing he said to Ephesus, he said to Colossae.

But I want you to notice something. Colossians 3 1. If he then be reasoning with Christ, seek those things which are above where Christ seated on the right hand of God. Look at Ephesians chapter 2 verse 6. And has raised us up together and made us sit together.

Same thing to the two churches with different expressions. Look at Ephesians 1 3. Blessed be the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ who had blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ. Colossians 2 10.

Same thing. And you are complete in him. That is all blessings.

Who is the head or which is the head, the pleroma of all principalities and powers. Ephesians 6 18. Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the spirit and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints.

Colossians 4 2. Continue in prayer and watch in the same with thanksgiving. Same thing he’s speaking to the two churches. With different expressions.

Colossians 3 16. Let the word of of Christ dwell in you richly. In all wisdom.

Teaching and admonishing one another. In psalms and hymns and spiritual songs. Singing with grace in your heart to the Lord.

Alright? The book of Ephesians 5 18. And be be not drunk with wine. We are in its excess.

But be filled with the spirit. Speaking to yourselves. Next verse.

In psalms and hymns and spiritual songs. Singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord. Same thing he’s saying to the two churches.

Look at Ephesians 5 22. Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands as unto the Lord. And then he talked about husbands, love your wives.

Then he talked about children, children, obey your parents. Now in Colossians 3 18. Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands as it is fit in the Lord.

Next verse. Husbands, love your wives and be not bitter against them. Next verse.

Children, obey your parents. The same things he told Ephesus. He told Colossi.

Because those books are similar. But I’m going to show you a little difference right now. Now, please take note.

Same thing he told Colossi. Same thing he told Ephesus. Same thing he told Philemon.

He told the same thing to Philemon. That the communication of your faith be effectual by the acknowledging of everything that is in you in Christ. Now, what was the difference between Colossi and Ephesus? The church at Colossi was not pastored by Paul and was not started by Paul.

And Paul never saw them with his eye. He never saw the Colossian church at all. The only church Paul pastored physically was the church at Ephesus.

But the church at Colossians was pastored by Paul’s spiritual son called Epaphras. Epaphras started the church at Colossians and pastored the church at Colossians. But when Paul was in prison, because he was the overseer over Epaphras, when he wrote to Ephesus, he wrote to Colossi.

But if you check carefully, the depth with which he wrote the letter to Ephesus is different from the depth to Colossi. Because the Colossian church, he didn’t know them physically. But the Ephesians church, he could address them directly because he knew them.

So the book of Ephesians has more depth of expression than the book of Colossians. So in studying those books, you must understand what Paul tried to achieve. And it is one central thing Paul was trying to achieve in these two churches.

Number one, who we are in Christ. Number two, what Christ has done in us. Number three, in the church at Colossi, Paul tried to achieve looking at Christ Jesus and us in him.

Us in Christ. Ephesus, who we are, what we have, what can be done. Colossians, Christ and we in him.

Those are the central themes of these two books. I didn’t hear somebody shout a powerful amen. So that was the reason behind Paul writing.

He wrote them as a follow up. As a follow up to establish, strengthen and solidify them in the faith. And that is the mission of every soul winner.

When you win a soul, you don’t just abandon the person, you follow the person up. That is the hallmark of spiritual growth. You’re not growing spiritually so you can be a giant.

You’re growing spiritually so you can grow others and so that you can nourish others. I prophesy over this house tonight, you will never fail. If that amen is louder, grace is multiplied upon you.

Stand on your feet as I close. Somebody blessed tonight. Did you feel like you went to school? Yeah.

Say with me, I will win souls and I will disciple them. Say with me, I am growing so I can raise others. Say with me, I accept responsibility.

To win souls and personally disciple them. Say with me, my joy in the kingdom will be to see people that I personally raised up in the house of God. I didn’t hear an amen.

That would be your joy. That you will turn one day and say, pastor in this church, you are the one that brought him to Christ, you are the one that raised him up and now he is a pastor in this church. Wouldn’t you be excited? And he’s winning souls.

That’s the joy of a believer. Now, if that doesn’t give you joy, something is wrong. You’re either not born again or you got born again and you developed the wrong appetite.

There are people in Christianity that have developed the wrong appetite. What is their appetite? Breakthrough, breakthrough, breakthrough. They don’t want responsibility.

Breakthrough, Jesus. Jesus, touch me. Touch me.

Why will he touch you when he’s living inside you? The person living inside you is already touching you permanently. You don’t need a special touch. All I need is a touch from Jesus.

All I need is a touch. How can you be looking? What an insult. The person you want to touch, you say, no, I don’t want to live inside you.

So, I can be touching you constantly. And you’re saying, all I need is a touch from the Lord. You know that thing they call touch and go.

There’s a solution called touch and go. You touch and go. Jesus doesn’t want to touch and go.

He wants to live in you. Amen. Lift your right hand and say he lives in me.

I live in him. Therefore, I am in him justified. He is in me glorified.

I am the Lord. I want spirit. What cannot defeat him cannot defeat me.

I am born again and I am growing spiritually so I can grow others. I didn’t hear you shout that amen like thunder. Lift your right hand.

The remaining days of this week, I command grace to be multiplied upon your life. I decree that you are a witness. You are an ambassador.

You are an extension of the hands of Christ. And I decree that through you souls will be saved and not just saved but established. He that winneth souls is wise.

You are wise. And I declare that Christ in you will reconcile the world to himself. I decree that by virtue of what Christ has done in your life, you will enjoy the joy of salvation.

It is well with you. You overcome every trial, every temptation, every challenge. I declare right now, you have solution for them.

You have solution for them. Many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivereth him out of them all. As your amen will come like thunder, every affliction you’ve been going through, come out of it.

Come out of it. Come out of trial. Come out of affliction.

Come out of pain. Every trap set for your feet, come out of it. The trap will not catch you.

You abort the plan of the enemy. You disappoint the devil’s expectation. Your steps are ordered.

Your life is blessed. Your destiny is blessed. They shall surely gather but not by God.

For your sake they fall. They are disappointed. You are blessed in Christ.

You are kept by the power of God. You shall eat the goodness of God in this land. You are blessed.

Nobody can curse you. It is well with your spirit, soul, and body. In the name of Jesus.

You are complete in him who is the head of every devil. Reign in this life. Rule in this life.

And enjoy the goodness of God. In Jesus precious name. Can every believer in this church shout a victorious amen? For one second, two second, let’s give Jesus the greatest victory shout and clap.

If you are the one winning every trial, if you are the one overcoming every situation, if you’re the one defeating every devil, let it be a victory shout. Let it be a triumphant shout. Poverty is falling.

Failure is falling. Your enemies are falling. Trials are falling.

We win. We win. We win.

Glory. Oh my goodness. What a world.

What a world. What a world. When you grow in the knowledge of who God is, doctrinal, your relationship with God becomes more effective.

Bible tells us that the communication of your faith becomes effectual by the acknowledging of every good thing that is in you in Christ. Please don’t go away. It’s very important.

So we’re going to go into what we’ve begun to deal with, you know, and then we’re just going to build on it. Now, we looked on earlier and we said that we should take the content of the book. And what makes the book, the book of Ephesians, is the content and the context in which the book was written.

In the book of 2 Timothy chapter 3 verse number 16, all scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, and for instructions in righteousness. So we’ve established that any material that is taught has to be inspired by the scriptures. It has to be inspired by the scriptures.

And any material that is inspired by the scriptures is worthy to be read, is worthy to be read. Like Paul said to Timothy in 2 Timothy 3 verse 15, that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures which are able to make thee wise unto salvation. That the mission of the scripture is to make you wise unto salvation.

So we conclude that the Bible is about faith in Christ, which is able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ. So the mission of the Bible is to bring you to a place of faith in Christ. That any book that presents Christ as the center is a book worthy to be read.

Any book that talks about the redemptive work of Christ, the redemptive work of Christ. Not just Christ, but it has to have certain elements in it. It has to have Christ as the center of its content and context.

And it has to have the redemptive work of Christ at the center of that book. For example, Luke 24, 25. And beginning at Moses, so Jesus himself made reference to Moses.

And by doing that he authenticated Moses. Beginning at Moses, and we said Moses is Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy. By making reference to the writings of Moses, Jesus authenticated Moses.

So beginning at Moses and all the prophets. So for Jesus to make reference to the writings of the prophets, he authenticated their writings. That means he was the center of all of those books.

He expounded unto them in all the scriptures. So he authenticated all the scriptures. Because all the scriptures contained the things concerning himself.

