Help us take the GOOD NEWS further and deeper…
Your generosity helps us to continue to reach out to people around the world with the message of God’s unconditional love and grace, and the finished work of Jesus! We appreciate your generosity – thank you!
We aim to be good stewards of the finances that have been entrusted to us as a ministry. The Senior Pastor, together with our central eldership team, oversee and manage the ministry’s finances and to ensure that we are operating with integrity, accountability, and generosity in accordance with the vision and mission God has given us.
Let giving flow from your heart, not from a sense of religious duty. Let it spring up freely from the joy of giving—all because God loves hilarious generosity! – 2 Corinthians 9:7 TPT
We give because:
– It’s our NEW NATURE to be generous,
– We LOVE GOD & are thankful,
– We ARE PART OF A FAMILY and have a responsibility towards the family,
– THERE’S A WORLD TO WIN FOR CHRIST – others must hear this gospel – We give for Gospel expansion,
– It’s laying up for ourselves TREASURES IN HEAVEN.
Give via EFT
Gracelife Rondebosch
Bank name: FNB
Account type: Cheque
Account number: 62822556885
Branch code: 250655
Please reference your giving as “RND your name”.
Give via PayPal
*Our PayPal account is under the email address:
*We are “By Grace Through Faith Ministries” trading as “GraceLife Ministries”.
Please reference your giving as “RND your name”.
Give Cash or Card at a Service
We have a giving box at the back of our hall. We will have card facillities for giving via debit or credit cards, in the near future.