So any book that has Christ at the center of it, and it has its content as the redemptive work of Christ, is a book worthy to be read, and is a book worthy to be taught. Luke 24, 44. In the law of Moses, and in the prophets, and in the Psalms concerning me.

Next verse. And he opened their understanding that they might understand the scriptures. In John 5, 39, Jesus said to the Jews, search the scriptures.

For in them you think you have eternal life, but they are they which testify of me. So the scriptures, therefore, that has Christ at its center, is worthy to be read. Therefore, we saw that Paul the Apostle was accepted among the Apostles.

Apart from having Christ at the center of his writing, and the entire content and context of his writing was the redemptive work of Christ. What happened from the cross to the throne is all that Paul expatiated in his writings by the revelation of the Holy Spirit. Apart from that, he was accepted among the core Apostles, the Apostles as an Apostle.

One of those Apostles that authenticated the work of Paul is Apostle Peter. In the book of 2 Peter 3, verse 15. An account that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation.

Even as our beloved brother Paul also, according to the wisdom given unto him, hath written unto you. He has what? He has written unto you. He has written unto you.

Then look at the next verse. As also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things, in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable rest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction. So Peter acknowledged that the writings of Paul were so deep that people who don’t have understanding, they wrestle with the knowledge, they wrestle with the writings of Apostle Paul.

Can somebody shout a good amen? So now we begin to see that the theme of the book of Ephesians is Christ and the church. To see the church in its glorious state in Christ. That’s the theme of the book of Ephesians.

Who are we in Christ? What has Christ done in us? Now, that’s the book of Ephesians. But the book of Colossians is to look at Christ Jesus and us in him. To look at who Christ Jesus is and us in him.

That is the subject of the book of Colossians. The book of Ephesians is to see the church in its glorious state in Christ. Who we are in Christ, what Christ has done in us.

But the book of Colossians is to look at Christ and us in him. Because we are going to be looking at the two books like we have already been looking at the two books interchangeably. The book of Ephesians is a book of remembrance.

He wrote that book to the church at Ephesus to remind them things he had already taught them. What he wrote in the book of Ephesians was not new to the church at Ephesus. Because he had already spent three years pastoring that church.

He had taught them all of these things that he is now writing by way of putting them in remembrance. When you know the things that are written in the book of Ephesians, you are further strengthened in your convictions. Look at Philippians chapter 3 verse 1. Finally, my brethren, rejoice in the Lord to write the same things to you.

The same things. That means what I’m writing to you is not new. It’s the same things I taught you before that I’m writing.

All of Paul’s books were books he wrote to churches where he had already taught. He may not have been the one who pastored those churches, but his own spiritual children pastored those churches and they thought what Paul taught. So when he wrote to them, he was writing them to put them in remembrance.

He said to me, indeed, it is not grievous, but for you, it is safe that I write. I’m not angry to write you on the same things I have taught you. It is just that it is safe because it will reinforce your convictions on the subject.

Are we together here? Second Peter chapter 1 verse 12 says, Wherefore, I will not be negligent to put you always in remembrance of these things, though you know them, and be established in the present truth. Even though you know it, I will not be negligent to write you so that you can be established in the present truth. What we’re teaching now is called the present truth.

Peter called it the present truth. The message of his death, his burial, his resurrection. Peter referred to it as the present truth.

That means anything you are teaching that is not his death, burial, and resurrection is a past truth. Can somebody shout hallelujah? So the essence of this letter is to bring them into remembrance of the truth of God’s word. They have been taught publicly and from house to house.

You remember we read the other day in Acts chapter 20 where Paul was telling the church at Ephesus. You remember how that night and day I have traveled, I have taught you, I have taught you publicly, and I’ve come to your houses house to house teaching you of this truth. So now Paul, after doing all of that labor, is writing them to put them in remembrance of the truth that he has communicated to them.

Can somebody shout a powerful amen? Let’s look at Acts chapter 20 verse 19. Serving the Lord with all humility of mind and with many tears and temptations, which befell me by the lying in wait of the Jews. This is Paul talking about the things he’s going through by virtue of persecution from the Jews who have not embraced the message that he was preaching.

Ephesians chapter 4 verse 1. I therefore the prisoner of the Lord beseech you that you work worthy of the vocation wherewith you are called. Next verse. With all loneliness, humility, and meekness, with longsuffering for bearing one another in love.

The same thing he said in Acts he repeated in Ephesians using different expressions. But the message is one. Are we together here? Let’s see another one.

Acts 20 27. For I have not shown to declare unto you all the counsel of God. How many counsel of God? All.

Now look at the way he said it. He repeated the same thing to the church at Ephesus. Now, these things he said before in Acts, we are to the church in Ephesus.

Now, when he now was in prison, he wrote back to the church in Ephesus, repeating the same thing he told them when he was pastoring them in Acts. Are we together here? All right. So see the way he wrote to them when he was in prison.

Ephesians 1 9. Having made known unto us the mystery of his will, according to his good pleasure, which are proposed in himself, that in the dispensation of the fullness of times, he might gather together in one all things in Christ, but which are in heaven and which are on earth, even in him, in whom also we have obtained an inheritance being predestinated, according to the purpose of him who walketh all things after the council of his own will. So when he was with them, he talked to them about the council, all of the council of God. Now, when he wrote to them, he reminded them the council of God.

Are we together here? Look at Acts 20 32. And now, brethren, I commend you to God and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified. All right.

Now, look at when he wrote to them while he was in prison. He repeated the same thing in Ephesians 3 20. Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think according to the power that walketh in us.

That power that walketh in us is what Paul called the grace of God that is able to build you up and give you. That grace will give you an inheritance. He called that grace in Ephesians when he wrote as power.

Are we together here? Then look at Ephesians 1 14, which is the end of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession unto the praise of his glory. He is still reinforcing and reminding them so that they are established in the present truth concerning the inheritance that they have. Are we together here? Look at Ephesians 1 18.

The eyes of your understanding be enlightened that you may know what is the hope of his calling and what the riches of the glory of what his inheritance in the same. So it’s still reminding them that there is an inheritance, but your eyes need to be open so you can harvest this inheritance that is yours. And what will bring you into the fullness of this inheritance is the grace of God.

I commend you to God and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up and give you an inheritance. Are we together here? Look at Ephesians 2 20 and are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets. Jesus Christ himself being the chief cornerstone be established.

He was talking about the grace of God will establish you or build you up. So now he’s telling you how we are built. We are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets.

The point I’m making is that everything Paul was writing them is what he already taught them. So what he was simply doing in the book of Ephesians was putting them in remembrance. Are we together here? All right.

So the book of Ephesians is a book of remembrance, a book written to a church that was mixed with Jews and Gentiles. A book that was written to a church that was mixed with Jews and Gentiles. Naturally, that should be a problem church.

Naturally. Are we together here? Naturally, a church that is mixed with Jews and Gentiles should be a problem church because the Jews feel superior to the Gentiles and the Gentiles feel inferior to the Jews. So it should be a problem church because the Gentiles were not a people.

The Jews were the people. He said to the woman at the well, salvation is of the Jews. Salvation is of the Jews is their property.

All right. So now you have a mixture in the same congregation of Jews and Gentiles, and they are supposed to function at the same level. It will take a lot of teaching to break down those walls.

And that’s why Paul began to teach them and began to show them that we are one baptism, we are one spirit, we are one faith. Ephesians chapter 2 verse 5. Even when we were dead in sins had quickened us together. The word together means both Jews and Gentiles.

He has quickened us together. That’s why he had to use that word together in his book. Look at another place he used the word together, verse 6. And that raised us up together.

He is using that word intentionally to melt the wall of barrier between the Jews and the Gentiles. Making them see that you were raised together with Christ. We are raised together with Christ.

So we together were raised with Christ. Ephesians 2 verse 22. In whom ye also are builded together.

See the use of the word together. You are builded together for an habitation of God through the spirit. What he is saying is all of us together is where God dwells.

Nobody has more custody of God than the other. So nobody should be looking for somebody to pray for him. Because the same God in that person praying for you is the same God in you that is being prayed for.

I don’t know if we are together here. That means nobody is superior and nobody is inferior. We all have the same acceptance before God.

So Paul was breaking the barriers between the Jews and the Gentiles in the church at Ephesus. If it is getting clear shout a good amen. He also used another word in the book of Ephesians.

It is the word one, one, one. Look at Ephesians 2 verse 15. Having abolished in his flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments containing ordinances, for to make in himself of twin one new man.

Ephesians 2 verse 18. For through him we both have access by one spirit unto the Father. We all have access by one spirit.

That means if you can pray, I can pray. If God will hear you, you will hear me too. Because the same one spirit is what gives all of us access to the Father.

I don’t know if I am communicating. Paul was establishing these people in the truth, in the present truth. Look at verse 19.

Now therefore you are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints and of the household of God. Nobody again is a stranger. And nobody again is a foreigner.

All of us are fellow citizens. And all of us are called the household of God. No inferior, no superior.

So the book of Ephesians equips you to know who you are, what you have, and what Christ can do through you. Can somebody shout hallelujah? Look at another one. Ephesians 4.4. There is one body, one spirit, even as you are called in, one whole of your calling.

One Lord, one faith, one baptism. One, one, one, one, one. There are no two.

That’s what I used to say. There is no female Holy Ghost and male Holy Ghost. Holy Ghost is Holy Ghost.

There’s no point to look at the woman and say, well, you are inferior, I am superior. No, no, no. Holy Ghost, there’s no male, no female.

He’s one spirit. I’m not hearing a good amen. Look at Ephesians 4.12. He now says the essence for the fivefold ministry is for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ.

Why? Till we all come in what? Unity of the faith. We are coming to the unity of the faith. What is the unity of the faith? One faith, one baptism, one spirit.

See? One Lord. That’s the unity of faith. That all of us are seeing Christ, and that’s all.

Paul said we preach not ourselves, but Christ and Him crucified. That’s all we preach. Nobody’s preaching himself.

So when a preacher begins to brag about himself, you need to check him very carefully. Because the message is not the man of God. The message is Christ.

Are we together here? We are coming because the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers are doing their work. Their work of perfecting the saints. And as the saints keep getting perfected, we shall come to the unity of the faith.

Somebody shout hallelujah. So Paul’s letter was to bring them to the unity we have in Christ. Galatians chapter 3 verse 27.

For as many as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek. There is neither bond nor free.

There is neither male nor female. For you are all one. See the use of the word one.

Paul keeps using the word one to melt that barrier. So the essence of this letter is to see the oneness that we have in Christ. The essence of Paul’s letter to Ephesus is to see the oneness that we have where? In Christ.

Look at Ephesians chapter 1 verse 3 now. Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenlies, in Christ. There are no places.

For proper exegesis. Now we have to start removing all the translators additions. For proper interpretation.

So he has blessed us with all and those blessings are in the heavenly. And the heavenlies are in Christ. So the blessings are not in places.

The blessings are in Christ. They are in Christ. The blessings are where? In Christ.

The blessings are where? In Christ. So when you have Christ, what do you have? You have Christ with all the blessings. So every sin therefore is blessed in Christ.

He is blessed with all the blessings in Christ. The word blessed is an advantage. It means to be favored or to be empowered.

It means that in Christ you have the advantage. Ephesians chapter 1 verse 18. The eyes of your understanding being enlightened.

That you may know what is the hope of his calling. Those of us that got born again in the 80s were cheated. And this is why we were cheated.

We were taught things that are not consistent with the New Testament. They taught us that for you to do ministry, it is called full-time ministry. And the idea they gave us is that you have to leave everything and just do ministry full-time.

But as I’ve grown in knowledge, I have discovered that there is no ministry that is not full-time. Now the module they used to communicate to us then was the module of the Old Testament. Where anybody that is a priest has to stop everything and serve in the temple.

Alright? And eat from the temple. And live in the temple. Day and night.

If you remember Samuel’s mother. She vowed that when I have the child, I will take him and hand him over. So even as a child, he started serving in the temple.

Because that’s the Old Testament module. But in the New Testament, all of us are a kingdom of priests. We are all a kingdom of priests.

And in the New Testament, you don’t leave your job to do full-time ministry. Even in your job, you are doing full-time ministry. A pastor asked me the other day.

He said, I am working in so and so office. I want to resign so I can do ministry. I said, you will be cheated like I was cheated.

He said, so what do you mean? I said, you will be cheated. Because when you resign now, you will start struggling. Your family will suffer for nothing.

Keep your job. Keep making your money. Take care of your family.

And do ministry without pressure. Ministry is not a minus. It’s a plus.

I told him, you better keep your job. And if you can, open business for your wife. And do more.

Because ministry is not supposed to take away from you. Paul the Apostle, who wrote the biggest part of the New Testament, was a businessman. Him, Aquila, and Priscilla, they were doing the same business.

They were all tent makers. They were all businessmen. So, you don’t leave your job and business to do ministry.

You do business and combine ministry for more effectiveness. I’m teaching. There’s nothing like full-time ministry in the New Testament.

All of us are in full-time ministry. Both you and me. For the perfecting of the saints.

They will do the work while they are doing their businesses. Every branch is supposed to be a contribution to the overall vision. So that the vision can thrust more.

So, as I grew up, I began to look at the New Testament. Most of the people that worked with Jesus were businessmen. Most of them.

They were rich. They were businessmen. They were rich.

Ministry is not what you do because you are poor. Ministry is not what you join because you don’t have a job. So, since I’m jobless, let Jesus employ me.

That day is over. That day is over. Do you realize the selection Jesus went for successfully? Peter.

Businessman. Fisherman. Big guy.

Come here. He selected. He didn’t say, follow me.

He was picking them. When he looks at you and your profession, he will say, come. He looks at another one, he will say, come.

He didn’t just say, follow me if you like gospel. If you want to do ministry, come. No, no.

They were selected. Smart guy. No, no, no.

Others came, he told them, go and bury your father. You, go and bury your mother. There’s no people like you that will do this kind of assignment.

We need people that are standing on their two legs. Somebody shout, I hear you. That’s the ministry.

We were told that ministry, we have to leave everything. So, even people that are doing successful business will now abandon their business and come into the ministry and be looking like caricature. No.

No. Perfecting the saints to do the work. While they are doing their secular jobs that gives them some form of income, they are doing the work of God without pressure.

Am I communicating? And I said to that pastor, well, a time will come eventually when the ministry will be so big and demanding and busy that you will no more have time for your secular job. That is when you leave the secular job because this one is demanding all your concentration. And until then, you keep doing your business.

You keep doing your business. And even then, you put people to manage it. And you supervise them.

Am I communicating? Praise the Lord. So, that is the way New Testament ministry is supposed to work. Look at it in the whole scripture, you will see.

That’s the way it’s supposed to function. Not to incapacitate people and make them look like refugees. Gospel is supposed to be applause.

Praise Jesus. Somebody shout a good amen. We are putting foundations right.

We are setting things the way they are supposed to be. Can somebody shout hallelujah? Alright, so that you may know the hope of your calling is what brought me into that. And what the riches of the glory of his inheritance were in the saints.

Next verse. And what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us world who believe according to the working of his mighty power which he wrought where? In Christ. When he raised him from the dead and set him at his own right hand where? In the heavenlies.

In the heavenlies. The authority of Jesus is bestowed in the believer. Look at it.

Next verse. Far above all principality and power and might and dominion and every name that is named. Not only in this world but also in thou which is to come.

And hath put all things under his feet. And gave him to be the head over all things to the church. Which is his body, the fullness of him that filleth all in all.

He has put all things under. And has put all authority in his body which is the church. We are that body.

All of Jesus’ authority is in us. What he can do, I can do. Where he is, I am.

What he has, I have. Can I hear somebody shout amen? And I and the Lord are one spirit. Somebody shout hallelujah.

Above all principalities and powers. Above every demon and devil. The blessings are in Christ.

Somebody shout I am blessed. Yeah. And the blessing is in the person of Jesus.

So if the person of Jesus is inside you, you are blessed. There’s no blessing you look for another place. All the blessings are in the person of the Christ.

And if the Christ is in you and you are in the Christ, you are in the blessing. Nobody can cause you. The gods are dead.

I say the gods are dead. One of the names given to the person born again is blessed. That’s one of his names.

Who had blessed us with all spiritual blessings in the heavenlies in Christ. And where is the believer? In Christ. Where is the blessing? In Christ.

So one of the names of the believer is blessed. Amen. I’m not going to be blessed.

I am blessed. I’m not going to be blessed. I am blessed.

Blessed with all, every spiritual blessings. Can somebody shout hallelujah? Now when did you get that blessing? At what point did you get the blessing? Verse four of Ephesians one. According as he has chosen us in him.

Before the foundation of the world. That we should be holy and without blame before him in law. The blessing was given to us before the foundation of the world.

Blessed. Not because we are smart but because we are in him. Why? Look at this.

The blessing is in the person of Christ. And the blessing has been in the person of Christ before the world began. How did I partake in the blessing? When I received Christ, I entered Christ where the blessing is.

By being in Christ, I am blessed. By being in Christ, I am blessed. That is the blessing right there.

And I told you some days back that the blessing is not the car, the house, the money. Because when you limit the blessing to property, it means wicked people, dubious people are blessed too. And we know they are not.

Because you can’t call yourself blessed if you don’t have Christ. So that means that the blessing is not material stuff. The blessing is the riches of Christ.

Having Christ. Peter calls the blessing undefiled. Incorruptible.

That faded not away. Reserved for you where? In heaven. And you know as we go on, we are going to see what these blessings are.

Because they are enumerated. They are in the scriptures. Who is a blessed man? We are going to see all of them.

Praise God. The blessings are in Christ. At what point were you given the blessing? Before the foundation of the world.

Can somebody shout hallelujah? Before time begun. Before the world began. Alright? And he says you have been chosen.

The word chosen is the word elected. You have been chosen. It means choice that is not influenced by anyone or anything.

You were chosen before the foundation of the world. That means you were chosen without external influence. Nobody influenced God to choose you.

He chose you according to the good pleasure of his will. Independent of external influence. Now, listen carefully because I’m going to get a bit technical in a few minutes.

Independent of external influence, you were chosen. But watch this. You were chosen in him.

That is a qualifier. You are not just chosen, but you are chosen in him. So, the choice is because of Christ.

You didn’t hear me. What is the choice? Because of Christ. You are chosen in him.

Take note of that in him. That in him is key. If you did something good and I gave you money.

That money I gave you, I was influenced to give you. By what you did. But if you did nothing and I just showed up.

And nobody told me anything about you. I just showed up and I said take money. I gave you that money without any influence.

So, there is nothing we did for God to choose us. He chose us independent of any external influence. He chose us before the foundation of the world.

He didn’t choose us because we are good or because we are bad. Or because we fasted or because we prayed. Amen.

I said Amen. He elected us in him before the world began. Now, in that election is his love.

He loved us before he chose us. He chose us because he loved us. He loved us before he chose us.

He chose us because he loves us. Amen. And he chose us to be holy before him.

In Christ. So, listen carefully. God’s plan for mankind is only in Christ.

God’s plan for mankind is only in Christ. You can never know God’s plan for your life except you are in Christ. God’s plan for mankind is only in Christ.

And you know some people for lack of understanding of this teaching that you are receiving right now. They have concluded that there are some people that God has destined for hell. And there are some people that God has destined for heaven.

Because they do not understand this doctrine of election, predestination and the doctrine of choice. They don’t understand it. But listen very carefully because you will understand.

And nobody can confuse you. God has not chosen anybody to go to hell and anybody to go to heaven. If you read it in context, you will see it clearly.

Put it back for me. According as he has chosen us, where? He didn’t say according as he has chosen us. If he has just chosen, then we will now say that there are some people he has destined for hell and for heaven.

But the qualifier is in him. And if it is in him, for God so loved that he gave. So since the chosen is in his son, he gave the world his son.

Whoever receives the son is chosen. Are we understanding here? He didn’t say, okay, this one is like that. The chosen is in him.

So since it is in him, it is established on his love. He loved us, he chose us in Christ. How did he love us? For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son.

That whosoever believes in him, what happens? Shall not perish. That’s the election. That’s the election.

It’s not personalized. This election is not personalized. This election is in Christ.

Once you accept Christ, you are elected. Am I communicating at all? Yeah. This election is in Christ.

It’s in Christ. So anyone that chose Christ has made up his mind to be elected. Now, please, when you read the scripture, you must read the entire content of the Bible.

You must look at how it runs through the entire thread of the scriptures. Don’t just isolate the scripture. Look at it as it agrees with the body of truth.

With the entire body of truth. Not just an isolation. Because no scripture is of any private interpretation.

There’s no scripture you can corner and interpret yourself. It must agree, it must resonate with the body of truth. You must look at the whole framework of the book of scripture and see if it fits in.

If it doesn’t fit in, it’s either your understanding is wrong or your interpretation is wrong. Otherwise, the scripture is one book and has one message. And no message contradicts each other.

The only thing that contradicts is understanding. What contradicts? Understanding. I was sharing with some pastors who were a bit confused.

And I said, for example, the Bible says, love not the world. Neither the things that are in the world. Is it not there? It’s there.

Then the Bible says, you are not of the world. You are not of the world. Then the Bible says, friendship with the world.

It’s an enmity with God. Is it not there? Then it now says, for God so loved the world. Then it now says, go ye into all… It sounds like a contradiction.

But there’s no contradiction. Because the world there does not have omnibus interpretation. There’s no omnibus interpretation of any word in the scriptures.

It is only interpreted contextually. So when you study the word world, it has two meanings. There is the world as a way of thinking.

And there is the world as cosmos. Which is the cosmopolitan where people live. So when it says, love not the world.

What it’s saying is, love not their way of thinking. When it says, friendship with the world. What it means is, friendship with their way of thinking.

But when it says, for God so loved the world. What it’s saying is, God loves the cosmos. When it says, go into all the world.

What it’s saying is, go into the cosmos where people are. And preach the gospel. But you are in this world, in the cosmos.

But you are not of their way of thinking. Are we understanding? So scriptures must be interpreted. If not, they will seem to be contradictory.

But they don’t contradict themselves. The word of God is one book, one message that is read. So if God chose us in him.

That means we are chosen where? In Christ. John 3.16 For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son. That whosoever believeth in him should not perish.

But have everlasting life. Who is to have everlasting life? Whosoever. So if God chose.

That means the chosen is not individuals. The chosen is Christ. So if any man now accepts Christ.

He is chosen. Are we in the house? Alright. That’s very important.

That’s very, very important. And you know the, God choosing Christ is independent of anybody’s influence. It pleased God that in him should all fullness dwell.

Yeah, he made up his mind. That Christ is the person. Okay.

Now, so if you want to be a part of gospel. You must embrace Christ. And once you embrace Christ, you are elected.

And you cannot embrace Christ until you are called. Once you are called, you embrace Christ. And there is a call on everybody.

Now, it’s one thing to be called. It’s another thing to answer the call. That is why whosoever believes.

Are we clear? Yeah, because there’s a school of thought out there. That believes that there are some people God has decided they must go to hell. And there are others.

No, no, no. It’s because they don’t understand what I’m teaching you right now. Look at the next verse.

For God sent not his son into the world to condemn the world. But that the world through him might be saved. Next verse.

He that believeth on him is not condemned. But he that believeth not is condemned already. Why? Because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten son of God.

Who is the person that is condemned? He that believes not. Now, take note. He didn’t say.

He didn’t say. Those that are condemned will not believe. He didn’t say that.

He didn’t say. Those that are condemned will not believe. Rather, he say.

He that believeth not is condemned. So, it is based on believing. It’s not like I have condemned you.

So, even if you want to believe, you cannot believe. Uh-uh. What he’s saying is that it is your believing that will either condemn you or not condemn you.

So, it is predicated on your believing. And how can they believe? Without a preacher. So, that’s why he’s going to all the world, giving everybody the opportunity to either accept or reject Christ.

Are we together here? Please, if you understand and say, I hear you. So, God has chosen Christ to save everyone. God has chosen Christ to save everyone.

God sent not Christ to this world to condemn the world. First Timothy chapter four verse ten. For therefore, we both labor and suffer reproach.

Because we trust in the living God. Who is the savior of all men. The savior of how many men? The savior of how many men? All men.

But take note of this. Especially of those that believe. He’s the savior of all men.

But he is much more the savior of those who believe. That means, if you don’t believe, even though he’s your savior, you’re wasting his saving grace. What actualizes that saving grace is your believing.

Are we together here? So, that’s where the choice comes in. They have chosen us before in him. We’ve been chosen in him.

What pertains to him pertains to us. What belongs to Christ belongs to me. Have you not already said it’s not his will that any soul should perish? But that all should come to repent us.

He wants everybody to be saved. There’s no exclusion or inclusion. It is based on whether you accept Christ or reject Christ.

Amen. People don’t go to hell because they sin. They go to hell because they either reject Christ or accept Christ.

Saved by grace. How are we saved? By grace. Not of works.

Through faith. Not of works. It is by grace.

You are not saved by faith. You are saved by grace. You are not saved by faith.

You are saved by grace. That means it is not of your contribution. Bless any man who boasts it is a gift of God.

Faith is not of works. Bless any man who boasts. Your fasting can get it.

Your prayer can get it. It is a free gift. And they that receive the abundance of grace, which is the gift of righteousness, what happens to them? They reign in life.

We are that generation that will reign in this last days. And we are reigning already. We reign over storms.

We reign over circumstances. We reign over situations. We reign over death.

We reign over hell. We reign over the devil. We reign in life.

Somebody stand and shout I reign in life. I receive the abundance of grace, which is the gift of righteousness. I reign.

I am the one reigning. Amen. I reign in life.

I reign over trials and situations. I reign over temptations. I reign.

I reign in this life. I reign with Christ. I rule with Christ.

I am seated with Christ. What he has is mine. Hallelujah.

They that receive. And we receive all that Christ has made available. Can somebody shout hallelujah? I declare by the power of the Holy Spirit.

And I declare over this house by the grace of God. Right now, everything that is contradicting what Christ has done is terminated. Reign in life.

Reign over every storm, over every challenge, over every situation. You reign over that situation. In the mighty name of Jesus.

I speak grace upon you. Great grace upon you. And the comfort of the Holy Ghost.

I declare that by what Christ has done. You have the fullness of the inheritance. Nothing shall deny you.

In the name of Jesus. Great grace and favor upon you. The remaining days of this week.

You will enjoy the goodness of God. In the land of the living. You are blessed and cannot be cost.

You are chosen in him. Before the foundation of the world. Father, we give you praise.

Thank you for grace upon this house. In Jesus precious name. Can every believer shout that name? Can we give Jesus a great praise in this week? Oh my goodness.

So this letter was written to the saints which are at Ephesus. Now from the background study we have done, we saw that Paul started a church at Ephesus from Acts chapter 19 where he came and met certain disciples and he asked them a simple question, have you received the Holy Ghost since you believe? And they said we have not even heard if there be anything like Holy Ghost. And he said to them unto which baptism were you baptized? And they said unto the baptism of John.

And then he preached to them Jesus Christ and they were baptized into Christ and they got baptized with the Holy Spirit and he lay down on them and they professed her. That’s where it begun and after some time those disciples became elders and Paul after spending three years with that church at Ephesus left that church and when he was arrested and kept in prison, from prison he wrote the letter that we are reading now called the book of Ephesians. Are we together here? Now we also established that the book of Colossians was not written by Paul.

The book of Colossians was written by Paul to a church Paul did not start. The church at Colossae was not started by Paul, it was started by a spiritual son of Paul called Epaphras. Epaphras who labored in prayer.

He was the pastor of the church at Colossae but Epaphras was Paul’s disciple so he went as a disciple of Paul and started the church at Colossae and pastor the church at Colossae. That is why when Paul wrote to the church at Colossae he said to them Epaphras who labored fervently among you. He was the laborer among them.

Are we together here? But because he was Paul’s spiritual son, Paul’s oversight covered that church. That’s why he wrote them a letter. Now but if you read the book of Ephesians and the book of Colossians the book of Ephesians is more definite and more precise than the book of Colossians because Paul never stayed in Colossae.

The church at Colossae never saw Paul with their two eyes. Paul never saw them, they never saw him. They just knew that they had a spiritual father somewhere called Paul.

So from praising when he was writing to all the churches he wrote to the churches of his spiritual sons. That’s why he wrote to Timothy, one of his sons. That book of Timothy is a letter written by Paul to Timothy from prison.

Are we together here? So these are letters that were written to admonish and to put the church in remembrance of what they have been taught. Are you with me on the background? All right so with that understanding we’re going to go now into Ephesians 1 verse 2. Grace be to you and peace from God our father and from the Lord Jesus Christ. Verse 3. Blessed be the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings we are in heavenly in Christ.

Verse 4. According as he had chosen us in him. What is the key word there? In him. But for the foundation of the world that we should be holy and without blame before him we are in love.

That we should be without blame. That we should be holy in love before him. So we began to establish that God chose us.

He didn’t choose us as individuals but the election is where? In Christ. So if any man is in Christ who is that person? Chosen. Being in Christ makes you the chosen one.

You are not chosen before you came into Christ. You were chosen after you came into Christ. Is that clear? All right.

Chosen in him before the foundation of the world. So when you believe the gospel you are called elect. You are called elect when you believe the gospel.

The word elect. The word elect is what you are called when you believe the gospel. Not what you are called before you believe the gospel.

So can somebody say with me I am chosen in Christ? Can I hear your amen? The word elect also is a description of grace. This is all of God and not of you. When we say elect it is a grace language.

It means it is all of God. It means it is not faith that saves you. It is grace that saves you.

So therefore faith receives what grace has provided. See that faith cannot receive until grace has supplied. So salvation is supplied by grace.

Then when you hear what grace has done and you believe you are believing makes what grace has done your personal property. So faith receives what grace has provided. That’s why when we preach and people hear and believe the gospel what believing the gospel does is to make what grace has supplied manifest in their lives.

Are we together here? Yeah. That’s where faith comes in. It is not faith before grace.

It is grace before faith. Praise the lord. Now look at the next verse.

Verse five. Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself according to the good pleasure of his will. Now I want you to take note of something.

I’m going to read three verses and I’m going to ask you what is very similar in these three verses. So be very careful because we’re in school now. Verse three.

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who have blessed us with all blessings in heavenly in Christ. Verse four. According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world that we should be holy and without blame before him in love.

Verse five. Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself according to the good pleasure of his will. Now from the three verses I read there is something that is very very common in all of the three verses.

What is that? No. There’s something that makes the three verses very similar. I go over it again because we’re in school.

Verse three. Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who have blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly in Christ. According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world that we should be holy and without blame before him in love.

Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself according to the good pleasure of his will. Can you pick out anything? Yeah it’s all past. It’s all past.

He hath blessed us. He hath chosen us. Predestinated us.

Everything has been done. Amen. Everything has been done.

Where you are concerned everything has been done. You are blessed. You are chosen.

You are predestinated. God is not going to. He has already.

I didn’t hear a powerful amen. That’s what is common in the three verses. It’s been done.

Jesus death therefore. Now before I get into that. Predestinate means to choose before.

When we say you are predestinated it means you were chosen before. It excludes you. The chosen person.

You are not the person that was chosen. It is the person that you are in that has been chosen. It’s not individualistic election.

It is the election of Christ. You are elected because you are in Christ. Are we together here? So anybody, what did I say? From any village, whosoever, once they accept Christ, what happens? They are chosen.

Is it clear? Please don’t let anybody confuse you with any grammar. Once people accept Christ, it is in Christ that they are chosen. So when they say you are chosen before the world, he is talking about you being chosen in Christ.

That means it was God’s plan before the world that Christ will be given to man. And whoever accepts him is chosen in him. Yes, that’s why he gave you the will to choose.

He doesn’t force you to choose. But in Christ, all men are saved. Depending on whether they receive it or reject it.

I taught you sometime ago in Soteria and I don’t know if you remember. It is not when you got born again your name was written in the book of life. Did I teach that? Everybody’s name is in the book of life.

Everybody on it. Their names are in the book of life. It is the day they reject Christ that their names are blotted.

Are we together here? I even took you back to the law of first mention. Did I? I took you to law of first mention. Where Moses said to God, if you will not forgive Israel their sin, blot out my name.

That means his name was already in the book of life. So everybody’s name is in the book of life. But when they reject Christ, their names are blotted out.

Because Christ died for everybody. So by implication, everybody is saved. But not everybody has received salvation.

I don’t know if I’m teaching. So that’s why we preach. What is preaching? Preaching is to reveal to people what Christ has done for them.

Who will reject that? Nobody. Nobody’s supposed to reject evangelism. Except the evangelist is not evangelizing well.

Because it’s good news all the way. And everybody likes good news. Are we together here? Please if you understand and say I hear you.

Chosen in Christ. Chosen in Christ. Predestinated.

Predestinated. Take note of this. Having predestinated us onto the adoption of children.

By. Keyword. Keyword.

By Jesus Christ. The adoption is by Jesus. Yeah.

By Jesus. So you’re only adopted when you enter Jesus. If you don’t enter Jesus, you can’t be adopted.

Are we together here? Adopted by Jesus. So it is done by Jesus Christ. So what qualifies you to be chosen? The death of Jesus.

His death qualified. His death. So predestination means to determine beforehand.

Romans five eight. Put it better. But God commended his love to us in that while we were yet sinners who died.

That death of Christ is where we were chosen in his death. When we receive that death, we now actualize that election in him. Is it clear? Yeah.

While you were yet a sinner, he died. You were chosen before the foundation of the world in him by faith. When he died, he made it a reality that you can accept.

When you accept, that faith becomes actualized in you being in Christ. Is it clear? Yeah. It’s as easy as that.

It’s as easy as that. Your salvation was determined before the gospel was preached to you. Before you had the gospel, he has already died.

While you are yet a sinner, he died. That means he determined your salvation before the gospel was preached to you. But when the gospel was preached to you, what did you do? You received what was determined before you were saved.

Are we teaching here? It is called predestination. Now, let me pull a number. Are you ready for this? Romans eight twenty-eight.

So you were not saved because you prayed and fasted. No, you were saved because Jesus died. All you did was to accept.

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God. That’s a bad translation. Because when you read the entire context, the context is not talking about your love for God, it’s talking about his love for you.

Because down down in us is what shall separate us from the love of God which is where? In Christ. So the love here in this context is not my love for God. That means something’s wrong with the translation.

So let’s translate it properly. And we know that all things work together for good to them that God loves. Correct.

Because the love is after the God in the original Greek. To them that God loves, to them who are called according to his purpose. Those that are called according to his purpose are those whom God loved, whom Christ died for.

Is it getting clear? Next verse. For whom he did for no. For no.

For no. For. For no.

For. Don’t miss that word. It’s key.

For whom he did for no. For no. What is the meaning of for no? To know before time.

Look at this. Let me give you an illustration before I get into explaining this. If I have a driver, I know my drive.

Is that true? I know him because he’s my driver. I know him. I know that sometimes when I tell my driver, take this thing and make sure you get there before nine o’clock.

Sometimes he gets there by ten. And sometimes he’ll get there by nine thirty. He never keeps to time.

I’ve studied him and I know that that is his capacity. Alright? So when I have something serious, that time must be kept for. Even if I send my driver, I must make a plan B. By foreknowledge.

By foreknowledge of my driver’s behavior. Something that is very serious. I must make a plan B to accommodate his failure.

Because I don’t want to fail. So since I don’t want to fail in that assignment, even though I sent him to get there before nine, I will make a plan B in case because he always does. If he doesn’t get there, I will not be disappointed.

He may mess up but I have a plan to fix it. By foreknowledge. By foreknowledge, God sat down at the eons of time and looked into time.

Out of time, looked into time. This is where time began. God sat here.

Before time began. That’s why he’s God. If he can’t sit there and see when time began and how time ended, he’s not God.

That’s why God has no beginning, he has no end. The beginning and the end exist inside him. He saw it began, he saw it end, and he’s still there.

That’s what makes him God. Otherwise, if it’s not like that, then he’s not God. He’s called the ancient.

He has no beginning, he has no end. All right. So God sat here and looked at where time began and in his infinite knowledge as God, he saw all of humanity.

And as God, he saw those that will receive Christ and those that will not receive Christ. He saw it. And based on what he saw, he made a plan for them.

He didn’t influence their choice, but he saw because he has the knowledge to see. So in his knowledge, he already knows those that go to heaven and those that will not go to heaven. Nothing takes him by surprise.

He knew before time that we’ll be sitting here today. That we’re gathered here is not taking him by surprise. But he didn’t make you come.

When you were called to be in the studio audience, you made the choice to come. There are others that were called that are not here. And God knew that those people will not come.

And he knew that you will come because he saw into you and by full knowledge, he saw you making the choices. Same thing with Adam. He saw that Adam will make the choice to mess up and he prepared Jesus as the lamb before the foundation of the world.

His full knowledge. Full knowledge. It is that full knowledge of God.

Are you following now? Okay. It is that full knowledge of God that informed the predestination. It is that his full knowledge that informed him predestining people, preparing for people before time.

It was because of the full knowledge. Are you here? That predestination is as it relates to the conformity to the image of his son. That means the predestination is targeted at the son.

Because whoever will be conformed will have to be in the son. Are we together? That he might be the prototokos. The firstborn or prototype among many bread.

How many brethren? Many. Next verse. Look at this.

Moreover, whom he did predestinate, them he also called. And whom he called, them he also justified. And whom he justified, them he also glorified.

Are we together here? Alright. So, it is in sequence. He had full knowledge.

Based on full knowledge, he predestinated. Based on predestination, he called. Based on those he called that responded, he justified.

And those whom he justified, he glorified. But it all has its roots where? In full knowledge. Full knowledge is key in interpreting the doctrine of predestination.

And the doctrine of election. Are you in the house? Key. Fundamental.

Very fundamental. Very fundamental. Thank you lord.

I say thank you lord. Then look at verse thirty-one. What shall we say then to these things if God be for us, who can be against us? Look at verse thirty-two.

He does bear not his own son. This explains predestination. This verse explains predestination.

He does bear not his own son but delivered him up for us all. For how many of us? Exactly. How shall he not with him also freely give us all things? That explains predestination.

Look at the next verse. Who shall lay anything to the charge of God’s elect? It is God that justify it. Who is he that condemn it? It is Christ that died yea rather that is risen again who is even at the right hand of God who also make it intercession for us.

Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation or distress or persecution or famine or nakedness or sword? As it is written, for thy sake we are killed all the day long. We are counted as sheep for the slaughter. Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors.

Through him that loved us. That loved us. For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other creature shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

I didn’t hear your amen. Can I hear a better amen? So we qualify the elect of God by the death of Jesus. So if the death of Jesus therefore is for everybody, then that means God has determined that everybody should be saved.

Example, if the death of Jesus which explains predestination is for everybody, then God has predetermined that everybody should be saved. But you are only saved in that predetermination by choice. I hear some, there’s a school of thought that says God has determined those that will go to heaven.

There’s no point to waste your time. If God determined those that will go to heaven, there’s no point for you to waste your time. Then you don’t need choice.

Then God shouldn’t have given you a will to choose. He should have forced everybody to do what he wants to do. But by giving you a will means he has created a choice, even though this is what he wants, but you have a choice to jump out of it.

Are we together here? Give you a choice. This is what he wants and he has made provisions for you to have it, but you can choose to have it and you can choose to reject it, but in his full knowledge, he knows that I will reject it and those that will accept it. He didn’t influence their choice, but he just knew that they will take it and they will reject it.

Are we here? Let me give you an illustration. If a little child climbs here and this was some height, you don’t need prophecy to know that any attempt to come down, he will fall. You don’t need prophecy, do you? You know that this baby, if this baby moves too much towards the edge, the next thing will be falling.

You know that by full knowledge. So what do you do when you know that that child may fall? You put a mattress on them so that when the child falls, the child will not be wounded. Now, you didn’t need prophecy to do that.

You did that because you know better. God knows better. So whatever he did, he did because he knows better, but he still allowed you the choice to accept what he has done or reject what he has.

Is it clear? Please, if it’s clear, say, I hear you. Yes. Yes.

Every human being has the ability to accept or to reject. And that is why when we preach now, you say no to the gospel, we come again. And as we keep coming, both we and God and the Holy Ghost are walking on your wheel, walking on your wheel, walking on your wheel.

And if you are still resisting, then we start praying for you. Our prayers begin to add in circumstances that will box you into a corner where you look for God. Our prayers are working.

God is working. The gospel is working. Everybody is working to get you to a point where you say, Jesus, come into my.

Everything is working. Everything is working. It’s just that some people end up succeeding in not allowing themselves to be persuaded.

And at that time, it is nobody’s fault because everything has been exhausted to bring them to a place of salvation. But by choice, they rejected it. There are people, Judas Iscariot was one of them.

Everything was done to get Judas born again. Judas rejected. Judas rejected.

Do you know that Judas was among the 70 that went out and cast out devils? Judas was among the 70 that went out and healed the sick. When he sent them two by two, he did miracles. He did power acts.

And God honored it because Jesus sent them. Yet he was the only person that sold Jesus out. That means he never believed in Jesus.

He never believed in Jesus. And to show you that he didn’t trust Jesus and never believed in Jesus, he couldn’t even put himself together to come and ask for forgiveness because he doesn’t trust Jesus and he doesn’t believe in Jesus. But Peter trusted Jesus.

Do you know that what Peter did was worse than what Judas did? Judas sold Jesus. Peter denied Jesus emphatically and he denied Jesus on three counts. He even swore not to know Jesus.

Judas just sold him to collect money because he believed that Jesus would use his magical powers, for lack of better description, that Jesus would use one of those his powers to just do them like this and go away. Then he will have the money. You know, he was just playing prank.

Are we together here? Yeah, Judas thought that Jesus would just razzmatazz them because Jesus has powers. Judas didn’t know that this would be fulfilling a prophecy. Now, even if Judas had come back and said, Jesus, I’m sorry, you will have been forgiven.

Well, he didn’t believe in Jesus. So he took his life out and never had the chance of repenting. That’s why he’s a son of perdition.

But Peter, when he did it and he saw Jesus, he started crying. He came back and repented. He apologized.

Then Jesus forgave him and asked him three questions to cancel the three rejections. Love has done me more than this? Yes. Love has done me more than this? Yes.

Love has done me more than this? Lord, you know, I love you. Three times. He rejected three times.

He confessed three times. Each one to cancel the other one. Go in the house.

If you understand and say, I hear you. Yeah, he gives you the choice. But in his foreknowledge, he already knows.

You can’t take him by surprise. He is God by himself. Praise the Lord.

Teaching good this morning. Now, please follow me carefully. Ephesians chapter one verse four and five.

Take note of this. According as he has chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love. Having predestinated us unto the adoption.

Somebody say adoption. So therefore, adoption can be seen in two lights. Number one, adoption can mean someone is not your child.

You went to an orphanage and took him to your house to look after him. If that is adoption, then that meaning of adoption does not apply to us. Because in that type of natural adoption, you and that child don’t share the same DNA.

And if that is how God adopted us, that means we are not truly his children. We are just called his children. But we are not truly his children.

But we know that we are truly his children. So adoption here must mean something else. So what is the second meaning of adoption? Adoption will mean in Greek and Hebrew, one you place in a position of an heir.

Adoption will mean you being handed over an inheritance. Adoption has to do with inheritance. One who takes your inheritance.

That’s what adoption means. Romans 8 15. For you have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear.

Somebody say I have not received the spirit of bondage. Let me hear you shout it very loud. No fear here.

No fear here. But you have received the spirit of what? Adoption. Whereby we cry abba father.

Now look at the moment you finish talking adoption, look at the next thing you will talk about. The spirit itself beared witness with our spirit that we are the children of God. Next verse.

And if children then heirs, inheritance. The word adoption is connected to inheritance. Heirs of God and joint heirs, joint, not co-heirs, joint heirs with Christ.

If so be that we suffer with him that we may also be glorified together. Somebody say adoption. So adoption here means one that is placed to receive an inheritance.

It has to do with inheritance. So when we say you are adopted, what we mean is you have been placed to receive God’s inheritance. That means where Christ is, you are.

What he has, you have. What he can do, you can do. Why? Adoption.

Look at Romans chapter 8 verse 23. And not only they but ourselves also which are the first fruits of the spirit. Even we ourselves grow within ourselves waiting for the adoption to with the redemption of our body.

Look at Romans 9 verse 24. Who are Israelites? To whom pertained the adoption and the glory and the covenant and the giving of the law and the service of God and the promises. So once he talked adoption he started talking about inheritance.

Are we watching? The book of Galatians chapter 4 verse 1. Now I say that the heir as long as he’s a child different nothing from a servant though he be lord of all but is under tutors and governors until the time appointed of the father. Watch carefully. Even so we when we were children were in bondage under the elements of the world.

Now when he talked about we being in bondage he’s talking about the Jews under the law. The elements of the world is talking about the law. When he says we here he was referring to the Jewish people.

Under the law they were in bondage. That’s why in Romans he say you have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear. Because under the law you were under bondage.

Now that you are born again there is no more bondage to fear. But adoption. What is adoption? Inheritance.

You now have inheritance. Even so we when we were children were in bondage under the elements of the world. Next verse.

But when the fullness of time was gone God sent forth his son made of a woman made under the law. Why was he sent? To redeem them that were under the law. Why do we need redemption from the law? That we might receive the adoption of sons.

All those under the law didn’t receive adoption. No inheritance. Somebody said how do you know they didn’t get inheritance? None of them got it.

Abraham looked for his city whose builder and maker was God. When he came to Canaan he thought it was Canaan and he discovered it was not until he died he never got the inheritance. All those under the law didn’t get the inheritance.

The inheritance of adoption had to come through the death of Christ. You don’t take an inheritance until your father dies. So until Jesus died nobody could get the inheritance.

But when Jesus died he qualified us for the inheritance. On his resurrection we became joint heirs. Joint heirs.

We are owners of the inheritance. Say I hear you. Where he is I am.

What he has I have. Say I have an inheritance that we might receive the adoption of sons. Next verse.

And because you are sons say I’m a son. God has sent forth the spirit of his son into your hearts. Crying what? Yeah.

So adoption is the spirit of Christ. What is adoption? When we say you have the spirit of Christ what are we saying? You are adopted. When we are saying you are adopted what do we mean? You have the spirit of Christ.

What is the spirit of Christ? The inheritance. Teaching. And if a son, then an heir of God through Christ.

So the word adoption has to do with sonship. It has to do with an inheritance. An inheritance.

Amen. I said amen. The spirit of Christ is the spirit of the believer.

The spirit the spirit of the son of God is the spirit of the believer and the spirit of God is the spirit of the believer. You and Christ are one spirit. His spirit is your spirit.

That’s why you have received the spirit of Christ which is the spirit of adoption which is the spirit of sonship which gives you the inheritor. Are we together? That’s why where Christ is you are because you are him are one spirit. Am I teaching here? Where he is you are.

What he has, you have. What he can do? Because you are one spirit with Christ. Joint heirs.

Functioning in the same capacity. Having the same capacity with Christ. So Ephesians one five now says having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself according to the good pleasure of his will.

And that’s why verse six now he now says to the praise of the glory of his grace wherein he had made us accepted in the beloved. That’s why the eyes of your understanding must be enlightened. You know Esau and Jacob were called by their father at the point of his death.

Is that true? It was at the point of his death that he said prepare food for me let me eat that my soul may bless you. He was about to hand over inheritance. So the same thing it was at the point of Jesus’s death that an inheritance was given.

Anybody that lived before Jesus died didn’t get inheritance. That’s why we that came after his death products of his resurrection we have access to his inheritance because his death gave us access to his inheritance. That by means of death he became the mediator of the new testament.

So we and Christ are co-owners of his inheritance. We are he is we are. What he has we have.

What he can do we can do. Am I teaching here? Yep. See that is what Paul was trying to remind the efficient church.

You are where he is. You have what he has. The book of Ephesians reveals your identity to you.

In Christ. Praise the lord. Are you getting this? Is it getting clear? Amen.

I said amen. So at the point of his death he gave us an inheritance. So and what is this spiritual blessing? Remember before he started enumerating this the first thing he opened up is he has blessed us.

So the question now is what is spiritual blessing? Well look at the spiritual blessing that he has blessed us with. Paul began to enumerate it right there in that chapter. In the book of Ephesians chapter one verse four.

According as he has chosen us in him. That’s the first blessing. The first blessing you have is that you are chosen.

You are elected in him. Number two, we are adopted. That’s a blessing.

We are adopted. That means we have the inheritance. Number three, we are accepted in the beloved.

The word beloved there is Jesus. How many of you know Jesus is the beloved? You are accepted in Christ. In the beloved.

You don’t pray to be accepted. You don’t fast to be accepted. You don’t behave good to be accepted.

You are accepted before you know how to behave. You’ve been accepted. Somebody shout, I have acceptance.

With Christ Jesus. Before I knew myself. Amen.

You are accepted to the glory of his grace. Verse seven. In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness.

So the blessing is the forgiveness of sins. David described the blessedness of the man. Somebody shouted very loud unless Satan catch some fever, I have the forgiveness of sins.

You know the meaning of forgiveness? It means to be sent off. To be sent off. That means all sins have been sent off.

Why? Because the blood of Jesus has paid for sins. Say with me, sin can never stand between me and God. Jesus took it away.

Only Jesus stands between me and God. Jesus took sin out and replaced sin. So between me and God, there is no sin.

The only person between me and God is Jesus. There is a mediator between God and man. The man Christ Jesus.

That’s why we come boldly to the throne. We come boldly to the throne. That we may obtain mercy and find grace to help.

There is help for every situation. I didn’t hear your amen. There is help for every of your situation.

Now, you receive that help. In the name of Jesus. My sins are forgiven.

I thought somebody would say that. My sins are eternally forgiven. You know the impression some Christians have is as an unbeliever, the day you got born again, your sins were forgiven.

But now as a Christian, when you see, God has to forgive again. No. God has forgiven you all.

Because the payment for sin was once. The offering for sin was once. Jesus paid for sin one time.

He paid for the sin both before you repent and the one after you repent. It’s one payment. It’s one payment.

Amen? How many payments? One sacrifice for sins. One payment for sins. So, it’s not like God is waiting for you to sin again as a Christian then he will now forgive you.

No, no, no. Jesus died only once. From the point of salvation till you get to heaven.

God will never have a record of sins in your name. From the point of salvation till you get to heaven. God will never have a record of sins in your name.

He paid for sins before you were born. He didn’t pay for sin after you were born. It’s before you were born.

That means he forgave you before you were born. You only realize it and you receive the forgiveness. What do we do? We receive forgiveness.

We receive as a gift. It’s not an answer to pray. Second Corinthians five twenty-one.

God made him to be seen. Who knew no sin that we might be made the righteousness of God. Romans five eight.

But God commanded his love towards us. In that world we were yet seen as. Christ died for us.

Romans eight ten eleven and twelve. He says your sins and iniquities. I will remember them again no more.

Hebrews chapter ten verse ten to twelve. But this man after he has offered the sacrifice once and for all sat down. Expecting to his enemies remained his footstool.

By one sacrifice. He has perfected those that are sanctified. How many sacrifice? One.

So Jesus does not appear before God again. To ask God to forgive. He is standing between you and God.

And as long as God is seeing Jesus on your behalf, your sins are forgiven. You didn’t hear that. Say very loud, only Jesus stands between me and God.

Why? Because God has punished Jesus for all my sins. So every time God sees Jesus, he cannot remember any sin. Because all the punishment has been carried out.

So because of Jesus’s stand in my place, I can approach God confidently. That’s why the to make intercession. He’s the mediator.

He stands between man and God. So my little children, this thing’s right down to you. That you see not but if any man seen, we have an advocate.

Jesus Christ the righteous, who is the propitiation for our sin, and not for ours only, but for the sins of the whole world. God punished the devil. Are you understanding? Please, if you are understanding, shout, I hear you.

Don’t be like King. Don’t get in the way of King. Adam and Eve sinned against God.

And God, God and animal covered their nakedness with the skin of an animal. Showing them that the only way you can approach me when you sin will be through an animal. Because that animal is a type of Christ.

So Cain and Abel wants to approach God. Cain comes with fruit. Abel comes with animal.

God accepts Abel’s offering. Rejected the offering of Cain. And Cain was angry.

And God said to Cain, Why are you angry? If you do well, eh? Sin lieth at your door. What he meant is, if you do well, there’s a sin offering. The animal is before you.

You can, you can still kill the animal. God gave Cain a chance to believe in the animal sacrifice. And Cain, instead of believing in the animal sacrifice, walked away.

That translation was a bad translation. Check it out in original use. What God was saying is, if you do well, if you are ready to do well, there is sin offering lying in front of your door.

The same animal Abel brought you to, you have it in front of your house. If you want to do well, you can still kill it. But Cain walked away.

The Bible calls Cain a profane person. He says profane, he said Cain was a child of the devil. The devil lived inside of Cain.

Cain was far from Christ. So that even when God gave him a second chance, he turned it down. So it was a deliberate rejection of faith in the blood of Christ.

In typology. Are we teaching here? Yeah. It was a deliberate rejection.

Deliberate. So Hebrews eleven four say, by faith Abel offered a more excellent sacrifice than Cain. Okay? And then in Hebrews twelve twenty-four, he says the blood of Abel speaketh better things.

The blood of Abel speaketh. But the blood of Jesus speaketh better things than the blood of Abel. The blood of Abel is not the blood of Abel.

The blood of Abel is that animal. That animal blood that Abel killed, spoke on his behalf. Because that animal blood became the blood of Jesus in typology speaking for Abel.

But we have a better blood than animal blood. The blood of Jesus is speaking better things for us. Are we together here? Hallelujah.

I’m blessed. I don’t know about you. Amen.

It was a type of Jesus’s blood. Self-righteousness would do the same to anybody. Anybody feeling too righteous, too self-righteous.

I can do this, I can do that. The same thing that happened to Abel. You’ve got to come to that point where you know it’s not about me, it’s about what Jesus has done for me.

Amen? No confession of sin can get your sins to be forgiven. No confession of sin can get your sins to be forgiven. What brings the forgiveness of sin is a confession of Christ.

When you confess Christ, what Christ has done, becomes what you have done. Somebody blessed? Somebody blessed? Somebody say I confess that Jesus is Lord. Therefore, I am blessed.

Part of my blessing is the forgiveness of my sins. Can I hear a good amen? Somebody say my sins are forgiven. Are forgiven? In Christ.

Jesus is the propitiation. For my sins. I receive the forgiveness of sins according to the riches of the grace of God.

I didn’t hear your amen. Amen. Forgiveness is mine.

I do not work for blessing. I receive blessing. I do not work for forgiveness.

I receive forgiveness. How many of you know that sin is a legal matter? It’s a legal matter. Sin is not a sentimental matter.

It’s a legal matter before God. And the wages of sin? Exactly. It’s not confessing sin.

The wages of sin is death. It’s not confessing sin. So all the people who think I can confess my sin and God will forgive me do not understand the legality involved in sin.

Sin is very wicked. Sin is so devastating, so bad and ugly, that the only thing that could tame and terminate sin was God becoming a man. And then you think just that confessing, you will wipe away sin.

The only thing that could handle sin, nothing on it. Not even animal blood. God had to become a man and die to take away sin.

Are we together here? So the cure for sin is not confession. The cure for sin is Christ. I’m teaching you.

The cure for sin is Christ. And if you read in context, that scripture is not even talking about confessing sin. It’s talking about confessing Christ.

Even that first John one nine, he’s not talking about confessing sin. He’s talking about confessing Christ. And I can show you first John one nine.

There are no punctuations in the original text. How many of you know that? In the original manuscript, no full stop and comma. So if you remove all the comma and full stop on punctuation, what is simply saying is, if we confess our sin, he’s faithful.

If we confess this sin is Jesus. If we confess Jesus, he is faithful. He became sin.

Who knew no sin? So by substitution, sin there is Jesus. He was our sin. When we confess him who became our sin, he is faithful.

And just to forgive us and to cleanse us. So he was talking to the agnostics who have not received Christ that the cure for their sin is to receive Christ. To prove it a little more.

First John two twelve. Contextual. I write unto you little children because your sins will be forgiven.

Eh? He cannot say your sins are forgiven and in the same subject, ask you to confess. Teaching group. Finally, no other apostle in the Bible ask you to confess.

Holy John. One verse does not form a doctrine. So if there’s a misunderstanding of that verse, it means interpretation is required.

And that is what I have just done. You will feel. Say with me, my sins are forgiven.

Past, present, future, eternally, forgiven. Between me and God. Only Jesus stands.

Sin doesn’t stand. So I have boldness to approach the father. I have plainness of speech with which I communicate with the father.

So with open face, I behold the glory of God as in a mirror and I declare, I am changed. Into that same image. Even as by the spirit of God.

Stand on your feet and let your amen slap the devil. Amen. Anybody here predestinated? Anybody here elected? Anybody here chosen? Anybody here justified? And anybody here glorified? Anybody seated where he seated? Can I hear your amen? Say with me, I have the adoption.

Is part of my blessings. I am blessed in Christ. I’m adopted.

What Jesus owns. I own. I own.

I own. I own. Let me show you what Jesus own.

Just watch this. John chapter sixteen verse forty. What does Jesus own? He shall glorify me for he shall receive of mine shall show it unto you.

Verse fifteen. All things that the father hath are mine. What does Jesus own? All things that the father said they are mine.

And all things that Jesus hath are mine. I own what Jesus owns. Because Jesus owns what the father owns.

Praise God. That’s a celebration place. I own.

I am seated where he seated. I’m I’m I’m I’m chosen within in him before the foundation of the world. Predestinated.

Called. Accepted in the beloved. In whom we have redemption.

Even I declare over you through this week. The boldness of righteousness. The boldness of righteousness.

The boldness of righteousness. And I decree by righteousness you are established. You are far from oppression.

No evil shall befall you. No plague shall come near your house. I decree by righteousness you are exalted.

What Christ has done for you is permanent. The devil has lost the battle. You are in victory.

You are in dominion. In the name of Jesus. Thank you father for all the riches of grace that is made available to your people.

We celebrate the blessing. In Jesus precious name. And every believer says that.

Amen. Can we give Jesus a praise in this place? Oh my goodness. What a word.

What a word. What a word. When you grow in the knowledge of who God is.

Doctrine. Your relationship with God becomes more effective. Bible tells us that the communication of your faith becomes effectual by the acknowledging of every good thing that is in you in Christ.

Please don’t go away. This is very important. You want to invite more people to be part of what we’re doing on this platform.

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